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Unit II Test (Chapters 4-6)
Chapter 4: Demand
* Define the following…
- Demand:
- Demand curve:
- Demand schedule:
- Law of demand:
- Elasticity of demand:
- Market demand schedule:
* If Product A is a substitute for Product B, what happens to Product A when the price of Product B increases?
- When the price of Product B decreases?
* Explain how prices affect ones income.
* What cause the quantity demanded for slices of pizza to
increase from 200 slices per day to 250 slices per day?
* What happens on the demand curve as the price increases?
* What happens on the demand curve as the price Decreases?
* Explain the difference between elastic and inelastic demand.
* Explain the difference between a normal good and an inferior good.
* Draw a generic inelastic and elastic demand curve.
Which one increases total revenue with a price increase?
Which one decreases total revenue with a price increase?
Chapter 5: Supply
* Define the following…
- Elasticity of supply:
- Market supply curve:
- Market supply schedule:
- Supply:
- Supply curve:
- Supply schedule:
* How do rising prices encourage suppliers?
* What happens to the elasticity of supply over time?
* What will the addition of new workers do to production?
* Identify where marginal product of labor occurs
* Identify where increasing marginal returns take
* Identify where diminishing marginal returns occurs
* List the fixed costs:
* List the variable costs:
* Setup and draw a supply curve and label it S1,
then draw a new supply curve and label it S2 for
the following situations:
- decrease of rent
- decrease in the cost of machinery repair
- decrease in property taxes
- decrease in raw materials
- decrease in worker’s salaries
Chapter 6: Prices
* Define the following…
- Disequilibrium:
- Equilibrium:
- Price ceiling:
- Price floor:
- Shortage:
- Surplus:
* When is the market in equilibrium?
* When is the market in disequilibrium?
* Explain a surplus:
- What is greater than what?
- What happens to price?
* What happens to quantity demanded?
* What happens to quantity supplied?
* Explain a shortage:
- What is greater than what?
- What happens to price?
* What happens to quantity demanded?
* What happens to quantity supplied?
* Who establishes price in a free market economy? In a command economy?
* Explain the difference between a price ceiling and a price floor
* How do prices act as a signal?