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X-ray emission and the incidence of magnetic fields
in the massive stars of the Orion Nebula Cluster
Universite Laval, Canada
Laboratoire d’astrophysique de Grenoble, France
Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
V. Petit1,2, G.A. Wade2, T. Montmerle3, L. Drissen1
Stellar magnetic fields are well known to produce X-rays in late-type
convective stars like the Sun.
However, X-ray emission coming from OB stars is often explained by
radiative instabilities resulting in a multitude of shocks in their winds
(Lucy & White 1980, Owocki & Cohen 1999).
The Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) was dedicated to observe the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) in X-rays. The OBA sample (20
stars) was studied with the goal of disentangling the respective roles
of winds and magnetic fields in producing X-rays (Stelzer et al. 2005).
The production of X-rays by radiative shocks should be the dominant
mechanism for the subsample of 9 O to early-B stars which have
«strong winds». However, aside from 2 of those stars, all targets
showed intensity and/or variability which were inconsistant with the
small shock model predictions.
We have undertaken a study with ESPaDOnS to explore the role of
magnetic filelds in producing this diversity of X-ray behaviours.
Table 1
Longitudinal field error bars
Spectral type vsini (km/s) Error bar (G)
θ1 Ori A
θ1 Ori D
NU Ori
θ2 Ori B
Par 1772
JW 660
θ1 Ori C
θ Ori A
Magnetic analysis
The modeling of the LSD Stokes V profile can constrain the surface
field strength in a detection case, and provide upper limits for a nondetection.
We sampled the 4-dimensional parameter space (i, β, φ, B) which describes a centered dipolar magnetic configuration. i is the projected
angle of the rotation axis, β is the angle between the magnetic axis
and the rotation axis, φ is the rotational phase and B is the polar field
For each configuration, we calculated the reduced χ2 of the model fit
to the observed LSD Stokes V profiles. Assuming that only the phase
may change between two observations, the goodness-of-fit of a
given (i, β, B)-configuration is expressed in term of Bayesian probability density. With those probability densities, we can extract a credible
region for the field strength of each star (Figure 3).
Figure 1: X-ray efficiency as a function of effective temperature. The detected stars are circled in red. Filled symbols are for stars with indirect indications of the presence of a magnetic field and blue symbols are for confirmed
of suspected binaries. Plotting symbols indicate the following properties:
squares are for stars showing X-ray rotational modulation, circle are for T
Tauri type emission, triangles are chemically peculiar (CP) stars, and the diamond star was not observed. The dotted line indicates the typical efficiency
for massive stars.
8 stars of the COUP «strong winds» OB subsample were observed with
the echelle spectropolarimeter ESPaDOnS at CFHT. High resolution
(R=65,000) measurements of Stokes I and V were obtained under
good conditions, with an appreciable signal to noise ratio.
The mean Stokes I and V profiles were extracted with the Least Square
Deconvolution technique (LSD) of Donati et al. (1997), which allows
the use of many lines to increase the level of detection of a magnetic
Stokes V signature. The list of stars, along with the longitudinal field
error bars, are given in Table 1.
3 stars show field signatures: θ1 Ori C (for which a field has already
been detected by Donati et al. 2002), Par 1772 (shown in Figure 2,
along with the non-detection case θ1 Ori D) and NU Ori.
Figure 2: Least Square Deconvolved profiles for θ1 Ori D and Par 1772. The
curves are the mean Stokes I profiles (bottom), the mean Stokes V profiles
(top) and the N diagnostic null profiles (middle), in black for January 2006 and
red for March 2007.
Figure 3: Marginalized posterior probability densities for Par1772 and θ1 Ori
D. The magnetic field strength 90% credible region (filled) is [900, 2900]G for
Par1772 and [0, 160]G for θ1 Ori D.
This study of the Orion stellar cluster represents a complete magnetic
survey of a co-evolved and co-environmental population of massive
The role of magnetic field in X-rays production remains clearly misunderstood. As shown in Figure 1, X-ray variability is not necessarly correlated with the presence of a field. Furthermore, magnetic fields are
observed even in the absence of X-ray indications.
A continuous distribution of magnetic fields in neutron star progenitor main sequence stars (above 8 solar masses) has been predicted by
Ferrario and Wickramasinghe (2006), under the hypothesis of a fossil
origin for the magnetic fields . Interestingly, we find 3 stars (38%) with
fields above 500G, whereas W & F predict only 10%.
Figure 4: Predicted magnetic field
distribution of massive stars (845Msol) on the main sequence.
From Ferrario and Wickramasinghe