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Unit 3 A Nation Divided Chapter 10 Unit 3 The Civil War 1861-65 Section 3 Life at
Home pp. 184
In the North, people who were against the war were called _______________________
List 6 facts about Copperheads
In the South most wealthy landowners ___________________________the Confederacy.
However, there were many southern people, including African Americans and poor
whites, who __________________________________ __________the Union.
During the war, northern and southern _____________________ worked hard to care for
themselves and their families.
Many stayed home, taking care of the family ___________________________________.
In the South, many women saw their farms ________________________ and their fields
___________________________ by Union troops.
Some women took jobs making ____________________ & _______________________.
Other women worked in government _____________________________ doing work
that had always been done by men in the past.
Some women worked as battlefield __________________________________________.
In the North, ___________________________ became the leader of all the Union nurses.
__________________________________________ trained nurses for Union hospitals.
One volunteer nurse, ___________________ __________began the Amercan Red Cross.
In the South, _____________________________ started a small hospital. She was made
a __________________________________ ________ in the Confederate Army.
Some women were ____________________________________ during the war.
Belle Boyd went behind the scenes to get information for the _____________________
Pauline Cushman spied for the _____________________ by pretending to be an actress
traveling in the South
__________________________ an Underground Railroad conductor, also served as a
spy for the Union.
At the beginning of the war, ____________________ ________ did most of the fighting
on both sides.
As more men were ____________ ______ or __________________________ it became
difficult to get volunteer troops.
The South had to pass _____________________________ laws, and was followed by
the North.
Define conscription-_______________________________________________________
On both sides, people complained the laws were ________________________________
In the South, plantation owners with more than _________________ slaves could get out
of serving in the military.
In the North, a man could ___________________________ the government to get out of
military service.
A man could also _______________________________ someohe else to go in his place.
Northern feelings against the draft sometimes led to _____________________________.
Explan why a riot broke out in 1863:
More than _______________________ people were killed in the riot.
By the summer of 1862, President Lincoln had decided to take steps to______________
slavery in southern states that were still held by the Confederacy.
He thought that if the slaves were free, they would ____________________________- to
work in the fields.
Then plantations would not be able to __________________________ food for southern
Lincoln also thought that freeing the slaves would help many Northerners understand
why the war was ________________________________________________________
As a result, Lincoln issued the _____________________________________________
This was a pubic statement that ____________________________________________
What did it say?
Why did it not set any slaves free? ___________________________________________
Why did it not apply to slaves in border states? _________________________________
At about the same time that President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, he
decided to allow African American soldiers to___________________________________
Nearly 180,000 African Americans ______________________________ or volunteered.
Many of them were _______________________________________________________
African American soldiers faced ___________________________________ in the army.
Define discrimination:_____________________________________________________
At firs, African Americans weren’t allowed to be ___________________________.
they served in all African American units, or groups, under _____________ officers.
One of these units was the ______________________________________________
The weapons and horses that African American soldiers received were _______________
______________________________ __________those given to white soldiers.
The Confederacy warned that white officers would be ____________________________
for serving with African Americans.
The Confederacy also said that captured African American soldiers would be
In June 1864, Congress ssaid that African American soldiers had to____________
By the end of the war, African Americans cold become ______________ ___________