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Statistics Department,
1. Introduction
2. Administrative data & sources
3. Challenges with Administrative data
4. Conclusions & Recommendations
 The mandate to compile statistics in Uganda is rested
with Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) – NSO.
 The Bank of Uganda (BoU) compile the Balance of
Payments (BOP) and Monetary Surveys.
 BoU frequently require statistical information:
Administrative sources
Sample surveys
 BoU and UBOS have collaborative agreement in a
number of areas to compile statistics.
 Trade; PSIS etc
 Administrative data sources; Revenue Authority,
Investment Agency, UBOS, line ministries, other
organizations compiling the required data.
Introduction …2
 Compilation of statistics in BoU are consolidated
with the Research Function:
Statistics Department
Research & policy Department
 The statistics department is divided into five (5)
Divisions each charged with the compilation and
production of specific statistics.
 Important statistics outputs compiled;
 Macroeconomic indicators - mainly from
administrative data sources drawn from line
Ministries/Institutions & UBOS
Administrative data sources
 The BOP;
 Current accounts
Trade (Exports & Imports) – Administrative sources for
formal trade supplemented by monthly surveys (Informal
Cross Border Trade)
Services and incomes – administrative sources & some
Current transfers – administrative sources (Ministry of
Finance and other Departments within the Bank) as well as
surveys on workers remittances.
 Capital accounts
 Direct, Portfolio and other investment – mainly through
surveys supported by non-survey methods – Foreign Private
capital. Administrative data (business register) provide basis
for sampling.
Administrative data sources ...2
 The BOP
 Financing Items and memorandum items; mainly obtained
from administrative sources within the bank.
 Monetary surveys
 Internal administrative data from bank supervision and
accounts department.
 Government statitistics
 Administrative data mainly from Ministry of Finance and
 Other statistics
 Business confidence survey – surveys only
 Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) – administrative data
supplemented by surveys
 Index of Agricultural Production – administrative data
supplemented by surveys
Challenges with Administrative Data
 Timeliness of administrative data sources provision of
data inline with the requirements. Administrative data
providers may not have keen interest in some areas of the
data they compile (e.g. Exports etc.).
 Methodology of compilation of data by the administrative
source. The methodology often depend on the initial
requirements of the compiler which may not be consistent
with the users.
 Classifications of products and enterprises within the
administrative databases.
 Require regular reconciliation with the data sources who
may not have the time.
Conclusions & Recommendations
 Collaboration
between BoU and UBOS has
contributed significantly to the compilation of
statistics in Uganda.
 Administrative
data sources provide significant
statistical information for Bank of Uganda
operations requirements despite the challenges with
some sources.
 Going forward, there is need for harmonization of
systems for compilation of national statistics and
continuous capacity strengthening
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