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The problem: severe disease Preeklamsiya
The name of the research and type: " Severe preeclampsia be delivered,
depending on the method for women experiencing postpartum period."
master's degree on the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology 14 00 01 for work
performed on the master's dissertation.
The performance of work will participate: Bukhara State Medical Institute,
maternity complex No. 1 of the city of Bukhara.
Scientific adviser: Bukhara State Medical Institute, Head of the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Candidate of Medical Science Ixtiyarova G.A.
Performer: Bukhara State Medical Institute 1 stage resident Kosimova Dilnoza.
Start research: the last quarter of 2014.
End research: First Quarter 2017.
The basis of scientific work: from the point of view of the current status of the
issue, the subject of the Institute are based on the work carried out before the
department from carrying out innovative projects in the program. This is a lot of
work carried out by the author on a number of business results.
The relevance of scientific work: Preeklampsiya- a threat to the lives of mothers
and children, is one of the serious complications postpartum period. Preeclampsia
collapse the of vital organs such as kidney, brain, liver, lungs,. According to the
WHO about 28% of the pregnant majority of hypertensive cases are recorded
preeclampsia (H.Critchley et all., 2003). After experiencing Preeklampsiya its
consequences not only in the early postpartum period, the next period of his life,
especially in brain activity may be a violation of (M.S.Abdullaxadjaeva
N.E.Eletskaya et al., 2002; N.M.Mazurskaya, Domin .Feodorova et al., 2001;
Z.V.Vasileva A.V.Tyagunova et al., 2000).
Preeclampsia is a very attentive and attention is required. G.A.Ixtiyarova et
al. (2007) think of deaths caused by preeclampsia 96.8% in the postpartum period.
Currently diagnosing preeclampsia in the early postpartum period on the
basis of laboratory tests and clinical indications. (N.V.Bashmakova M.Yu.Lungina,
2000; E.M.Kravtsova J.E.Paxomova, 2002). In the diagnosis of complications of
late postnatal period in women who underwent preeclampsia can be used central
and cerebral hemodynamic parameters obtained by Reoentsefalografic study of
cerebral blood flow and integral rheography (G.A.Ixtiyarova et al., 2007)
Preeklamsiya is a pressing problem in the world, is the main cause of
perinatal diseases and cases among the masses. (Worial Health Organiration
(Geneva), 2011). Results of clinical practice and research proved the involvement
of multi-factors in the formation of preeclampsia. This pathology shows a number
of factors that influence the development of some of them may be. (Ignadko
I.V.2006: Sidorova I.S.2003).
So many publications preeklamsiya learned only in his late complications
during pregnancy, the postpartum period and neurological changes are fully
understood, especially by children. Therefore, babies born to women and their
hemodynamic and neurological changes in the postnatal period reablitatsion
therapy and learning for them to provide an important role in carrying out literature
suggested that the main objective of our work.
The aim of the subject: Heavy preeklamsiya woman, who, depending on the
method of the study period, the hemodynamic status of the mother and child after
The purpose of work: 1. Study of pregnancy in women who underwent a heavy
degree of preeclampsia.
2. delivery is heavy preeklamsiya depending on the method of functioning of
women and their newborns anthropometric index, neurological changes, and their
general condition.
3. The conduct and the duration of the study medicament correction in the
postpartum women who underwent periodic heavy degree of preeclampsia.
4. Algorithm of postpartum period and drawing up a protocol in females and
their infants underwent a heavy degree of pre-eclampsia associated with the
method of delivery management.
Research methods: the style and performance of their work anyhow community.
Daily dynamic monitoring of hemodynamic parameters in women in
the postpartum period. (arterial pressure.Puls.).
Hemodynamic assessment of infants. (Anthropometric, reflexive
Survey ultrasound uterine involution.
Drawing algorithm by the scheme and the dose of antihypertensive,
antibacterial and magnesia therapy in the postpartum period.
Difficult to carry out preeclampsia women, a mother and child the
dynamics of neurological symptoms signs of brain blood flow
detection and correction facilities.
Materials: From 2014 to 2016 will examine 95 women who underwent heavy
degree of preeclampsia. In 1 group will study the hemodynamics 40 women with
severe preeclampsia and their newborns born naturally of which 20 were born by
induction, 20 noninductive method. In the 2nd group will examine the
hemodynamics 45 women with severe preeclampsia and newborns who was born
Practical importance: Preeklamsiya heavy compared to women who have natural
childbirth, the operational manifestation of hemodynamic changes after calving,
their baby and a woman for the first time hemodynamic changes in the dynamics
of complex rehabilitation measures are not recommended to them and their birth
interval between preeklamsiya 5 years is recommended in order to avoid
Scientific novelty: for the first time and operational complications suffered heavy
preeklamsiya cause of his birth, the woman and the fetus, the general biochemical
assessment of hemodynamic and lasting changes in the brain, neurological
complications, depending on the approach to the next dose of the scheme of
rehabilitation measures and practical algorithm is recommended by doctors.
Scientific adviser: Bukhara State
Medical Institute, Head of the Department
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Candidate of Medical Science
Ixtiyarova G.A.
Performer: Bukhara State Medical
Institute 1 stage resident
Kosimova Dilnoza.