Download Daniel Bible Study Session 9 - The Congregational Church of Easton

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Daniel chapters 11:5 – 12:13
Chapter 11:5 - 45 The Warring Kings of the North and South
Death of Alexander resulted in a 22 year long power struggle for control of the Greek Empire
4 Generals assumed power in the end: hostilities and power struggles continued
The Struggle
The North and South refers not to Israel but to the Ptolemies (Egypt and Arabia) and the
Seleucians (Syria and Babylon)
Notice how detailed and accurate this book appears 200-300 years into the future and beyond
Chapter 11
Spirit of God continues to reveal advanced glimpses of both Israel’s humiliation and restoration
This prophetic passage goes from the history of Israel’s spiritual conflict to the tribulation when
Michael aids in the full deliverance of Israel
Looks ahead from Daniel to the final antichrist
Text: Chapter 11:5 – 11:45
Begin with a discussion of the rulers to the South
Reference to the Ptolemies and their leaders in Egypt
Then we turn to the Kings of the North who tried to affect peace by marrying the daughter of a Ptolemy
Reference to the Seleucids or rulers of Syria
Two regions fought for nearly 200 years
Scandal in the royal household of the North
King Antiochus II of the Seleucids divorced his wife to marry the daughter of Ptolemy II
Philadephus Berenice
Often a way to make peace between warring peoples
The divorced wife would return to murder Berenice, her baby son, and Antiochus successfully
This would cause a great war between the South and North (Egypt and Arabia vs. Syria and Babylon)
Ptolemy III Euergetes, Berenice’s brother, gained control in Egypt and in anger of his murdered
sister and nephew went to war with Syria and conquered Syria looting the treasure
The North would respond under Callinicus and attack Egypt only to retreat in 240BC
However when he returned home he kept battling with Egypt and did not seek peace
The South would then attack the north around 223 BC and successfully gain an advantage that
was short lived
13 years later Antiochus returns with an even greater army and defeats the Ptolemies going as
far as the Gaza
In response to all this war, there will be leaders in Israel who will see an opportune time to rebel but
they will fail.
After more fighting Antiochus III of the Seleucids (the North) wins and takes control of Palestine
Rome appears at this time to insist upon peace between the Greek Rulers
Antiochus marries his daughter Cleopatra to Ptolemy V 192BC
Thought he was putting a spy in to position of power in the Egyptian court
Daughter favored his husband to her father
The Seleucids were overthrown by the Roman general Lucius Scipio Asiaticus 191-190 BC
Rome sent him back to his own land defeated
Took all the land to the west of Taurus in reparations
Rome required tribute which the Seleucids tried to raise by raising taxes
Who was the “vile king” (v21) and why is he described in this way?
This gave rise the Antiochus IV who was known for his cruelty
Goes to war with Egypt and raises such a force that Egypt was overpowered
Prince of the Covenant was Onias III was murdered by his brother who defected at the request
of Antiochus IV 171 BC
Offers Egypt an alliance with the hopes of gaining greater power of Egypt
Antiochus IV goes to war with Egypt and now has gained supporters from the Egyptian army who
refused to fight.
Antiochus will instate two leaders in Egypt one in Alexandria and the other in Memphis
On his return to Syria the best route was through Israel where he put down a revolt and in the process
struck the temple in Jerusalem.
80,000 dead, 40,000 captured, and the sacrificial system was profaned
Had a 3rd and final invasion of Egypt in 168 BC was unsuccessful
Rome came to the defense of Egypt and Antiochus on his retreat took rage out on Israel
V 31 – Antiochus will halt daily worship, kill people in the temple, and sacrifice a pig on the alter
Erected a statue of Zeus
Preview of what was to come with the antichrist
What was the response of the people of Israel to Antiochus when he took his rage out on Israel?
Reaction of the Jews
Jews loyal to God called hasideans suffered death rather than compromising
Judas Maccabeus lead a successful revolt
Some remained strong and instructed people in the truth and God
Others sided with Antiochus and aided him and abated him
V 35 – jumps in time from Antiochus to a future similar trial
Antichrist – exult self as a God, will turn from Elohim
V 40 -- Final conflict between North and South during time of Antichrist
Antichrist hears of others who are going to war that will bring troops to Israel
Will conquer all until the return of Christ who will bring the Antichrist to his end
Chapter 12: 1-13 The End Times
This is the final vision
Daniel was reassured that through the Great Tribulation there will be unparalleled suffering but
Israel will be delivered by the angelic prince Michael
Jews who lose the lives by Gentile hand would be resurrected
Given the hope that though he dies he will experience the blessings of the millennial kingdom
Text: 12:1-13
Verses 1-3
At the time – the time of the Antichrist
Michael the archangel will protect Israel during that gentile period
There is hope for the Israelites even during the unprecedented distress (the Great Tribulation)
The book refers to the book of the saved seen in Revelations
With the establishment of the everlasting kingdom – millennial kingdom there will be a resurrection of
the dead
1 group: Those of faith – eternal life
2 group: the unsaved – eternal torment
The souls of the OT saints reside with God already they will receive heavenly bodies
Verses 4-6
The time of the end – reference to the 70th week of tribulation
Running to and fro – during the time of Tribulation people will search for understanding of their
experiences and will search for answers to their suffering
Will discover the knowledge and hope in the book of Daniel
Daniel then seems to become aware of his surroundings again and notices 2 angels standing by the river
Verses 7-10
The Man in Linen answers the question of the angels about how long this is to take place
Reference to the final 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week went the little horn persecutes the saints
Daniel asks for more understanding
Salvation shall come to many Jews who remain faithful during time of tribulation
The unsaved will pursue false values
Verses 11-13
This section starts with a reference to the end of daily sacrifices, that the anti-christ causes to cease in
the middle of his final 7 years.
Break in the covenant leads from favorable relations to persecution
Temple is now desecrated
1290 days – from intrusion of the abomination there are 1290 days including the last 3.5 final years of
the final 7 years.
Extra 30 days allows for judgment of the living subsequent to Christ’s return before the
millennium begins
v. 12 refers to the kingdom that gives blessedness after the subjugation to the gentiles
1335 days – 45more days allowing for the transition between Israel’s time of being shattered
and God’s setting up his kingdom
V. 13 – refers to Daniel’s death and finishing up of his prophetic career; but will be resurrected at the
end of time in the millennial kingdom
Understanding the text and finding meaning
What is the purpose of the book of Daniel? (to give hope to a beaten down people)
What does chapter 12 say the angel Michael will be doing during the awful period known as the Great
What is the doctrine of Resurrection based on these chapters? What will happen to those who are made
“awake”? What will eternity hold for believers?
Support Scriptures: Revelations 20: 11 -21: 8
What does this passage say about the final state of righteous and the wicked? How does it amplify and
expand the revelation given to Daniel?