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Committee: Economics and Finance Council
Topic: Eurozone Crisis
Sponsor: Japan
Economics and Finance Council,
Acknowledging, that the Eurozone Crisis not only affects the European economies but also has
outreaching effects to other world economies,
Aware, that such nations such as Greece, Portugal, and Cyprus have dealt with the most
economic damage having soaring interest rates and national debt,
Affirming, the causes of the Crisis to be the Great Recession within the United States, high risk
lending practices, real estate bubbles, and trade imbalances in the world economy,
Endorsing, the European Union’s(EU) actions taken against the crisis to be effective and helpful
to the national debts of the afflicted nations,
Noting, the continuation of the crisis and continued economic struggles or the European
economies of Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus along with their effects on the world
economic system,
Noting further, the need of cooperation of all member states as their economies depend on the
European economic success as seen with the United States’ economic struggles in accordance
with Europe’s and Japan’s occasional drops in the Nikkei index due to European struggles,
Alarmed, by the increasing unemployment rates in some European countries and the
ineffectiveness of some of their governments plans to ease the crisis and necessity that the UN
Noting accordingly, that altogether by 2016 a total of €475.75 billion will have been paid to bail
out the nations afflicted,
1. Calls for, member states to come together and form a council of financial and economic
specialists to form a council to investigate and attempt to heal the economic crisis in
2. Encourages, the constant observation of the Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, and Cypriot
economies to prevent further failures of plans and economic turmoil;
3. Endorses, the funding of the Eurozone to aid in the reconstructive plans already initiated
in the afflicted countries;
4. Affirms, the continuation of aid from non-governmental organizations such as the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank;
5. Instructs, that the most financially unstable countries be appointed economic advisors by
the Eurozone that will further aid and advise the governments of those nations to help
build up their economies;
6. Considers, the creation of a plan to create public works projects throughout Europe that
would employ some of the unemployed throughout the most unemployed regions within
the Eurozone;
7. Recommends, that the Eurozone as well as the UN keep monitoring the progress and the
Eurozone make bimonthly reports on the progress of plans initiated so that plans that are
ineffective can be edited to help the country’s economies more;
8. Appeals, to the Eurozone to create a preemptive fund that could be used to prevent
further economic collapses;
9. Implores, the Eurozone to encourage more interdependent economies within itself to
build up a stronger economy as a whole;
10. Suggests, that Eurozone members be fully cooperative with the programs initiated to fix
the crisis.