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Landscaping. (Adopted by reference in WCCP Chapter 2.)
Landscaping location and spacing.
Plant sizes at time of planting.
Plant choices.
Existing vegetation.
Buffering plantings.
Parking areas.
Trash or garbage collection storage areas – Screening and placement.
Special requirements for individual zone districts.
Installation and bonding.
Planting and care.
Street planting.
Off-street parking and loading requirements.
General requirements.
Parking space dimensions.
Wheel stop, overhang.
Loading space requirements and dimensions.
Location of parking spaces.
Screening and/or landscaping.
Required trash areas.
Nonpermitted storage.
Minimum distance and setbacks.
Joint use.
Wheel blocks.
Width of aisles.
Parking space requirements.
Accessible parking.
General interpretations.
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Land clearing.
General review thresholds.
Water resource special management areas.
Permit approval and inspection process.
Land clearing requirements.
20.80.300 Landscaping. (Adopted by reference in WCCP Chapter 2.)
20.80.310 Purpose.
The purpose of this section is to provide minimum landscape development and buffering requirements in order
to maintain and protect property values, enhance the appearance of development by softening the impact of
structures, protect the aesthetic assets of the community, provide screening between incompatible land uses,
reduce erosion and stormwater runoff, provide pervious surfacing to allow natural ground water recharge,
promote energy conservation and use of solar energy, reduce heat and air and noise pollution, and promote
safety through reduced glare and reduction of congestion and visual separation of traffic movement. The
landscaping standards in this chapter are minimum requirements.
20.80.315 Scope.
This section shall apply to all permitted and conditional uses except as specifically listed below. It will apply to
mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks to augment the standards found in WCC 20.80.950; in the
case of conflicts the more restrictive regulations shall apply. Remodeling projects representing 50 percent of the
assessed valuation of the structure are also covered by this section, but with the requirements modified as
needed to fit the existing situation. Major conversions of use such as bed and breakfast establishments from
single-family houses if five or more parking stalls are required are also included.
This section does not apply to:
(1) Farms and accessory uses associated with farming;
(2) Single-family houses and duplexes and their accessory uses when not developed as part of an overall
(3) Subdivision(s), short subdivision(s) and binding site plans;
(4) Remodels representing less than 50 percent of the assessed valuation of the structure;
(5) Conversions of uses requiring less than five parking stalls.
20.80.320 Plans.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit a scaled landscape site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the
land use division of planning and development services consistent with the provisions herein. The preferred
scale of a plan shall be one inch equals 20 feet; but other scales may be used if approved by the zoning
administrator, adequate detail can be conveyed and the scales correlate to other required site plans. This plan
shall specify species name, size and location of all proposed plant materials and all existing trees over eight
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inches in caliper including those to be removed which shall be indicated. Existing trees which are part of a
cluster of trees need not be individually identified. An irrigation plan or specified method of watering and the
type and location of all proposed lighting shall also be included. Existing plants or native species which may need
no watering should be so noted. The plan shall specify the treatment of the soil to protect its structure including
method of protecting existing trees to remain and their root zones.
20.80.325 Landscaping location and spacing.
All required open space or any areas of the property not committed to a use requiring pervious surface must be
landscaped. This may consist of any combination of trees, lawn, ground cover and shrubs and up to 20 percent
of a nonvegetative decorative pervious material such as washed rock, bricks or paving stones. However, at least
one tree will be required for every 2,000 square feet of open space including walkways in addition to screening
or planting along the property lines. Existing vegetation may be used to meet the standards of this chapter.
Deciduous trees will also be required parallel to all public rights-of-way. Small trees will be spaced approximately
25 feet on center; medium trees, 35 feet on center; and large trees, 45 feet on center. Alternatively, informal
clusters of coniferous or broad-leaved evergreen trees and/or deciduous trees may be used in an amount
equivalent to a row of trees spaced 25 feet on center. Small, medium and large trees, shrubs and ground cover
approved for use in county rights-of-way are listed in the Whatcom County Development Standards, Chapter 5,
Road Standards, Appendix I. Additional landscaping and screening is required as noted in other sections of this
20.80.330 Plant sizes at time of planting.
(1) Evergreen trees shall be a minimum height of five feet with an average height of six feet above the finished
planting bed.
(2) Deciduous trees shall be at least two inches in caliper measured four and one half feet above ground level.
(3) Shrubs shall be at least 21 inches in height above finished grade.
(4) Ground cover shall provide an immediate coverage of at least 50 percent, and result in total coverage of the
required landscape areas within three years as follows:
(a) Four-inch pots at 18 inches on center; or
(b) One-gallon or greater sized containers at 24 inches on center.
(5) In cases where they might interfere with vehicle or pedestrian traffic, deciduous trees should have a clear
trunk area of at least seven feet above the ground.
20.80.335 Plant choices.
(1) New landscaping materials shall include species native to the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest or
noninvasive naturalized species that have adapted to the climatic conditions of the coastal region of the
Pacific Northwest in the following amounts:
(a) Seventy-five percent of groundcover and shrubs; and
(b) Fifty percent of trees.
(2) Trees with weeping or contorted branching structures may be used as accent planting but should generally
not be included as part of a screen planting or in plantings parallel to property lines.
(3) The county may require the applicant to modify the plant choice to:
(a) Eliminate undesirable species which may conflict with power lines or sewers because of their growth or
evasive root systems; or
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(b) Provide a desired diversity of species; or
(c) Make the plantings more in scale and compatible with the uses in the immediate vicinity of the subject
property; or
(d) Provide plant materials that will fulfill the buffering or landscaping purpose of that planting on a yearround basis; or
(e) Provide visual relief on long facades.
(4) A list of desirable and undesirable trees with tree sizes is maintained on file with the land use division of
planning and development services and may be used for reference.
20.80.340 Existing vegetation.
(1) Applicants shall be encouraged to retain existing vegetation as appropriate.
(2) Existing vegetation may be used to meet all or part of the landscaping requirements of this chapter.
20.80.345 Buffering plantings.
Buffers are required when the proposed use is in a commercial or industrial zone and is directly adjacent to and
shares a common boundary with property in a rural or residential zone. They are normally 25 feet wide unless
otherwise approved by the administrator upon receipt of a detailed planting plan prepared by a landscape
architect or qualified landscape designer. Buffering plantings are intended to provide an all-season visual screen
between commercial or industrial uses on one side, and rural or residential uses on the other side. Landscape
buffers may be required on road frontages as a condition of development for commercial or industrial
development that includes outside storage of materials, outside parking of equipment or vehicles other than
vehicles for sale on the site, and similar uses that can be a visual distraction or unsightly to persons on the public
right-of-way. Plant materials that have minimal irrigation needs and are native or have a demonstrated
suitability for Whatcom County are required. Vegetation-based LID BMPs (such as bioretention facilities and rain
gardens) may be used within buffers where the primary screening and buffering functions are not compromised.
Twenty-five-foot planted buffers shall, at a minimum, consist of two offset rows of predominantly coniferous
trees at an average spacing of 15 feet triangulated on center or an equivalent effect. Some deciduous trees shall
be included and shrubs may be interspersed to provide interlocking root structures to reduce windthrow. Fiftyfoot planted buffers will require four rows of trees in the same triangulated pattern as required in 25-foot
buffers. Existing natural buffers are encouraged but may need additional width or be augmented with additional
landscaping or fencing to provide the required sight barrier.
The buffer requirements for the Neighborhood Commercial Zone when abutting the Urban Residential Medium
Density Zone (except as otherwise provided in WCC 20.60.552) can be met with a six-foot-high sight-obscuring
fence or a dense hedge of sight-obscuring plantings.
20.80.350 Parking areas.
A minimum five-foot wide landscape strip shall be provided around the perimeter of all parking areas. Natural or
planted buffers may be considered to meet this requirement. Tree spacing will be as required parallel to rightsof-way. Whenever a nonresidential parking lot containing more than 10 parking spaces is located in or adjacent
to a residential zone, it shall also be screened on any side facing residential uses or zones where there is no
intervening street. This screen shall consist of a fence, wall or acceptable planting screen at least four feet in
height. The visual impact of parking areas shall be minimized by separating the area into modules that contain
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no more than 12 vehicles in a row. Each module shall be separated from other areas by a five-foot wide planting
strip containing trees, shrubbery, or other ground cover in such substantial density as to break up long sight
lines and overviews of parked cars. Adjacent uses on separate parcels may combine their parking lots to
enhance circulation without the necessity for intervening landscaping except for maintaining the module
pattern. Vegetation-based LID BMPs (such as bioretention facilities and rain gardens) may be used within
landscape strips and modules provided they meet any the other applicable landscaping requirements such as
screening or buffering. These shall be designed in accordance with the Stormwater Management Manual for
Western Washington (Ecology Manual).
20.80.355 Trash or garbage collection storage areas – Screening and placement.
All trash or garbage collection storage areas must be screened from view from adjacent streets and properties
using a solid fence or wall a minimum of six feet high.
20.80.360 Special requirements for individual zone districts.
References to front yard landscaping in subsections (1) through (6) of this section shall be based on the property
line except where the county engineer determines the road is developed at its ultimate width, then the back of
the sidewalk can be used.
(1) Urban Residential Medium Density (URM), Neighborhood Commercial (NC), Resort Commercial (RC), and for
nonresidential uses in the Residential and Rural Districts: 15 feet within the front yard setback and situated
adjacent to the road shall be landscaped with vegetative material, except for driveways, walkways and signs.
The remainder of the front yard setback may be used for parking.
(2) Tourist Commercial (TC), Rural General Commercial (RGC) and General Commercial (GC): 10 feet within the
front yard setback and situated adjacent to the road shall be landscaped with vegetative material, except for
driveways, walkways and signs. The remainder of the front yard setback may be used for parking.
(3) Gateway Industrial (GI):
(a) Fifteen feet within the setback from Portal Way and situated adjacent to the road shall be landscaped
with vegetative material, except for driveways, walkways and signs. The remainder of the front yard
setback may be used for parking.
(b) Twenty-five feet within the setback from Interstate 5 and situated adjacent to the road shall be
landscaped with vegetative material, except for driveways, walkways and signs. The remainder of the
front yard setback may be used for parking.
(4) Rural Industrial and Manufacturing (RIM), Light Impact Industrial (LII) and Airport Operations (AO): 15 feet
within the front yard setback and situated adjacent to the road shall be landscaped with vegetative material,
except for driveways, walkways and signs. The remainder of the front yard setback may be used for parking.
When the Light Impact Industrial Zone fronts a minor or local access street the requirements for the General
Manufacturing Zone may be used.
(5) General Manufacturing (GM): Five feet within the front yard setback and situated adjacent to the road shall
be landscaped with vegetative material, except for driveways, walkways and signs. The remainder of the
front yard setback may be used for parking. Subject to approval of the county, street trees may be placed in
the right-of-way and the five-foot landscaping strip provided contiguous to the building with the front yard
setback used for circulation of trucks and heavy equipment. In this situation to provide visual relief open
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space should be primarily concentrated in the side yards unless natural habitat in the rear such as wetlands
or streams is present which should take precedence.
(6) Heavy Impact Industrial (HII): For heavy industrial uses refer to the buffering requirements in WCC
20.68.550. For all other uses the front yard landscaping shall be 15 feet, similar to the requirement for the
Light Impact Industrial Zone.
20.80.365 Conformance to Guide Meridian plan.
Repealed by Ord. 2011-013.
20.80.370 Modifications.
The requirements of this section may be modified by the zoning administrator under the following
(1) The existing or finished grade of the subject property or adjoining property decreases or eliminates the need
for the required landscaping or requires additional landscaping; or
(2) The modification will be more beneficial to the adjoining property than the required landscaping by causing
less impairment of view or sunlight; or
(3) It is reasonable to anticipate that the adjoining property will be rezoned in the near future to a zone which
would require no buffer or a less intensive buffer; or
(4) The modification is necessary to allow for maximum efficiency of an active or passive solar energy system on
the subject property or a nearby adjoining property; or
(5) The required landscaping would conflict with existing utility lines; or
(6) If the required landscaped area is adjacent to angle parking, the minimum required width may be reduced
to two feet if the average required width is maintained;
(7) A plan is prepared by a landscape architect licensed in the state of Washington which achieves the
objectives of this section without necessarily complying with all of the specific standards.
20.80.375 Installation and bonding.
All landscaping and required irrigation shall be installed prior to occupancy. The county may accept for a period
of up to one year a performance bond or other monetary security as approved by the prosecuting attorney in
lieu of immediate installation for 125 percent of the labor and materials cost to install the approved landscaping
and required irrigation. A landscaping maintenance bond or other approved monetary security for 10 percent of
the labor and materials cost to install the approved landscaping shall be submitted prior to occupancy or release
of any landscaping performance security held by the county. The maintenance security shall be released in two
years after completion of the landscaping if the landscaping has been maintained in a healthy, growing
condition, and if any dead or dying plants have been replaced.
20.80.380 Planting and care.
(1) The applicant shall follow accepted nursery standards and practices in the planting and maintenance of
vegetation required by this chapter. During site development, care shall be taken not to compact the
planting areas and compacted soils shall be loosened. Care shall also be taken to protect the root zone of
existing trees.
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(2) An irrigation system or hose bibs shall be provided with adequate water pressure and spacing to serve all
landscaped areas, except for areas planted with native materials and other methods are provided for
(3) All plant materials used in the landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition. Guy materials
shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent girdling of trees. Dead shrubs or trees shall be replaced, and
the planting area shall be maintained reasonably free of weeds and trash. Fences and walls shall be kept in
good repair and their appearance well maintained. If the zoning administrator determines the maintenance
required under this paragraph has not been performed, the county shall perform the work and bill the
property owner.
(4) Planting areas shall be clearly delineated from parking areas and driveways by a raised curb or other suitable
formal separation. Planting areas shall not have artificial impervious material underlying the topsoil.
Required distances shall be measured from the inside of the curbs or other separators.
20.80.384 Sign, off-premises advertising.
Deleted editorially. (See WCC 20.97.384.)
20.80.385 Street planting.
The county may require the applicant to plant street trees, shrubs and/or ground cover within county right-ofway adjacent to the subject property if there is an adopted street tree plan for the adjacent street(s).
20.80.500 Off-street parking and loading requirements.
20.80.505 General requirements.
(1) No building or structure shall be erected, substantially altered, or its use changed unless permanently
maintained off-street parking and loading spaces have been provided in accordance with the provisions of
this title.
(2) The provisions of this section, except where there is a change of use, shall not apply to any existing building
or structure. Where the new use involves no additions or enlargements there shall be provided as many of
such spaces as may be required by this title.
(3) Whenever a building or structure constructed after the effective date of this ordinance is changed or
enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of housing units, seating capacity or otherwise to
create a need for an increase in the number of existing parking spaces, additional parking spaces shall be
provided on the basis of the enlargement or change; provided whenever a building or structure existing
prior to the effective date of this ordinance is enlarged to the extent of 50 percent or more in floor area,
number of employees, number of housing units, seating capacity or otherwise, said building or structure
shall then and thereafter comply with the full parking requirements set forth herein.
20.80.510 Parking space dimensions.
A parking space shall have minimum rectangular dimensions as depicted in the off-street parking dimensional
table in 20.80.515; provided, however, that for any parking area of 12 or more spaces, 35 percent of all spaces
may have minimum rectangular dimensions of not less than eight feet in width and 15 feet in length; provided,
that these spaces are marked for use by compact automobiles. All dimensions shall be exclusive of driveways,
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aisles and other circulation areas. The number of required off-street parking spaces is established in WCC
20.80.512 Wheel stop, overhang.
(1) Appropriate wheel and bumper guards shall be provided to protect landscaped areas, to define parking
spaces, and to clearly separate the parking area from any abutting street rights-of-way and property lines.
Vehicles may overhang landscaped areas up to two (2) feet when wheel stops or curbing is provided.
(2) Where sufficient area is available to allow safe and efficient overhang of a vehicle, the planning department
may permit the standard parking stall length to be reduced by two (2) feet with corresponding increase in
adjacent landscaping width.
20.80.515 Loading space requirements and dimensions.
A loading space shall have minimum dimensions of not less than 14 feet in width, 60 feet in length, exclusive of
driveways, aisles, and other circulation areas, and a height of clearance of not less than 15 feet. One off-street
loading space shall be provided and maintained on the same lot for every separate occupancy requiring delivery
of goods and having a gross floor area of at least 5,000 square feet in the case of manufacturing, warehouse or
terminal buildings, and 10,000 square feet for commercial, hotel, institutional and public buildings. One loading
space shall be provided for each additional 10,000 square feet for retail and restaurant buildings; and one for
each additional 30,000 square feet for manufacturing, warehouse and service uses.
Required off-street loading spaces are not to be included as off-street parking space in computation of required
off-street parking space. All off-street loading spaces shall be located totally outside of any street or alley rightof-way.
Off-Street Parking Diagram
Off-Street Parking Dimensional Table
A = width of parking space
B = length of parking space
C = width of driveway isle
D = width of access driveway
D = width of 2-way access driveway
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20.80.520 Surfacing.
The required number of parking and loading spaces as set forth in WCC 20.80.515 and 20.80.580, together with
driveways, aisles and other circulation areas, shall be improved with a material acceptable to the county
engineer. In some instances, gravel rather than paving may be acceptable.
20.80.521 Drainage.
All parking and loading areas shall provide for proper drainage of surface water to prevent the drainage of such
water onto adjacent properties or walkways. Off-site drainage improvements and maintenance easements shall
be secured as necessary to prevent damage to downstream property and prevent degradation of water quality.
20.80.522 Maintenance.
The owner of property used for parking and/or loading shall maintain such area in good condition without holes
and free of all dust, trash and other debris.
20.80.523 Lighting.
Any parking area which is intended to be used primarily during nondaylight hours shall be properly illuminated
to avoid accidents. Any lights used to illuminate a parking lot shall be so arranged as to direct the light away
from the adjoining property and the public road.
20.80.525 Location of parking spaces.
The following regulations shall govern the location of off-street parking spaces and areas:
(1) Parking spaces for all one and two-family dwellings shall be located on the same lot as the dwelling
which they are intended to serve with no more than two parking spaces included within the front yard
setback; unless otherwise approved by the zoning administrator. Use of shared parking spaces for
overflow parking is encouraged.
(2) Parking spaces for commercial, industrial or institutional uses shall be located not more than 700 feet
from the principal use. Parking lots further than 700 feet from the principal use may be approved by the
zoning administrator.
(3) Parking space for apartments, dormitories or similar residential uses shall be located not more than 300
feet from the principal use.
(4) Parking spaces and locations established in new land subdivisions approved by Whatcom County prior to
the enactment of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be exempt from the requirement of
approval by the zoning administrator.
(5) In special districts, parking locations and standards shall be established so as to minimize the overall
impervious surface area of the proposed development.
20.80.530 Screening and/or landscaping.
Whenever a nonresidential parking lot containing more than 10 parking spaces is located in or adjacent to a
residential district, it shall be effectively screened on all sides which adjoin or face any property used for
residential purposes, by an acceptably designed wall, fence or planting screen. Such fence, wall or planting
screen shall be not less than four feet nor more than six feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition.
The space between such fence, wall or planting screen, and the lot line of the adjoining premises in any
residential district shall be landscaped with grass, hardy shrubs or evergreen ground cover, or vegetation-based
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LID BMPs (such as bioretention facilities and rain gardens) and maintained in good condition. In the event that
terrain or other natural features are such that the erection of such fence, wall or planting screen will not serve
the intended purpose, then no such fence, wall or planting screen and landscaping shall be required.
20.80.535 Required trash areas.
All commercial, industrial and multifamily residential uses comprising 10 or more units that provide trash and/or
garbage collection areas shall enclose such areas on at least three sides by a solid wall or fence of at least four
feet in height if such area is not within an enclosed building or structure. Provisions for adequate vehicular
access to and from such area or areas for collection of trash and/or garbage as determined by the zoning
administrator shall be required.
20.80.540 Nonpermitted storage.
For the protection of the quality of residential and commercial areas, and to maintain individual property values,
the indiscriminate deposition of discarded vehicles, used building materials, equipment, appliances and assorted
junk shall be prohibited in all Residential and Commercial Zone Districts.
.541 Derelict or abandoned vehicles and trailers (or parts thereof) shall be removed at the property owner’s
expense 14 days after official notification. This shall include vehicles and trailers parked on private property,
public streets, roads or rights-of-way adjacent to the property owner’s property. It shall also be unlawful to
retain inoperative abandoned farm implements, mechanical or structural apparatus. Said farm implements,
logging equipment, industrial machinery and other apparatus shall be removed at the property owner’s expense
(see exception in WCC 20.80.542).
.542 Property owners, or owners of derelict or abandoned vehicles, trailers, farm implements, logging
equipment, industrial machinery or similar apparatus shall have the right to retain the above which is visually
screened from public roads or private roads open to public use or trails open to public use or surrounding
residential or commercial property.
20.80.545 Minimum distance and setbacks.
No part of any parking area for more than 10 vehicles shall be closer than 20 feet to any dwelling unit, school,
hospital, or other institution for human care located on an adjoining lot, unless separated by an acceptably
designed screen. Parking areas for one-family and two-family dwellings if located within the required front yard
setback areas shall have a setback of at least 10 feet from the road right-of-way. In no case shall any part of a
parking area be closer than four feet to any established street or alley right-of-way.
20.80.550 Joint use.
Two or more nonresidential uses may jointly provide and use parking spaces when their hours of operation do
not normally overlap; provided, that a written agreement approved by the zoning administrator shall be filed
with the application of a building permit.
20.80.555 Wheel blocks.
Whenever a parking lot extends to a property line, wheel blocks or other suitable devices shall be installed to
prevent any part of a parked vehicle from extending beyond the property line.
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20.80.560 Width of aisles.
One-way aisles serving individual parking spaces shall be not less than 25 feet wide for 90 degree parking, 12
feet wide for parallel parking, 18 feet for 60 degree parking, and 13 feet for 45 degree parking.
20.80.565 Access.
Any parking area shall be designed in such a manner that any vehicle leaving or entering the parking area from
or into a public or private street shall be traveling in a forward motion. Access of driveways for parking areas or
loading spaces shall be located in such a way that any vehicle entering or leaving such lot shall be clearly visible
for a reasonable distance to any pedestrian or motorist approaching the access or driveway from a public or
private street. This requirement shall apply to parking areas of two or less required spaces only when exits are
on state highways and major county arterials and collectors. Clear vision areas shall be maintained at exits to the
same specifications as alley-street intersections in WCC 20.80.210(3). No building permit shall be issued until an
access plan is approved by the county engineer.
20.80.570 Circulation.
The entrances and exits to the parking area shall be clearly marked. Interior vehicular circulation by way of
access roads shall maintain the following minimum standards: For one-way traffic, the minimum width of 14
feet. Access roads for two-way traffic shall have a minimum width of 24 feet. Parking areas having more than
one aisle or driveway shall have directional signs or markings in each aisle or driveway.
20.80.575 Striping.
All paved parking areas with a capacity over 12 vehicles shall be striped between stalls to facilitate the
movement into and out of the parking stalls.
20.80.580 Parking space requirements.
For the purpose of this ordinance, the following parking space requirements shall apply (See also WCC
(1) Administration buildings (public or private): 1 for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(2) Apartments: 3 for each 2 units.
(3) Apartment hotels: 3 for each 2 units.
(4) Art galleries: 1 for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(5) Auditoriums: 1 for each 4 seats.
(6) Automobile service stations (which also provide repair): 1 for each gasoline pump and 2 for each service bay.
(7) Banks: 1 for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(8) Boarding houses: 1 for each bed.
(9) Bowling alley: 4 for each alley or lane plus one additional space for each 100 square feet of the area used for
restaurant, cocktail lounge or similar use.
(10)Business and commercial (general): 1 for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(11)Business schools: 1 for each 2 classroom seats.
(12)Cartage, express and parcel delivery: 1 for every employee (on the largest shift for which the building is
designed) and 1 for each motor vehicle maintained on the premises.
(13)Child care centers: 2 for each classroom but not less than 6 for the building.
(14)Children’s homes: 1 for each 3 beds.
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(15)Churches: 1 for each 4 seats.
(16)Colleges: 1 for each 3 students.
(17)Dance floors: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area used for the activity.
(18)Dental clinics: 1 for every 200 square feet of floor area of examination.
(19)Dining rooms: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area.
(20)Dormitories: 1 for each bed.
(21)Duplex: 2 for each unit.
(22)Elementary school: 1 for each teacher and 1 for every 8 seats in auditoriums or assembly halls.
(23)Financial institutions: 1 for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(24)Fraternities: 1 for each bed.
(25)Freight terminals: 1 for every employee (on the largest shift for which the building is designed) and 1 for
each motor vehicle maintained on the premises.
(26)Funeral parlors: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area in slumber rooms, parlors or service rooms.
(27)Homes for the aged: 1 for each 3 beds.
(28)Hospitals: 1 1/2 for each bed.
(29)Hotels: 1 per each sleeping room plus 1 space for each 2 employees.
(30)Junior high schools: 1 for each teacher and 1 for every 8 seats in auditoriums or assembly halls.
(31)Kindergartens: 2 for each classroom but not less than 6 for the building.
(32)Libraries: 1 for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(33)Manufacturing uses: 1 for every employee (on the largest shift for which the building is designed) and 1 for
each motor vehicle maintained on the premises.
(34)Medical clinic: 1 for every 200 square feet of floor area of examination, treating room, office and waiting
(35)Mobile homes: 2 for each unit.
(36)Mortuaries: 1 for each 100 feet of floor area in slumber rooms, parlors or service rooms.
(37)Motels: 1 per each sleeping room plus 1 space for each 2 employees.
(38)Multifamily dwelling: 3 for each 2 units.
(39)Museums: 1 for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(40)Night club: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area.
(41)Nursing homes: 1 for each 3 beds.
(42)Nursery schools: 2 for each classroom but not less than 6 for the building.
(43)Offices: 1 for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(44)Parks, golf courses, cemeteries and other uses consisting primarily of open space: 1 for each acre of land;
provided, that this requirement may be increased or decreased by the zoning administrator or hearing
examiner, as appropriate, based on anticipated intensity of use of the property.
(45)Retail stores: 1 for each 250 square feet of floor area.
(46)Restaurants: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area.
(47)Rooming houses: 1 for each bed.
(48)Sanitariums: 1 for each 3 beds.
(49)Service building: 1 for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(50)Single-family dwelling: 2 for each unit.
(51)Skating rinks: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area used for the activity.
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(52)Sports arenas: 1 for each 4 seats.
(53)Storage uses: 1 for every employee (on the largest shift for which the building is designed) plus 1 for each
motor vehicle used in the business.
(54)Swimming pools (outdoor-public, community or club): 1 for each 5 persons capacity plus 1 for each 4 seats
or 1 for each 30 square feet of floor area used for seating purposes, whichever is greater.
(55)Taverns: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area.
(56)Technical schools: 1 for each 2 classroom seats.
(57)Theaters: 1 for each 4 seats.
(58)Trade schools: 1 for each 2 classroom seats.
(59)Universities: 1 for each 3 students.
(60)Wholesale uses: 1 for every employee (on the largest shift for which the building is designed) plus 1 for each
motor vehicle used in the business.
20.80.585 Accessible parking.
Parking shall be installed in accordance with federal and state regulations for ADA accessibility. In the event
there is a conflict between the state and the federal regulation(s), the state regulation(s) shall apply.
20.80.590 General interpretations.
In the interpretation of this section, the following rules shall govern:
(1) Parking spaces for other permitted or conditional uses not listed in this section shall be determined by the
hearing examiner where a land use permit is required and by the zoning administrator for other permitted
(2) Fractional numbers shall be increased to the next whole number.
(3) Where there is an adequate public transit system or where for any other reason parking requirements are
unusually low, the parking space provisions cited above may be reduced proportionately by the zoning
In portions of a lot devoted exclusively to the smaller spaces marked for use by small cars, aisle width may be
reduced to 20 feet for 90 degree parking; to 15 feet for 60 degree parking; and to 12 feet for 45 degree parking.
20.80.630 Stormwater and drainage.
(1) Unless exempted in WCC 20.80.631, all development activity on lands within Whatcom County that lie:
(a) Inside the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit area shall comply with:
i) The Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western
Washington (Stormwater Manual);
ii) Appendix 1, Minimum Technical Requirements, of the Western Washington Phase II Municipal
Stormwater Permit; and
iii) Appendix 7, “Determining Construction Site Damage Transport Potential,” of the Western
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit.
(b) Inside the Lake Whatcom Watershed Overlay District, excepting areas that overlap with the Permit area
shall comply with WCC 20.51 Lake Whatcom Watershed Overlay District.
(c) Outside the Permit area shall comply with the Stormwater Manual, using the following modified
Minimum Requirements in the table below, and using the Stormwater Manual’s definitions of terms for
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“stormwater site plan”, “impervious surface”, “hard surface”, “land disturbing activity”, “project”, “site”,
and “replaced hard surface”:
When Required
Outside of Special Stormwater Districts, by
Land Use Intensity
> 500 sq ft of new impervious
≥ 7,000 sq ft of
≥ 4,000 sq ft of
surface, or
new plus
new plus
Site Plan
Renovation projects where the
replaced hard
replaced hard
estimated cost exceeds 50% of the
surface, or
surface, or
assessed value
≥ 14,000 sq ft
≥ 14,000 sq ft
land disturbing
land disturbing
Always required
MR3 Source
Not required
Not required
MR4 Preserve
> 500 sq ft of new impervious
≥ 7,000 sq ft of
surface, or
new plus
Renovation projects where the
replaced hard
estimated cost exceeds 50% of the
surface, or
assessed value
≥ 14,000 sq ft
land disturbing
MR5 Onsite
Not required
 Property ≥ 2 acres meeting
MR1, provide dispersion
 Property < 2 acres meeting MR1
≥ 4,000 sq ft of
where soils are suitable for
new plus
infiltration, provide infiltration
replaced hard
 Property < 2 acres meeting MR1
surface, or
where soils are not suitable for
≥ 14,000 sq ft
infiltration and project does not
land disturbing
increase the 24-hour, 100-year
peak flow rate by ≥ 0.1cfs;
provide dispersion
MR6 Treatment Always required
Not required
MR7 Flow
Property < 2 acres meeting MR1
Not required
where project increases the 24hour, 100-year peak flow rate by ≥
0.1cfs; provide detention
MR8 Wetlands > 500 sq ft of new impervious
≥ 7,000 sq ft of
surface, or
new plus
Renovation projects where the
replaced hard
estimated cost exceeds 50% of the
surface, or
assessed value
≥ 14,000 sq ft
land disturbing
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When Required
Within Special Stormwater Districts
Outside of Special Stormwater Districts, by
Land Use Intensity
Required only if stormwater facility
Required only if
facility installed
The land use intensities in the table above have the following meanings:
Single-family residential and accessory uses on parcels of one acre or larger;
construction of agricultural buildings in AG;
seasonal roadside stands; or
roads (other than those exempt as pavement maintenance).
Medium Single-family residential and accessory uses on parcels smaller than one acre;
land divisions into four or fewer lots;
minor utility developments; or
trails and trailheads.
All other uses, including all commercial, industrial, institutional, and urban or multifamily
residential uses;
land divisions into more than four lots;
all uses on parcels bisected by the NPDES Permit Area boundary; or
any project that results in new plus replaced hard surface greater than or equal to 20,000 sq
ft, or 1.5 acres of vegetation-to-lawn conversion, or five acres of vegetation-to-pasture
(2) No project permit shall be issued prior to meeting the stormwater requirements of this chapter and/or
Chapter 2 of the Whatcom County Development Standards. Advisory Note: Certain stormwater discharges
to natural receiving waters are subject to state water quality standards and the requirements of the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) may also be
required if stormwater is discharged to a water body or stream that provides, or could provide, habitat for
20.80.631 Exemptions.
(1) Agricultural activities as defined in this title, and forest practices regulated under WAC Title 222, except for
Class IV General forest practices and nonconversion forest practices with approved conversion option
harvest plans.
(2) Development undertaken by the Washington State Department of Transportation in state highway right-ofway when regulated by Chapter 173-270 WAC, the Puget Sound Highway Runoff Program.
20.80.634 Stormwater conformance.
All development shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) General.
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(a) Stormwater discharges must be controlled and treated as required by law.
(b) Best management practices (BMPs) shall be used to comply with the regulations in this chapter. If
appropriate BMPs are not referenced in the Stormwater Manual, experimental BMPs may be
considered. However, experimental BMPs must be approved by the county technical administrator prior
to implementation.
(c) Development shall minimize impervious surface areas while maintaining project function and viability.
Protection of ground water and aquifer recharge are important objectives which shall be incorporated in
required surface water management facilities consistent with established BMPs.
(d) Stormwater systems shall not be constructed in such a manner that they materially degrade natural
systems such as streams and their banks, wetlands, ponds or lakes.
(e) Natural drainage patterns shall be maintained and discharges from the site shall occur at the natural
location, unless it can be shown that relocation will have no significant adverse impact to either built or
natural systems as a result of the relocation.
(f) The design of stormwater systems shall be an integral part of the overall development design and, in
addition to the primary storage and conveyance function, should incorporate multiple use provisions to
enhance the project, such as the following:
i) Recreation;
ii) Public safety;
iii) Economical maintenance;
iv) Aesthetic integration into the landscape and project design;
v) Wildlife habitat;
vi) Education;
vii) Open space.
(2) Erosion and Sediment Control.
(a) All proposed projects that will clear, grade, or otherwise disturb the site shall provide erosion and
sediment control (ESC) that prevents the transport of sediment from the site to drainage facilities, water
resources and adjacent properties.
(b) Erosion and sediment controls shall be selected and applied in accordance with the Stormwater Manual.
20.80.635 Stormwater special districts.
(1) Whatcom County shall establish the following geographical areas as stormwater special districts:
(a) Drayton Harbor watershed.
(b) Lake Samish watershed.
(c) Birch Bay watershed.
(d) Lake Padden watershed.
(2) Requirements for these areas are contained in WCC 20.80.630(1)(c).
20.80.730 Land clearing.
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20.80.731 Purpose.
The purpose of this section is to avoid or minimize impacts of clearing activity to adjacent and downstream
public or private property and to protect receiving water bodies. The regulations contained in this section
implement this goal by providing a reasonable standard for clearing land in Whatcom County. It is also the
purpose of this section to establish a county review process for larger clearing projects to ensure these
regulations are met. It is also the purpose of this section to provide procedures and review criteria for clearing
activity in connection with conversion option harvest plans and implementing, exempting and removing
development moratoria.
20.80.732 Applicability.
All clearing activities including clearing of forest land, Class IV-General forest practices applications,
nonconversion forest practice applications with approved conversion option harvest plans (COHPs), and
associated development moratoria shall be subject to the provisions of the land clearing section unless
specifically exempted in WCC 20.80.733. No clearing activity approval shall be issued by the county prior to
meeting the requirements set forth in the Whatcom County Development Standards and only when in
compliance with federal, state and local regulations, including, but not limited to, the Critical Areas Ordinance,
the Whatcom County SEPA Ordinance, Washington State Forest Practices pursuant to WAC Title 222, and the
Shoreline Management Program. Administrative provisions and technical standards for implementing these
regulations shall be contained in the Whatcom County Development Standards, Chapter 3, Land Clearing.
20.80.733 Exemptions.
Any clearing activity that meets the following criteria shall be exempt from the clearing requirements of this
(1) The proposed activity does not involve the conversion of forest land, is outside critical areas and associated
buffers, and is exclusively related to agriculture as defined in this title; or
(2) The proposed activity consists of nonconversion forest practices, other than Class IV-General forest practices
on platted land, and other than those with an approved COHP regulated under Chapter 76.09 RCW; or
(3) The proposed activity is surface mining regulated under Chapter 78.44 RCW.
20.80.734 General review thresholds.
County review and approval shall be required prior to a clearing activity when any of the following land clearing
thresholds have been reached. If the clearing activity does not meet the threshold criteria, county review is not
required. However, the owner is still subject to, and must comply with, the minimum requirements established
in this chapter and in the Whatcom County Development Standards. Review thresholds and additional
requirements for water resource special management areas are located in WCC 20.80.735.
(1) Five Thousand Square Foot Threshold on 30 Percent Slopes. The county shall review all proposed clearing
activities when a cumulative area of 5,000 square feet or greater of clearing activity is proposed to take
place on slopes 30 percent or greater in gradient.
(2) One-Acre Threshold in Urban Residential, Commercial, Rural Residential Zoning Districts and Rural and
Industrial Zoning Districts within the NPDES Phase II Area Boundary. The county shall review all proposed
clearing activities which are one acre or greater, including projects less than one acre that are part of a
larger common plan of the development, in the following zoning districts where the slope is less than 30
percent in gradient:
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Urban Residential.
Rural Residential.
Rural within the NPDES Phase II area boundaries, as delineated at the time that the county determines
that the development application is complete.
• Industrial within the NPDES Phase II area boundaries, as delineated at the time that the county
determines that the development application is complete.
(3) Two-Acre Threshold in Rural Zoning Districts outside NPDES Phase II Area Boundaries. The county shall
review all proposed clearing activities which are two acres or greater when the activities are proposed to
take place in Rural Zoning Districts outside NPDES Phase II area boundaries and the slope is less than 30
percent in gradient.
(4) Critical Areas and Associated Areas. The county shall review all clearing activities within a critical area or
critical area buffer, and all clearing activity greater than 500 square feet within 200 feet of a waterbody
regulated under WCC Title 23, or within 200 feet of a wetland, habitat conservation area (HCA), frequently
flooded area, or geological hazard regulated under WCC Title 16.
(5) Conversion from Forest Use. The county shall review all clearing activities that meet the definition of a
conversion from a forest use to another land use pursuant to WCC 20.97.085.
20.80.735 Water resource special management areas.
The purpose of a water resource special management area is to establish a more stringent standard for clearing
activity in highly valued water resource areas, environmentally sensitive areas, or areas where natural
conditions are so unstable that clearing activity in the areas can result in hazardous conditions. Implementation
of best management practices, including phased clearing, tree retention and seasonal clearing limitations, is
intended to limit the amount of exposed soils on site that are susceptible to erosion at any one time, thereby
improving site stability during development and reducing potential for transport of dissolved pollutants and
sediments off site. Preservation of existing trees on site also reduces the quantity and maintains the quality of
stormwater leaving a site during and after development activities by encouraging interception, infiltration and
evapotranspiration of rainfall and surface runoff.
Whatcom County shall establish the following geographic areas as water resource special management areas:
• Drayton Harbor watershed;
• Lake Padden watershed;
• Lake Samish watershed; and
• Birch Bay watershed.
(1) Water Resource Special Management Area Review Thresholds. County review and approval shall be
required for clearing activities which exceed the following thresholds. If the clearing activity does not meet
the threshold criteria, county review is not required. However, the owner is still subject to, and must comply
with, the minimum requirements established in this chapter and in the Whatcom County Development
(a) Lake Samish and Lake Padden Watersheds. County review and approval shall be required for all clearing
activities associated with a fill and grade permit, building permit or other development proposal.
Clearing activities which are not associated with a development permit shall require county review if
they are:
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(i) Five thousand square feet or greater during the dry season, June 1st through September 30th; or
(ii) Five hundred square feet or greater during the wet season, October 1st through May 31st.
(2) Within water resource special management areas, clearing activity must conform to the following
(a) Temporary erosion and sediment control shall be installed and inspected prior to any clearing activity.
The technical administrator shall conduct periodic inspections to ensure the integrity of temporary
erosion and sediment controls. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures include, but are not
limited to, installation of silt fencing, installation of check dams, covering of excavation piles, and
mulching of exposed soils, as specified in the Whatcom County Development Standards.
(b) Phased Clearing. Construction activities and clearing activities shall be phased to limit the amount of
exposed soil that occurs at any one time, if determined to be appropriate by the technical administrator,
based on site characteristics or constraints including, but not limited to, slopes, proximity to shorelines
and wetlands. A phased clearing plan may be required. A phased clearing plan, if required, shall be
submitted for review and approval by the technical administrator prior to any clearing activity and shall
contain a detailed construction schedule or timeline.
(c) Soil Stabilization. All disturbed areas shall be provided with soil stabilization within two days of the time
of disturbance. The technical administrator may approve an exemption to this requirement when a tree
canopy area retention plan includes a soil stabilization plan. This plan component must specifically detail
erosion and sediment control and stormwater runoff measures that provide runoff control equal to or
greater than the protection provided by the standard two-day soil stabilization requirements of this
(d) Seasonal Clearing Activity Limitations. In the Lake Samish and Lake Padden watersheds, clearing activity,
as defined in WCC 20.97.054, that will result in exposed soils exceeding 500 square feet shall not be
permitted from October 1st through May 31st; provided, that:
(i) In addition to the clearing activities exempted under WCC 20.80.733, the zoning administrator may
approve an exemption to this requirement for the following activities:
(A) Routine maintenance and repair of erosion and sediment control measures;
(B) Activities located at or waterward of the ordinary high water mark subject to state, federal,
and/or local (per Chapter 16.16 WCC and/or WCC Title 23) conditions of approval requiring
commencement of clearing activity during the wet season, as defined in subsection (1)(a)(ii) of
this section, for purposes of minimizing surface water disturbance and site inundation by high
water or wave action;
(C) Activities necessary to address an emergency that presents an unanticipated and imminent
threat to public health, safety or the environment that requires immediate action within a time
too short to allow full compliance with this section. Upon abatement of the emergency
situation, the clearing activity shall be reviewed for consistency with this chapter and may be
subject to additional permit requirements; provided, that the applicant shall make a reasonable
attempt to contact the zoning administrator prior to the activity. When prior notice is not
feasible, notification of the action shall be submitted to the zoning administrator as soon as the
emergency is addressed and no later than two business days following such action. Emergency
construction does not include development of new permanent protective structures where
none previously existed.
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(ii) To ensure compliance with subsection (2)(e) of this section, Whatcom County planning and
development services shall not issue development permits requiring more than 500 square feet of
land disturbance located within the Lake Samish or Lake Padden watersheds within two weeks prior
to the watershed seasonal closure on October 1st.
(iii) Soil disturbance associated with an exempt clearing activity shall be minimized to the maximum
extent practicable. The zoning administrator shall have the authority to condition an exempt activity
to ensure that temporary erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented.
(iv) An exemption from the seasonal land clearing requirements of this section does not grant
authorization for any work to be done in a manner that does not comply with other provisions of
this chapter or other applicable development regulations.
(e) One Hundred Fifty Percent Violation Fines. When a violation occurs in an area designated as a water
resource special management area, the total fine assessment shall be increased to 150 percent of the
standard penalty as provided for in Chapter 20.94 WCC, Enforcement and Penalties.
20.80.736 Permit approval and inspection process.
If county review and approval is required to clear land, the county shall establish conditions for approval
through one of the following permits:
(1) Project Permit. When clearing activity is proposed as a part of a development proposal, the submittal
requirements contained in the Whatcom County Development Standards, including temporary and
permanent erosion control measures, must be submitted by the permit applicant and approved by the
county as part of a project permit application prior to any clearing activity. Under this condition, a separate
clearing permit shall not be required. Erosion control inspections shall be required as a condition of the
building permit at the time of footing inspection sign off. If the site is subject to WCC 20.80.735, the
provisions of WCC 20.80.735(2)(a) shall apply.
(2) Clearing Permit. A clearing permit shall be required when a clearing activity meets the established
threshold(s) and is the only activity taking place and when no other project permit is required by the county
for the proposal. Under this condition, submittal requirements contained in the Whatcom County
Development Standards, Chapter 3, must be submitted with the clearing permit application. Clearing
activities which qualify as conversions require additional review pursuant to subsections (3)(a) through (c) of
this section.
(3) Forest Conversion Land Clearing Permit.
(a) A forest conversion land clearing permit is required by Whatcom County when a conversion as defined
by WCC 20.97.085 is desired. This permit in no way exempts the applicant from any DNR permit
(b) All applications shall comply with the requirements of Whatcom County Development Standards,
Chapter 3 – Land Clearing, Section 304 – Review and Approval Requirements (E)(1) through (3),
Submittal Requirements, and DNR Forest Practice Rules.
(c) A signed memorandum of agreement shall be submitted by the landowner which shall state if
development activity is planned to take place within 36 months of the date of application. The
information contained in the application will provide the administrator with additional basis for
conditioning the clearing activity or determining if harvesting of the site would be more appropriate
after preliminary or final development approval.
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(i) If the applicant declares that no development activity is anticipated within 36 months of the date of
application, in addition to all other conditions as included in Whatcom County Development
Standards, Chapter 3 – Land Clearing, Section 304 – Review and Approval Requirements (E)(1)
through (3), and DNR Forest Practice Rules, the following conditions will apply:
(A) Replanting according to Chapter 222-34 WAC or stabilization of the site is required within the
first growing season;
(B) No site grubbing will be allowed other than minimal grubbing to accommodate any temporary
roads or landings required for timber harvest;
(C) No development permits will be issued for a period of 18 months from the date of the clearing
application other than those for one approved single-family residence per lot of record.
20.80.737 Land clearing requirements.
(1) Site Containment. Significant amounts of erosion, sediment, and other impacts resulting from any clearing
activity shall be contained on the site and may require temporary erosion/sedimentation control measures
before, during, and immediately following clearing. All clearing activity requiring an approval must comply
with the requirements of this chapter and those of the Whatcom County Development Standards, Chapter
(2) Hazards. Clearing activities shall not result in off-site physical damage nor pose a danger or hazard to life or
property on- or off-site.
(3) Site-Specific Requirements. Additional site-specific requirements may be established after a site visit by the
county. These requirements shall be based on specific site conditions and are limited to timing limitations,
additional temporary erosion and sedimentation control, and/or the mitigation of hazardous or potentially
hazardous conditions that pose a physical or environmental threat on- or off-site.
(4) Slash Removal in Urban Zoning Districts. In urban zoning districts slash shall be either removed from the site,
chipped and spread across the site within one year of project completion, or burned in compliance with the
requirements of the Northwest Air Pollution Authority. Note: Burning of slash within urban growth areas
may be subject to the provisions of RCW 70.94.743.
(5) Maintaining Established Buffers. Buffers as identified in the clearing permit, WCC 20.80.736(1) or (2) or
20.80.739, shall be left undisturbed unless express permission for clearing activity or tree removal is
provided by the county and the DNR where an application is required by the DNR. When approved by the
county and/or the DNR, tree removal from buffers should be kept to a minimum. Unauthorized tree removal
from established buffers will result in an assessed penalty at a rate of twice the value of the merchantable
timber. In the event of a dispute between the landowner and the county over the established value, an
assessment will be made by a professional forester or arborist whose selection will be made by mutual
agreement between the county and the landowner. The fee for the services of the professional forester or
arborist shall be paid by the landowner or responsible party.
(6) A clearing activity will be considered to be complete once the site has been revegetated and stabilized.
20.80.738 Development moratoria – Implementation, removal, and exceptions.
(1) Development Moratorium. The purpose of this section is to provide the criteria for imposing a development
moratorium. It also provides standards for the hearing examiner to remove a six-year development
moratorium, and for the director of the planning and development services department to authorize the
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construction of one single-family dwelling unit on a site that is subject to a six-year development
(a) Actions That Result in a Development Moratorium. The following actions shall result in a six-year
development moratorium being imposed by the director of the planning and development services
department or his/her designee:
(i) Conversion of any land covered by a DNR forest practices application or notification where a
conversion is not declared;
(ii) Any property that has been harvested under a DNR forest practice application or notification
without an associated COHP approval;
(iii) Timber harvesting on a parcel or parcels without a forest practices application or notification;
(iv) The violation of a COHP or a county forest conversion land clearing permit where the following
situations exist:
(A) The violation results in moderate on- or off-site impacts that require mitigation, but are not
reasonably addressed by the violator within the time allotted by the technical administrator; or
(B) The violation results in severe on- or off-site impacts of such magnitude or type that the
technical administrator determines that professional assistance is necessary to mitigate the
(b) Consequences of a Development Moratorium.
(i) Whatcom County shall suspend review of any application for development of land which is, or
becomes, subject to a six-year development moratorium. The suspension of application review does
not constitute a stay of performance timelines as included in any ordinances or permit conditions
associated with the site that is subject to a six-year moratorium.
(ii) Whatcom County shall not accept applications for any development of land which is subject to a sixyear moratorium.
(iii) A development moratorium imposed by Whatcom County shall extend to the harvest area including
the roads indicated in the forest conversion or forest practices application or COHP. If no forest
practices permit or COHP was issued, the moratorium shall apply to the entire parcel.
(iv) Prior to any development permit application, the property owner shall be required to submit a
forest conversion land clearing permit application on land that was cleared without a forest
practices application or notification, without an approved COHP, or in violation of a DNR-issued
forest practices permit.
(v) Whatcom County shall notify the appropriate state agency if the county becomes aware of forest
practices that have been initiated on a parcel without an approved forest practices application or
(c) Effective Date of Moratorium.
(i) The six-year development moratorium shall be imposed from the effective date of the applicable
forest practices application; or
(ii) If forest practices occur on a site without the appropriate permit, a six-year development
moratorium shall be imposed from the date the unpermitted forest practices were documented by
Whatcom County or the DNR; or
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(iii) If a condition of a COHP approval is substantively violated, in the opinion of the technical
administrator, a six-year development moratorium shall be imposed from the date the violation was
documented by the county.
(2) Request for Removal of Development Moratorium. A development moratorium may be considered for
removal by the hearing examiner when all of the following requirements are met:
(a) Public Hearing Required.
(i) The county shall set a date for public hearing before the examiner pursuant to WCC 2.33.060 and
2.33.070 after all the requests for additional information or plan corrections have been satisfied and
the necessary components have been received as required for a complete application.
(ii) The public hearing shall follow the procedures set forth in Chapter 20.92 WCC.
(b) Review Criteria. The examiner shall consider the removal of a development moratorium when the
following criteria are met:
(i) The forest practices conducted on the site comply with requirements of Chapter 222-24 WAC, Road
Construction and Maintenance, Chapter 222-30 WAC, Timber Harvesting, and any applicable county
codes or regulations. When more than one rule, regulation, or code can be applied to a harvest,
then the more stringent requirements shall be adhered to.
(ii) Any required mitigation plan has been completed or the performance thereof has been adequately
(iii) Any bonding required as part of a mitigation requirement has been established to county
(iv) The site, when required by WCC 20.80.736(3)(c)(i)(A) or 20.80.739, shall have been reforested in
accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 222-34 WAC.
(v) Payment has been made of all other fees, penalties, liens, or taxes owed to the county which have
been assigned to the subject parcel including reimbursement of any county expenses incurred
relating to enforcement and/or preparation for the waiver hearing.
(vi) All permit conditions have been addressed.
(vii) Neither the applicant nor any person who acted in privity with the applicant:
(A) Intended to circumvent any requirement of this section or the Forest Practice Act or regulations
by taking the actions for which the moratorium was imposed; or
(B) Has engaged in a pattern or practice of violations of any applicable regulations.
(c) Approval.
(i) The hearing examiner shall review all requests for the removal of a development moratorium, any
comments received, and applicable county regulations or policies and may inspect the property
prior to rendering a decision.
(ii) The hearing examiner may approve an application for a request to remove a development
moratorium, approve the application with conditions, require modifications of the proposal to
comply with specified requirements of local conditions, or deny the application if it fails to comply
with requirements of this section.
(d) Required Written Findings and Determinations. Removal of a development moratorium may be
approved by the examiner if the following findings can be made regarding the proposal and are
supported by the record:
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(i) The removal of the six-year development moratorium will not be detrimental to the public health,
safety, and general welfare.
(ii) The removal of the six-year development moratorium will not be injurious to the property or
improvements adjacent to and in the vicinity of the proposal.
(iii) The removal of the six-year development moratorium will not result in significant adverse
environmental impacts.
(iv) The removal of the six-year development moratorium is consistent with the review criteria
established in subsections (2)(b)(i) through (vii) of this section.
(v) The removal of the six-year development moratorium is consistent and compatible with the goals,
objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, appropriate community plans or subarea plans,
and the provisions of this section.
(3) Request for Single-Family Dwelling Exception. The director of the planning and development services
department may administratively grant an exception to the mandatory six-year development moratorium to
allow the construction of one single-family dwelling unit and associated accessory structures pursuant to the
following standards:
(a) General Requirements.
(i) The area that is permitted to be developed pursuant to this administrative exception shall not
exceed one acre in size unless site and/or well and septic constraints require a larger area, in which
case the area developed is not to exceed two acres. Access roads shall not be included in the total
area permitted to be developed.
(ii) A right-to-forestry disclosure statement as provided for in WCC 14.04.030(B) will be signed by the
owner and subsequent purchasers, and recorded as per WCC 14.04.030(A)(1). This disclosure
statement is not required in urban growth areas (UGAs) unless the forest practice occurs on a parcel
adjacent to lands designated as forest lands of long-term commercial significance under Chapter
36.70A RCW.
(iii) Upon approval of a single-family dwelling unit exception, a memorandum of agreement (MOA) shall
be recorded with the Whatcom County auditor by the landowner which includes a site plan
depicting the area of the parcel to be dedicated for the single-family dwelling, yard area, permitted
accessory structures, and access road. The MOA shall identify the action to be taken by the
landowner to correct any violations of county ordinances or regulations.
(iv) The development moratorium shall remain in effect for the remainder of the site.
(b) Review Criteria. One single-family dwelling, permitted accessory structures, lawns and landscaped area,
and access road may be constructed together with site development activities necessary to construct
the dwelling on land subject to a development moratorium; provided, that:
(i) The construction of the single-family dwelling, lawn and landscaping area, accessory structures, and
access road are in compliance with all applicable county regulations;
(ii) The landowner corrects any violations of critical area and resource land requirements if any have
occurred on the parcel;
(iii) Reforestation of the site has occurred, if required, pursuant to Chapter 222-34 WAC.
(c) Required Written Findings and Determinations. A single-family dwelling unit exception may be approved
by the director on a site that is subject to a six-year development moratorium only if all of the following
findings can be made regarding the proposal and are supported by the record:
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(i) The single-family exception to the six-year development moratorium will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety, and general welfare.
(ii) The single-family exception to the six-year development moratorium will not be injurious to the
property or improvements adjacent to and in the vicinity of the proposal.
(iii) The single-family exception to the six-year development moratorium will not result in significant
adverse environmental impacts.
(iv) The granting of the single-family exception to the six-year development moratorium is consistent
with the review criteria in subsection (3)(b) of this section.
(v) The single-family exception to the six-year development moratorium is consistent and compatible
with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, appropriate community plan or
subarea plan, and the provisions of this section.
(d) Six-year moratoriums will be administratively removed by the director of the planning and development
services department or his/her designee when it is determined that the moratorium has been attached
to incorrect parcel numbers and where no activity on the incorrect parcel would warrant a moratorium,
or when forest practice applications or notifications are withdrawn prior to any logging or clearing
20.80.739 Conversion option harvest plan (COHP).
(1) A conversion option harvest plan shall conform to the submission requirements of the Department of
Natural Resources.
(2) A conversion option harvest plan must be reviewed and approved by the county prior to submittal to the
Department of Natural Resources in order for a moratorium waiver on development to be granted by the
(3) A fee shall be established in accordance with the Whatcom County unified fee schedule for the review of a
conversion option harvest plan.
(4) The conversion option harvest plan shall remain in effect until a project permit has been approved by the
20.80.740 Posting authorization.
Land clearing authorization must be posted by the permit applicant and clearly visible at the access to the site.
20.80.741 Assurance of performance.
The county may require financial assurance for the proper performance and for the repair of site conditions;
including but not limited to temporary erosion and sedimentation control facilities, vegetation restoration, and
damage repair. During the defined wet season, a financial assurance of performance shall be required.
20.80.742 Penalties.
Violation of these requirements is punishable pursuant to WCC 20.94.030.
20.80.743 Review fees.
Review fees will be assessed as established by the Whatcom County unified fee schedule.
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