Download Access to Pharmacists Services Act SUMMARY

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FPA Supports HB 547/SB692: Access to Pharmacists Services Act
SUMMARY: Revise the definition of “practice of the profession of pharmacy.” This bill
revises the definition of the practice of the profession of pharmacy to allow a pharmacist to:
Consult on the therapeutic values and interactions of patent or proprietary products and
health and wellness assessments and patient care relating to medication therapy
Manage, in addition to monitor and review, a patient’s drug therapy;
Collaborate with a patient’s health care provider, the provider’s authorized agent, or
other persons specifically authorized by the patient regarding the patient’s health care
status, in addition to the patient’s drug therapy; and
Dispense medications, including vaccines, in addition to the administration of such
This bill will expand the abilities that consultant pharmacists and doctors of pharmacy have by
allowing them to perform medication management, patient health and wellness assessments,
counseling and referrals relating to medications and health care services in accordance with the
current laws and standards. Under this bill consultant pharmacists and doctors of pharmacy will:
● Have the ability to order and evaluate diagnostic, laboratory, or clinical testing without
authorization by a physician.
● Initiate, modify, discontinue, and administer drugs within the context of a drug therapy
management protocol or order in collaboration with one or more health care providers.
The bill also allows for the reimbursement for patient care services apart from medication
prescriptions by health benefit plans or insurers.
Currently Postponed in the House and Withdrawn in the Senate