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Know all of the following vocab words…
Cyrillic Alphabet – Alphabet for the Slavonic language
Alexander Nevsky – Prince of Novgorod, helped Russians fight for Mongols instead of against
Middle Ages – Medieval period
Secular – had a worldly rather than spiritual focus
Benedictine Rule – collection of guidelines for monks
Carolingian Dynasty – family that would rule the Franks, family of Charlemagne
Charlemagne – Charles the Great, ruler of the Frank kingdom
Fief – payment of land
Vassal – person who receives the fief
Knights – mounted horsemen who pledged to defend their lords’ lands in exchange for fiefs
Serfs – Peasants
Manor – the lord’s estate
Tithe – Church tax
Chivalry – complex set of ideals, demanding that a knight fight bravely
Tournaments – Mock battles that knights participated in
Troubadours – traveling poet-musicians
Inquisitions – Legal procedures supervised by special judges who tried suspected heretics
Clergy – Bishops and priests of the church
Sacraments – important religious ceremonies
Holy Roman Empire – the strongest state in Europe until about 1100
Simony – Bishops sold positions in the church
Gothic – A new style of architecture that emerged in the 1100’s
Crusade – War to gain control of the Holy Land
Reconquista – long effort to drive the Muslims out of Spain
Guilds – Groups of people with the same occupation
Renaissance – French for rebirth
Reformation – Movement for religious reform
Lutherans – A separate religious group that followed Martin Luther
Protestant – Christians that belonged to non-Catholic churches
Peace of Augsburg – The agreement that each prince/ruler could decide the religion of his state
Caravel Ship – New ships introduced during the age of exploration
Henry the Navigator – First to launch large scale voyages for Portugal
Vasco Da Gama – traveled to India around Africa
Christopher Columbus – Italian sailor credited for discovery of the Americas
Circumnavigate – To sail completely around the world
Columbian Exchange – Exchange of plants, animals, and disease through global transfer
Mercantilism – The idea that the nations strength depended on its wealth
Balance of trade – More money in that money out
Subsidies – Grants of money, to help business-people start new industries
Capitalism – Economic activity carried by private individuals/organizations
Joint-stock companies – A company where investors buy shares of stock in the company
Plantations – estates where cash crops were grown
African Diaspora – African descent spread throughout the Americas and Western Europe
Ghazis – Warriors for the Islam faith
Janissaries – Enslaved Christian boys, converted to Islam & trained as elite soldiers
Huguenot – French Calvinist Protestant
Edict of Nantes – Document that gave limited freedom of worship to Huguenots
Puritans – Extreme Calvinists, emerged stating Church of Eng. Needed reforming
Oliver Cromwell – Leader of Roundheads during English Civil War
Glorious Revolution – Transfer of power from the monarch to the people in England
Czar – Russian version of Latin word Caesar
Enlightenment – new intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought
Navigation Act – prevented colonists from selling their most valuable products to any country except
Federal System – Power divided between national and state governments
Bill of Rights – First 10 amendments of the Constitution
Tennis Court Oath – Pledge to stay at Versailles until a new constitution was written for France
Radical – Those who want extreme change
Coup D’etat – forced transfer of power
Blockade – forcible closing of ports of trade
Industrial Revolution – The greatly increased output of machine-made goods, began in England
Manifest Destiny – Idea that the U.S. had the right/duty to rule N. America from Atlantic to Pacific
Imperialism – the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country
Berlin Conference – Meeting to lay down rules for the division of Africa
Extraterritorial Rights – foreigners not subject to Chinese law @ five Chinese ports
Sphere of influence – area in which the foreign nation controlled trade/investment within China
Caudillos – Latin American military dictators
Monroe Doctrine – Statement that the American continents are not to be considered as subjects for
future colonization by any European powers
Militarism – glorifying military power & keeping an army prepared for war
Schlieffen plan – Plan to attack France quickly then rush east to fight Russia
Propoganda – One sided information designed to persuade