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Chapter #2 American History Review Sheet
What power did the national government have under the Articles of Confederation.
What officially ended the war and established the new boundaries for the U.S.?
Which country provided valuable support to the colonists during the Revolutionary
Common Sense effect and writer?
First battles between redcoats and patriots and outcome?
Writers and reason for the Kentucky Virginia Resolution?
Explain the XYZ Affair?
Washington’s official cabinet officials.
Why was the bill of rights enacted
What maintains Checks and Balances?
What did the Stamp Act do?
Why did the colonists assemble the First Continental Congress?
What was the Major problems with the Articles of Confederation?
How did the new constitution gain ratification?
Know the details of the Whiskey Rebellion and what it shows.
Know the success of the Northwest Ordinance.
What differences were shown between the Federalists and Anti-Federalist?
What difficulties existed between the U.S. and France and Britain?
What was the significance of Valley Forge?