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November 2007
As many of you have already heard, the Masonic and Eastern Star Home (MESH) is
currently beginning the process of expansion/renovation of many of its buildings on
campus, in order to replace some older buildings and also to enhance update many of its
common areas. Over the past few weeks, many of our Department Heads and staff have
received questions, whether it was from residents, other staff or family about this new
project. I thought I would take this opportunity to share those questions and also provide
answers, so that you may be well informed about the changes that are about to take place.
Q: “I’ve heard the Masonic and Eastern Star Home is being renamed, is this true?”
A: Yes! Last month you will recall, MESH had a naming contest to rename the new
development project. The name WhiteStone was selected, and upon recommendation
from our Ad agency, the Board of Directors approved renaming the whole Community
“WhiteStone: A Masonic and Eastern Star Community”. We are excited about the name
because it adds a new name, WhiteStone, but at the same time incorporates our rich
heritage by maintaining the “A Masonic and Eastern Star Community” in its name.
WhiteStone also has a real connection to MESH as Mr. White was our first Administrator
and Mr. and Mrs. Stone were the first couple to move in back in 1913! We will be
formally changing the name soon and will let you know when to start calling our Home
WhiteStone, rather than MESH.
Q: What are you planning to do with this new expansion/renovation?
A: The current plans call for the replacement of 50 to 75 Independent Living one and two
bedroom apartments. There may also be some additional common area spaces added such
as a new multipurpose room, fitness area, and expanded dining areas. We are also
planning to do some nice upgrades for existing buildings such as replacing carpet and
Q. Where are you going to build these new buildings?
A. Plans have not been finalized, but unfortunately, because we have very limited space
on campus, any new buildings will have to be at the expense of tearing down an existing
building. The Bass and/or the Latham buildings are currently being considered for
potential sites for the new buildings.
Q. If I have a family member, neighbor or friend that is interested in learning more
about this new project, who should I be referring them to?
A. We would welcome any referrals you may have of someone that is interested in
moving to WhiteStone. If your referral is interested in either a current apartment or one in
the new development, please refer them to Michael Eaton, Marketing Director or Jo
Frazier, Sales Counselor by calling the general number at 299-0031.
Q. What is a priority?
A. Right now if someone is interested in the new development project and want to be put
on the “waiting list”, they are required to put down a $1,000 refundable deposit. Once we
have more detailed information on the project and when we have enough priorities, these
individuals will be then asked to put down 10% of their expected entrance fee to move
into a unit. If they at any time want their $1000 back, we will refund the total amount and
no further commitment is required.
Q. I’ve heard some people say that MESH has “opened up admissions”, what does
this mean?
A. For many years, in order for a resident to move to MESH, they had to have been a
Mason or Eastern Star Member to move to the Home. Starting with admissions into the
CWC several years ago, this requirement was no longer required. Over the past several
years, independent living admission requirements were loosened where relatives of
Masons or Eastern Stars could come to the Home. However, even with these changes,
MESH was still not getting enough residents to move to the Home. As a result, last
Summer, the Board of Directors agreed to “open admissions”, which meant that residents
no longer needed to be a relative of a Mason or Eastern Star. Even with all these changes
we still very much actively market to Mason and Eastern Star members and continue to
view this as their Home for both organizations.
Q. What should I do if I get questions from a resident or family member about the
development and I don’t know the answer?
A. It’s important that everyone get the right information. While we will do our best to get
you the information to answer as many of these questions as possible, it is generally best
to redirect the people asking the questions to either the Marketing Department or the
Executive Director, Mark Kolada.
Q. When is the project going to be completed?
A. Right now if all goes according to schedule, we should break ground in early 2009 and
complete construction in late 2010.
Q. How has the response been so far to the new project?
A. Outstanding! We have begun marketing this new project to the Masons and Eastern
Star members two months ago and have recently begun running an ad in the local paper.
So far we have over 500 people that have written or called us to say they may be
interested in the new project.
Q. What’s next for WhiteStone?
A. WhiteStone is currently in the pre-selling mode and design/preconstruction phase of
development. Over the next several weeks our ad agency will be working on a new logo
and drawings of the new expansion will begin to take shape. Our marketing department
will also be running more ads and will continuing to get the word out through a series of
workshops being held throughout the triad area for seniors just beginning to think about
retirement living.