Download Central Nervous System Practical Exam Chapter 12 Nervous

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Central Nervous System Practical Exam
Chapter 12
Nervous System Cells
1. Please identify the flagged structure.
2. Please identify the flagged structure.
3. Please identify the flagged structure.
4. A neuron that transmits a nerve impulse toward the
central nervous system is called a(n):
5. The part of the nervous system that transmits impulses
from the CNS to the skeletal muscle is the:
6. The myelin sheath is formed by what type of cells?
7. Nissl bodies are comparable to this organelle in other cells.
8. A neuron that has only one axon but several dendrites
is classified as a:
9. What is the material that supports the occipital lobes and
separates them from the cerebellum. It is characterized as the
folding of the Dura.
10. What is the name for the space between the dura mater and the
arachnoid membrane?
11. Sensory neurons are usually:
A. unipolar.
B. bipolar.
C. multipolar.
12. What is the name for the type of synapse that uses a chemical
transmitter to send a signal from the presynaptic cell to the
postsynaptic cell?
13. What term is used to identify a shallow groove in the
surface of the brain?
14. What term is used to identify the ridges on the surface
of the brain?
15. What is the generic term associated with the material released
in a synapse in order to promote conduction of an impulse?
16. Which part of a neuron conducts impulses toward the cell body?
17. Schwann cells have a similar function in the peripheral nervous
system as what cells in the central nervous system.
18 A lack of which neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia is
associated with Parkinson’s disease.
Chapter 13
Central Nervous System
19. What is the term used to identify the protective layer of
membranes that suspends the brain in the skull?
20. Which of these layers is translated as the “tough mother”? It is
the strongest of the three.
21. What term is used to identify the “soft mother”?
22. Please identify the flagged structure.
23. Please identify the flagged structure.
24. Please identify the flagged structure.
25. Please identify the flagged structure.
26. What is the function of #25?
27. Please identify the flagged structure.
28. What is the function of #27?
29. The main divisions of the central nervous system are the:
A. brain, spinal cord, and autonomic nerves.
B. brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
C. brain and spinal cord.
30. There are ______ ventricles in the brain.
31. Meningitis refers to inflammation of the:
A. brain.
B. meninges.
C. spinal cord.
32. Cerebrospinal fluid is found in all except the:
A. subarachnoid space.
B. central canal.
C. third ventricle.
D. subdural space.
33. The brain has ______ major divisions.
34. The part of the brain that can directly influence or inhibit
the release of hormones from the pituitary is the:
35. The cerebellum performs all of the following functions except:
A. coordinates control of muscle action.
B. helps control posture.
C. controls cardiac function.
D. controls skeletal muscles to maintain balance
36 The type of brain waves associated with deep sleep is:
37. A person who is awake, alert, and attentive would have a
predominance of ______ brain waves.
38. What is the material that separates both halves of the
cerebrum. It is characterized as the folding of the Dura.
39. Please identify the flagged structure.
40. Please identify the flagged structure. (Cavity)
41. Please identify the flagged structure.
42. The cerebrospinal fluid resides in the:
43. The corpus callosum connects the:
44. Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is not important in memory
A. frontal
B. occipital
C. temporal
D. parietal
45. What is the specific name for the functional area indicated by
letter D
46. The pre-central gryus is responsible for ….
47. Which section of the brain is responsible for “fine motor
48. The auditory interpretation takes place in what lobe?
49. What part of the brain controls the fight or flight response?
50. Where are neurological stem cells found?
What vaccine is required before entrance into college?
What medical term is used to describe swelling of the brain due to
fluid build-up?