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Afghanistan Topic 1: Afghanistan 1920s-1950s – Amanullah Kahn, Nadir Khan, Zahir Shah, Daud Kahn. -Afghanistan before the Soviet invasion. Topic 2: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1979-1989; Role of the US in Afghanistan 1979-1989. HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932—937, 1085-89 1114—1119 1122-1123 1137-1139 Topic 4: Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. US involvement in Afghanistan during and after Soviet withdrawal. Afghanistan in the 1990s. HW Topic 5: Harper’s Article: On the Supreme Power of money in Afghanistan. In Class Topic 6: US declaration of war on Afghanistan. Describe the negotiations between the US and the Taliban leading up to the US invasion. What were US interests in Afghanistan? HW Topic 7: Zinn In Class Topic 8: Current plan for future of US involvement in Afghanistan. Cuba Topic 1: Cuban Revolution and the role of the United States in Cuba under Batista. Topic 2: US assets lost to the revolution; US attempts to undermine revolution leading up to the Bay of Pigs; Bay of Pigs. HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932-937 993-994 1012-1014 1076-81 In Class Topic 4: Bay of Pigs. -Effect on Cuba. -Effect on US politics. HW Topic 5: Effect of Sanctions. Topic 6: Cuban Missile Crisis HW Topic 7: Zinn In Class Topic 8: Current Events— Normalizing Relations with Cuba Laos/Cambodia Topic 1: Ho Chi Minh Trail; Origins of the Pathet Lao and Khmer Rouge. Topic 2: Khmer Rouge genocide; Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia; US support for the Khmer Rouge. HW Topic 5: Article: America’s long affair with Pol Pot In Class Topic 6: Watch Documentary: Take 1 pg notes. HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932--937 984-987,1025-1030 1049-1052 1062-1064 HW Topic 7: Zinn Topic 4: Pathet Lao. US tactics in combating the Pathet Lao. Collaboration with the Hmong. US interests in Laos. In Class Topic 8: Iran Topic 1: Mossadegh’s presidency and US role in overthrowing him. Topic 2: Oil Industry under Mossaddegh; Operation Ajax; Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s return to power. HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932—937, 1085-89 988-90 1064-1067 1078, 1080-1083 Topic 4: -How did Carter and Brzezinski see their relationship to the Shah and US options in Iran before the revolution? -Who was Ayatollah Khomeini? -Hostage crisis. HW Topic 5: What was the IranIraq war about? In Class Topic 6: What was the Iran-Contra scandal? HW Topic 7: Zinn In Class Topic 8: Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran What role did America play in the Iran-Iraq war? Iraq Topic 1: British Mandate in Iraq after WWI. Iraq during WWII. HW Topic 5: Operation Desert Storm Topic 2: What is the Baath Party? Explain the rise to power of the Baath Party. What was their relationship to the US and to the Soviet Union when they came to power? In Class Topic 6: Sanctions on Iraq Weapons of Mass destruction and the 2003 invasion. HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932—937; 1085-89 988-92 1090-91; 1098-99 1109-1110 1117-1123 1127-1130, 1139 HW Topic 7: Zinn Topic 4: Understanding the Iraqi oil industry in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Rise of Saddam Hussein to power. Iran-Iraq War. US support for Iran, US support for Iraq. In Class Topic 8: Sunnis, Shia, Kurds and ISIS in Iraq. What role is each group playing in the current conflict? Israel/Palestine Topic 1: British Palestine; Balfour Declaration; McMahon-Hussein Agreement; 1929 riots; 1936-39 Arab Revolt. Topic 2: UN Partition of Palestine after WWII; Creation of the State of Israel; 1948 war; alNakba; refugee crisis of 1948 HW Topic 5: Article: Israel and Palestine, Where to go from here. In Class Topic 6: Israeli settlements: Is a two state solution possible? HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932—937, 1085-89 937-938 1054-56, 1059 1062-1065 1076-1079 1108-1110 HW Topic 7: Article: Brokers of Deceit: How the US has undermined Peace in the Middle East. Topic 4: 1967 war and its consequences. HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932—937 708-709 902 Tehran Meeting 943-950 979-984, 1000 1137-38 HW Topic 7: Zinn Topic 4: Role of China and Russia in North Korea. In Class Topic 8: Obama and Netanyahu Korea Topic 1: Origins of the Korean War; What were US interests in Korea? Early US involvement. Topic 2: Turning points in the Korean War; Outcome of the Korean War. HW Topic 5: Three short articles. In Class Topic 6: Understanding the Armistice and DMZ. In Class Topic 8: Obama’s policy on Korea. Latin America Topic 1: Choose one country in Latin America and read about the history of US involvement in that country in the 20th Century. Topic 2: Choose another country in Latin America and read about the history of US involvement in that country in the 20th Century. Suggestions: Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, El Salvador, Panama, Grenada HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932—937 Topic 4: Choose third country in Latin America. Use index to find all sections relating to your three countries since WWI (page numbers above 776). List pages referenced. Research history of US relations. How did the Cold War shape US policies and interventions in this country? Describe the context of three turning points. HW Topic 5: Current Events: Read three news articles on recent US relations with country 1. In Class Topic 6: Current Events: Read three news articles on recent US relations with country 2. HW Topic 7: Zinn In Class Topic 8: Current Events: Read three news articles on recent US relations with country 3. Poland Topic 1: Revolution 1989 Chapters 1-2. Topic 6: Revolution 1989 Chapter 5. Topic 2: Shock Doctrine, Chapter 9 171-84, 191-193 HW Topic 3: Tindall 5-7 bullet points: Cold War Context: 932--937 993-994 1012-1014 1076-81 Topic 4: Continue reading Revolution1989 Chapters 3-4. HW Topic 5: Zinn 5-7 bullet points.