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Doctor Isabela Grishkan
List of Publications
Fungal life in the Dea Sea. 2004. E. Nevo, A. Oren, and S.P. Wasser, eds. A.R.A. Ganter
Verlag K.-G., Ruggell. (Coauthor of two chapters)
Volz, P.A., I.A. Ellanskaya, I. Grishkan, S.P. Wasser, and E. Nevo. 2001. Soil microfungi
of Israel. C.V. Subramanian and S.P. Wasser, eds. A.R.A. Ganter Verlag K.-G., Ruggell. 545 p.
Grishkan, I. 1997. Mycobiota and biological activity of soils in the Upper Kolyma
River. Vladivostok: “Dalnauka”. 135 p. (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I., and E. Nevo. 2004. Soil microfungi of Nahal Meitsar, Golan Heights, Israel.
Plant Biosystems (in press)
Grishkan, I., E. Nevo and S.P. Wasser. 2004. Micromycetes from the saline Arubotaim
Cave (Mount Sedom, The Dead Sea Southwestern Shore, Israel). Journal of Arid
Environments (in press)
Grishkan, I., A.B. Korol, E. Nevo and S.P. Wasser. 2003. Ecological stress and sex evolution
in soil microfungi. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 270: 13-18.
Grishkan, I., E. Nevo, S.P. Wasser and A. Beharav. 2003. Adaptive spatiotemporal
distribution of soil microfungi in “Evolution Canyon” II, Lower Nahal Keziv, Western Upper
Galilee, Israel. Biological Journal of Linnean Society, 78: 527-539.
Grishkan, I., E. Nevo and S.P. Wasser. 2003. Micromycete diversity in the hypersaline
Dead Sea coastal area (Israel). Mycological Progress, 2(1): 19-28.
Kis-Papo, T., I. Grishkan, A. Oren., S.P. Wasser and E. Nevo. 2001. Spatiotemporal
diversity of filamentous fungi in the hypersaline Dead Sea. Mycological Research, 105: 749756.
Grishkan, I., E. Nevo, S.P. Wasser and T. Pavlicek. 2000. Spatiotemporal distribution of
soil fungi in “Evolution Canyon”, Lower Nahal Oren, Carmel National Park, Israel.
Israel.Journal of Plant Sciences, 48: 318-330.
Grishkan, I. 2000. Soil microflora. In: Cold steppes of the North-East Asia. D.I. Berman, ed.
Vladivostok: “Dalnauka”, pp. 60-74.
Grishkan, I. 1997. Main pecularities of species composition of soil mycobiota at the Upper
Kolyma River. Mycol. i Phitopatol. 31(2): 23-29 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. 1996. Soil micromycetes in Birch forest and Aspen forests at the Upper Kolyma
River. Mycol. i Phitopatol. 30(4): 28-35 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. 1995. Soil micromycetes of Alder groves at the Upper Kolyma River. Mycol. i
Phitopatol. 29(2): 1-6 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. 1995. Mycobiota and biological activity of frozen soils in continental regions of
North-Eastern Asia (on the example of the Upper Kolyma River basin). Ph. D. Thesis abstract.
Vladivostok. (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. 1995. Decomposition of leave and needle fall in main ecosystems of the Upper
Kolyma River basin. Ecologya 1: 7-10 (in Rus.) (trans. into English in “Russian Ecological
Journal”, 1995)
Grishkan, I. 1994. Microorganisms of frozen soils in the Upper Kolyma River basin.
Pochvovedenie 7: 79-84 (in Rus.) (trans. into English in “Russian Soil Science”, 1995)
Grishkan, I. 1994. Soil micromycetes of open larch stands dominated by sphagnum at the
Upper Kolyma River. Mycol. i Phitopatol. 28(1): 28-33 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. and D. Berman. 1992. Microflora of acid organic soils of mountain Subarctic
of Northeastern Asia. In: Proc. 1 Intern. Conf. on cryopedolody. Pushchino, pp. 57-59 (in Engl).
Grishkan, I. 1991. Soil micromycetes in Pinus pumila communities at the Upper Kolyma
River. Mycol. i Phitopatol. 25(4): 100-107 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. and D. Berman. 1989. Biological activity of permofrost soils in Upper Kolyma
basin. In: “Destruction of organic matter in soil”. Proc. Of All-Un. School. Vilnus, pp. 40-45 (in
Grishkan, I. 1989. Ant-hills at the Upper Kolyma River as substrate for micromycetes.
Mycol. i Phitopatol. 23(2): 105-109 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I., S. Kovaleva and A. Ivanova. 1982. Fungi inhabiting polymer material. Mycol.
i Phitopatol. 16(5): 414-419 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. and V. Melnik. 1980. Peronosporal fungi of Badchyses. In: Novosti Sistematiki
Nizshich Rasteni (News of Low Plant Systematic). 17: 34-39 (in Rus.)
Grishkan, I. and B. Tomilin. 1978. Micromycetes Upper Taimyra basin tundra (Taimyr). In:
Novosti Sistematiki Nizshich Rasteni (News of Low Plant Systematic), 15: 23-27 (in Rus.)
Kis-Papo, T., I. Grishkan, A. Oren, and E. Nevo. 2001. Comparison of fungal diversity in
the Dead Sea and the Jordan River. Isr.J.Plant. Sci., 49: 160.
Grishkan, I., E.Nevo, and S.P.Wasser. 1999. Distribution of soil fungi in “Evolution
Canyon”, Lower Nahal Oren, Carmel National Park, Israel. In: Abstr. 7th Intern. Conf. of the
Israel Soc. for ecology and environmental quality sciences. June, 13-18, 1999: 55. Jerusalem.
Grishkan, I. 1977. Micromycetes in main plant communities of Upper Taimyra basin tundra.
In: “Studying fungi in biocenosis”. Abstr. Of All-Un. Symp., Moskow (in Rus.)
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