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Preparing a National Profile
to Assess the National
Infrastructure for
Management of Chemicals
Chemicals and Waste Management Programme
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 1234
Fax: +41 22 917 8047
Email: [email protected]
Presentation overview
• Introduction
– International context, National Profile content,
References to preparing a National Profile, Key
principles and possible benefits, UNITAR/IOMC
National Profile Programme Support
• Guidance Document/National Profile Methodology
• Suggested Methodology for National Profile Planning
Workshop Working Groups
International context
• 1992 UNCED – United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (Earth Summit), Rio 1992
• A number of conventions agreed
• Key document – Agenda 21 agreed by 150+ heads of state
– Chapter 19: chemicals
– Chapter 20: wastes
• Progress on these chapters directly led to development of
Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions
• 2000 UN Millennium Summit
• World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD),
Johannesburg 2002
International context: Strategic Approach to
International Chemicals Management (SAICM)
• International Conference on Chemicals Management (Dubai,
Feb 2006) adopted SAICM
• Confirms 2020 WSSD goal of sound chemicals management
• Comprises a number of key agreed documents, including:
– Global Plan of Action
– Overarching Policy Strategy
– High-Level Declaration
– other key resolutions such as on implementation
arrangements (secretariat) and Quick Start Programme
History of National Profile development
• IOMC guidance document developed in 1996
• Pilot countries undertook testing of the methodology
• Financing from European Commission, The
Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Switzerland,
United States, and GEF (and now with SAICM QSPTF)
• Some 100 developing countries have received UNITAR
technical and financial support
• To-date, over 115 countries, including several OECD
Member States, have prepared or are preparing a
National Profile following the UNITAR/IOMC National
Profile Guidance Document
National Profile preparation worldwide
What is a National Profile?
• A comprehensive and systematic documentation
of the national infrastructure for the management
of chemicals, including identification of existing
gaps and weaknesses
A National Profile includes information on…
• Chemical production, import, export, storage,
transport, use, and disposal
• Priority concerns related to chemicals at all
stages in their life cycle
• Chemicals-related legislation and non-regulatory
• Responsibilities and activities of governmental
and non-governmental bodies
• Existing interministerial bodies and national
coordinating mechanisms
A National Profile includes information on…
• Available data sources
• Technical infrastructure
• Chemical emergency preparedness, response,
and follow up
• “Nano” chapter under development
• Awareness, training, and education
• Resources available and needed
Key principles for preparing a
National Profile
• Involvement of all concerned parties (multistakeholder approach)
• Country-driven process (by countries for countries)
• Ongoing process (living document – should be
updated on a regular basis)
• Presentation in a standard but flexible reporting
Possible benefits of preparing a
National Profile
• Integration of scattered information into one single
national document
• Initiation of a comprehensive and transparent
process to define national priorities
• Enhanced co-operation of all interested parties within
and outside of government
• Broadened network of contacts
• Increased mutual awareness and promotion of
information exchange among concerned parties
Possible benefits of preparing a
National Profile
• Supports reporting under international reporting
schemes, including the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants
• Important component of an integrated national
programme for the sound management of
chemicals/SAICM implementation
• Publication of Profile on Internet, including on
UNITAR/ECB homepage and national chemical
safety homepage
• CD ROM publication (UNITAR/IOMC)
UNITAR/IOMC National Profile
Programme Support
Conducted under the umbrella of the IOMC
Guidance Document available in Arabic, English, French, Russian,
and Spanish; April 2008 Supplementary Note; 2010 revised Guidance
Support programmes in place for developing countries and countries
with economies in transition
– Assistance to translate the Guidance Document into the local language
– Grants for a national university, research institute, or ministry to assist in
collecting the relevant national and local information
– Support of the organisation of national and local meetings
– Consultancy support to facilitate a participatory process in preparing the
National Profile
– Support for publication, both hard copy and electronic, of the National
With country permission, National Profiles are added to the
UNITAR/ECB National Profile Homepage and UNITAR National
Profiles CD ROM
National Profile Homepage
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