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1. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere,
2. Troposphere – weather happens here
Stratosphere – jet stream is here and the ozone layer
Mesosphere – protects us from meteors, coldest layer
Thermosphere – hottest and widest layer
Ionosphere – the northern lights are created here
Exosphere – satellites orbit here
3. We are the only planet with liquid water, a breathable atmosphere and we
are the perfect distance from the sun so temperatures are warm enough to
support life but not too hot.
4. Emit – create or send out
Reflect – bounce off of something else
Other stars
5. The sun’s UV (Ultraviolet) rays will damage your eyes. Safe methods:
pinhole camera, welder’s mask, special eclipse glasses.
7. This happens because of the Earth’s rotation (spin) on its axis.
8. This is caused by the Earth’s rotation (spin) on its axis.
9. Direct rays are warmer, less spread out and happen in the summer. Indirect
rays are cooler, spread out and happen in the winter.
The rays become more or less direct as the Earth tilts toward or away from
the sun during its revolution (orbit) around the sun.
10. We have four seasons because of our revolution (orbit) around the sun and
because of the tilt of the Earth’s axis.
11. Spring Equinox – March 21
Summer Solstice – June 21
Fall (Autumn) Equinox – Sept. 21
Winter Solstice – Dec. 21
Longest daylight happens on Summer Solstice, Shortest daylight happens on
Winter Solstice. Day and Night are equal (12hours/12hours) everywhere on
Earth on the two equinoxes. These changes are caused by the tilt of the
Earth’s axis and its revolution (orbit) around the sun)
12. The seasons are opposite in the two hemispheres. When one has summer,
the other has winter and vice versa.
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