Download Strategic Plan 2013-2014 Improve Communication to Membership

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Strategic Plan 2013-2014
1. Improve Communication to Membership
a. Use Constant contact to personalize emails (by areas of specialty, etc.) (Executive
Director-August 1)
b. Re-establish the newsletter by distributing a minimum of two per year (Publications
chair-Chapter presidents-Deadlines to be set by publications chair two weeks prior to
c. Continue with the Newsblast minimum of once per month (ED will set standing
deadlines by August 1)
2. Improve Conference based on Feedback
a. Improve networking and social activities (Host chapter, Conference Committee, ED
b. Modify Conference schedule in regards to chapter meetings, break times, and other
presentations (Conference Committee chair, Education Chair, ED-Nov 1)
c. Post Conference program and schedule online by Nov. 1 (ED)
d. Investigate options for online/electronic session evaluation (Tech chair-October
board meeting)
3. Increase Active Legislation/Advocacy
a. Create a government relations area of the website and post current information on
legislative issues (government relations chair-committee-provide information to
webmaster by Sep 1 and ongoing as things arise)
b. Provide training for participants of day on the hill (government relations chaircommittee-30 days prior to the scheduled day on the hill)
c. Increase member involvement in day on the hill government relations chaircommittee-SDCA board-30 days prior to scheduled day on the hill
4. Increase social media presence
a. Redesign webpage (ED with the webmaster by Sep 1)
i. Add a FAQ for licensure requirements
ii. Explore and develop platform for webinars (Tobin by Oct board mtg)
b. Provide a consistent presence on FB and Twitter (Executive committee, technology
chair and ED-ongoing rotation)
5. Improve membership
a. Increase membership of SDCA, Areas of Specialty, and Chapters by 10% (Board
members-ED April 30th)
b. Update membership application (PR/Membership Aug 5)
i. Add information on new member referral program
c. Create an advertising brochure/postcard to promote the benefits of membership (PR
& Membership chairs create the card, ED prints and mails out by Sept. 1)
d. Connect with retired or past members to encourage membership in SDCA (ED provides
list of retired members to chapter presidents by Sept. 1, presidents connect by Oct. 1)
e. Create an online membership card, welcome note/email from applicable
leadership(Membership/PR by September 1)
f. Provide a new member list monthly to presidents of chapters and areas of specialty
(ED will set a date to communicate monthly)
g. Create an online picture/bio directory of all current SDCA members
i. Develop bio template for directory (Membership/PR Oct 1)
ii. 2013-2014 SDCA Executive Board members ( April 1-coincideing with new
iii. 2014-2015 Chapter/Area of Specialty Board members
iv. 2015-2016 All members
6. Update SDCA Documents
a. Revision of bylaws (Bylaws chair (and committee) will review and propose changes to
the executive committee by Sept. 1, who will then forward to the board for review to
vote on proposed changes at October meeting [all board members are encouraged to
submit ideas to Rebecca or Duane prior to Sept. 1]
b. Revision of Chapter checklist, Conference details (including responsibilities of host
chapters), Fiscal policies , and Committee responsibilities (Kelly Duncan will send out
draft checklist to chapter presidents and committee chairs by Aug. 1, chapter
Presidents will review and provide feedback with the goal to approve at the Oct.
board mtg.)
7. Marketing and branding of the association and profession
a. Create a SDCA logo (Jamie-Designs submitted by Aug 1 vote by Aug 5)
b. Explore the sale of SDCA merchandise (Jamie will gather information to present at Oct.
board mtg)
c. Promotion of Counselor awareness month (SDCA Board-April 1)