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U.S. History
Do At Bell: Quick Review
Colonial America
Directions: Do your best to answer the following questions without the use of your notes. Then take
out your handouts to correct/complete your work.
1. The 13 colonies that eventually became the United States were once controlled by which
European country? Great Britain (England is also an acceptable answer)
2. Between 1600 and 1700 the relationship between the colonists and the British was symbiotic.
What does that mean? Symbiotic means “mutually beneficial”. A symbiotic relationship is
one in which both parties benefit. Both the colonists and the British benefited from their
relationship early on (be able to explain how – see review sheet #1)
3. In the late 1700s, many colonists decided that they wanted to be independent. Why did they
want to rebel against the British? Many colonists felt that England was being too controlling.
They were angry about the new, higher taxes that the British had imposed on the colonies and
they were angry about the Quartering Act.
4. Who was the King of England in the late 1700s? King George III
5. Some colonists remained loyal to the British. These colonists were called loyalists. Which of
the following is a true statement about the loyalists?
a. They agreed that the British government was unfair to the colonists
b. They wanted to overthrow the British and make the colonies free and independent
c. They wanted to remain a part of Great Britain. They supported the king and his
6. Define the word “ttyrannical”: a situation in which power is being abused by the government
(the government is using it’s power unfairly against the people)
7. What was the Quartering Act? A British law that required American colonists to provide
shelter and food for British soldiers living in the 13 colonies
8. What was the Boston Tea Party? The Sons of Liberty dressed up as native Americans, boarded
British merchant vessels and dumped millions of dollars worth of tea overboard to protest the
new taxes on tea.
9. What was the Boston Massacre? British soldiers and colonists got into a verbal fight in Boston.
Eventually the soldiers began shooting into crowd resulting in the deaths of 5 colonists. The
Sons of Liberty called the event the Boston Massacre.
10. Who were the Sons of Liberty? A group of wealthy colonists who were opposed to the British
rule of the colonies. They wanted the colonies to be a free and independent country.
11. Which happened first – Paul Revere’s ride or the Battle of Concord? He warned the colonists
of the British plan to attack Concord and then Lexington.
12. Which happened first – the Declaration of Independence or the Battle of Concord? The Battle
of Concord (1775) upset the colonists so much that they drafted the D.O.I a few months
13. Which happened last – the Battle of Yorktown or the Signing of the Treaty of Paris? The
signing of this treaty marked the end of the war.
14. Who were the “rred coats”? a nick name for British soldiers
15. Who were the minutemen? A nick name for colonial soldiers
16. True . Most colonial soldiers were poor, untrained farmers.
17. True . Most members of the Sons of Liberty were wealthy.
18. Who won the American Revolutionary War? The American Colonists
19. What was the Treaty of Paris, 1783? The official peace treaty that ended the American
Revolutionary War (signed after the Battle of Yorktown)
20. Identify two things that the colonists gained through the Treaty of Paris, 1783.
a. Independence (America was made a free country)
b. Land (America gained land from the Appalachian Mounts to the Mississippi River)