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The build up to WWII
Do you remember the problems
with the Treaty of Versailles?
The other guys had very different ideas about
the future of Europe…
– Set new boundaries - Established nine new nations,
carved ottoman empire into four areas (Iraq, Syria,
Lebanon, and Palestine) given to GB and France as
– Demilitarizing Germany – decreased German military
and gave colonies to France
– Reparations: Germany must pay war damages
– War-guilt clause: forced Germany to acknowledge that
it alone was responsible for WWI
Flaws of Treaty lead to WWII…
• Germany is humiliated and mad…
• Russia felt ignored and determined to
regain power
• Ignored claims of colonized people for
Stalin seizes control of the Soviet Union
• Joseph Stalin wanted to create
a model Communist state
– To do so he began an agricultural
and industrial restructuring that
trampled the rights of his people.
– Great Purge 1934-1938:
responsible for deaths of 8 to 13
million people, millions more died in
famines caused by restructuring
– Established totalitarian
government – one that maintains
complete control over citizens.
Mussolini rises to
power in Italy
• Benito Mussolini (il duce) established
a fascist government – strong
centralized government headed by a
powerful dictator
– Fascism rooted in nationalism, dreams
of Italy as great world power!
– Created a very efficient state by
crushing all opposition through
totalitarian rule
– New Government formed by 1922
Nazis take over Germany
• Rises to power after WWI as he
becomes führer of National
Socialist German Workers’ Party
• Nazism based on extreme
Nationalism – Dreams of Great
German Empire which would be
ruled by German speaking
• Great Depression helps Hitler rise
to power, becomes chancellor
(prime minister) in 1933
– Quickly dismantles democratic
Weimer Republic and
establishes Third Reich
• In 1935 Nuremberg Laws, 1935, strip Jews of civil
rights and property, Jews forced to wear bright
yellow star
• Kristallnacht, Nov. 9, 1938
• Jews flee Germany
– 40,000 to France, Britain admits 500 refugees a week
– unwilling to admit more….
– 60,000 refugees fled to US, but immigration laws not
• St Louis – German luxury liner sent away despite 900 of 943
passengers had landing permits, ¼ of passengers survived
the holocaust.
• “Final Solution” adopted in 1939 - Genocide
Militarists Gain Control in Japan
• Military Leaders beginning gaining
control and share Hitler’s dream of more
“living space” for their growing
• Launched surprise invasion of Manchuria
province in China, 1931
• League of Nations condemns Japan,
Japan quits the League
• Militarists firmly in control after
successful invasion.
America’s Position?
• Isolationists vs Interventionists…