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Executive Summary
The need for effective and distribution of agricultural produce, determination quantitative
agricultural yielding based on climatic, epidemic, soil physical and chemical composition,
market forces and contingencies must be effectively followed up to meet with ,market
demand and create sustainable inventory in diverse region. Plant and animal diseases which
could have been curb at early stages by effective monitoring has led to a plunging draught
for farmers which has led to poor production level and quality of agricultural produce. Other
issues such as market availability, poor inventory, slow or no access to logistic basically
transportation has led to the quick hike in prices of agricultural produce (with respect to
The problem above highlights the significance of our product to our potential market Nigeria
and other developing nations as it shall be dealing with such issues, thus, improving
productivity and logistic techniques for both local and commercial farmers.
Our solution "Smart Farms" is aimed at interacting with farm behavior and market in real
time. Such data includes temperature, water transmission level (soil), soil texture, acidity,
alkalinity level etc. This process of farm monitoring involves data collection for farm and
appropriate models that interprets data to the best understanding of a farmer and also
providing a market/service network (web/mobile app framework) for quick route to access
major service needed while networking with future buyer's.
We shall achieve this with the aid of open-source technologies (Arduino) and appropriate
sensors for monitoring farm. Our span of product and services shall cover areas in the
agricultural sector such as: Animal husbandry, aquaculture, horticulture and logistic aided
Our system which shall come in varieties to suite online and offline mode of data
interpretation and also modeled to interpret retrieved data to the best of understanding to
the user providing a possible line of action.
This solution will be governed by an Arduino controller and will allow for appropriate
modeling of data retrieved. Our solution shall also create a market framework network for
our users/clients allowing for appropriate inventory of produce and identification of a
potential market. Such network shall allow for logistic services (farmers in rural/urban
areas), market identification and adequate inventory of produce in regions thereby
regulating pricing.
Relevant skills needed shall include:
Simulation and Modeling Skill (Descriptive statistics, Soil Science, Animal Science,
probability and risk management)
Inventory Management
Programming Skill (, C#)
Embedded Systems (assembling)
The Initiative
Our product shall be designed to be relatively affordable for both local and
commercial farmers (open source technologies in use). We also aimed at regulating and
improving the quality of produce and production level. Our web-based interface with our
product shall allow our user instantly identify their produce available for sale, identify
potential market, access logistics thereby strengthening inventory in regions and regulating
pricing. We shall also network with service network providers to provide us with toll free
numbers to enable farmers with no internet connectivity network with agro-service
(transportation and storage) providers within their location. Our transport logistic platform
for servicing firms shall also possesses a GPRS tracking device (product) which we shall use
to track location of vehicle instantaneously and notify them on available nearest farmer or
client available for service. By so doing, we are saving operational cost and optimizing flow
process in the logistics sector. Our GPRS tracking device will also be developed by an
Arduino Controllers.
To better serve our customers, we shall design smart farm solution in two models of a
particular product.
1) Static Model: This is goaled at satisfying large scale farm/ commercial farmers. This
product will be statically placed into the soil at strategic locations.
2) Dynamic Model: This is aimed at satisfying local farmer who cannot purchase multiple
devices and who want to move this product at strategic locations to retrieve data (Data will
not be retrieved in real-time using this model)
Our technology shall be driven by the use of Arduino controller and appropriate sensors to
achiever data collection. To obtain data, we shall immerse sensor at 10cm-30cm of soil
level. Our innovative strength and market advantage shall be based our production design
and Energy consumption ratio. We shall design our product on static and dynamic model.
It shall as add security feature that will help prevent pests on farms. Our aesthetic design
shall introduce a red circular shield to reduce effect of rainfall on system and scare away
farm pest. Our major component shall be well coated with water resistance material and low
heat conducting materials. Additional tools such as mannequin will be made
attachable/detachable on the system to help prevent unwanted preys on farms.
Our energy source will be based on affordable solar panels and batteries. Our Solar panel
will be placed above the red shield for proper energy absorption. For our Dynamic system,
we shall provide both Solar panel and rechargeable batteries to allow for effective use and
Our Mission: - We are goaled at providing affordable technological product & services that
will allow for improved quality, productivity and market capitalization in the agricultural
Our Vision: World leading technology satisfying imminent farmer's needs/ technology and
interfacing consumer needs in the agricultural sector.
Social Purpose: Creating an enabling environment for improved productivity of agricultural
produce, regulating pricing via adequate inventory and logistics, thus eradicating hunger in
This proposal in presently at a prototype modeling stage (Development stage). The zeal and
team work presently existing in our midst is strong to pull this project through, coupled with
this, we have in Nigeria a large population and high demand for food which is an increasing
need for farmers to satisfy, thus, identifying Nigeria as a potential market for our product.
To add, our presence and networks at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture gives us an
outstanding edge to communicate our product to commercial farmers. We have provided
the Federal Ministry of Agriculture with consultancy services (May 25th 2014) of which we
are in strong Network with the Minister and Directors on board.
Our team "HADROITE ENGINEERING" presently possesses the relevant engineering
skills/technological skill to execute tis project. We are a young and growing firm and we
believe we can breach the network of technology between Africa and the outside World by
providing affordable technology in the agricultural sector, telecommunication sector and
more in general.
Of these skills include: Programming, simulation and modeling, risk and inventory
management and of all leadership abilities (a never-give up philosophy).
B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering (University of Nigeria, Nsukka)
Skills: Systems modeling and simulation, Risk Management, Programming skills (,
C#), embedded systems, Model Arduino
Responsibilities: Assemble and model system, simulate system, evaluate system risk, assist
in material selection.
Co-founder Hadroite Engineering
B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering (University of Nigeria, Nsukka)
Skills: Inventory Management, Risk Management, Programming skills (, C#), Gas
turbine Technology, SCADA systems
Responsibilities: Model Arduino Kit, Select appropriate sensors, Material selection, Model
Inventory Systems for cash crop produce.
Soil Scientist
BSc Soil Science (University of Benin)
Skill: Assemble data on soil and crop behavior, assist in simulation and modeling.
Public Analyst
Bsc. Sociology (University of Nigeria, Nsukka) (Undergraduate)
Federal Ministry of Agriculture Personnel’s.
We have identified persons in this competition for which we may extend our partnership.
This is to allow for quick product diversification in region or countries they reside in. i.e.
"Poiesis - Smart Farm".
Marketing & Sales
Our Product: We shall design a real time data acquisition system for farmers. Our system
shall obtain data on soil chemistry and provide appropriate solution that maintains and
controls variation such as temperature.
We shall also provide an online platform which will be interfaced with our product solution
that allows for agro based services. This shall effectively allow our users/clients to quickly
set their produce into the market either based on forecast or present availability.
We shall design our product to satisfy both local and commercial farmers. This shall model
product on STATIC and DYNAMIC principles. Our solution shall be in real time and shall
provide a line of action for farmers based on model.
TARGET GROUP: Our target group are basically local and commercial farmers. On future
condition, we are aimed at extending our service/products to meet the needs and demands
of geologist and environmental scientists in the oil and gas sector.
Our unique selling selling point are
- Our Innovation; concept, diversification and variety in product.
- Affordability
PRODUCT-Our product shall provide services of soil testing; chemical and physical
composition in real-time.
It shall be modeled to provide possible line of action based on retrieved data.
It shall be automated i.e. regulating variation in temperature.
It shall provide an online platform for market capitalization
It shall be affordable.
The above features is goaled at improving productivity and refining the quality of produce.
To best satisfy our clients/user's we shall model two standards "Static" and “Dynamic"
Hence the name of this product shall be called "HADF" meaning "Hard Farms"
The real time retrieval system and model makes soil testing accessible to farmers, allowing
for instant automation and control behavior of changes observed in farms. Hence saving
farmers the cost of frequent soil testing in labs and improving evaluation and monitoring.
Availability of Products: Online, Agents.
We shall be involved in fairs to make the public informed and educate the people on our
technology. We also make use of online submission, workshops of our product and services.
Our price shall be developed in models to specifically suite the aspired department in the
agricultural sector. Our product shall have a floating price ranging from $60-$300 for
diverse model produced. The higher the price, the greater the value and feature.
We shall also render benefit to our client via agent by providing appropriate discount for
buyers of a specified amount (quantity).
Comparing our pricing with competitor: Our product and services are innovative, thus we
have not comparative competitor in Nigeria. To strike a competitive edge with other
markets i.e. international market, we shall a balance on pricing, making it relatively
affordable, accessible and of more value that product existing in present market.
Adverts via NGO's and the federal Ministry of Agriculture, internet, direct marketing, mail
shot billboards.
We shall promote product at peak at each quarter of the year to attract farmer ready for
harvest or cultivation and start-up rearing of animals.
Social Purpose
This solution will allow for increase productivity and quality of produce, eradicating
hunger and regulating pricing. Our social impact will be measured by monitoring through
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and NGO's.
Considering Nigeria's increasing population and the world's in general, the need for
increased productivity in agric-produce and quality demand will be of need. Hence,
appropriate monitoring of activities is needed.
Also the potential of diversifying into other related field such as geography and geology will
be a demand as most data on soil topography will be achieved by simple techniques and in
real time.
Our growth will be measured by demand and supply rate.
Prototype Development------ ITU/ Team Fund raising
Market execution and testing-------- Venture Capitalist
Production----------------------- Bank loan/Venture capitalist/ Federal
Implementation Plan
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: We shall be developing a real-time agricultural data
retrieval system for soil description and animal monitoring. Our system shall make
use of appropriate sensors and an Arduino controller for implementation.
We shall also model a web-based interface to help model and interpret data and also
connect farmers to the market. To add to the services we shall develop a mobile app
and provide a toll free number for farmer in areas without connectivity to tap into this
For implementation of this project, we shall be involved in the following stages
Basic development of prototype (2014)
Product awareness via government agencies and NGO's (2015). This is to
educate and enlist commercial farms who may be interested in getting their farms
Full model development and market testing
Market Survey: Sourcing cheaper component and negotiating with Production
Company. This will be based on demand and market presence.
Development of Network for agro allied industries and services
Promotion of Product & services via popular social network/seminars/NGO’s
Venture capitalist investment based on market demand
Meeting with venture capitalist NGO's and government agencies (feedback
Improved promotions
Improved production and outsourcing marketing to agents
Prototype Development
Wi-Fi shield for arduino R3 with SD cards
supports Mega
2560 R3 MEGA 2560 REV AT MEGA 2660
System Engineers
Soil Scientist/Agriculturist
Mechatronic Engineers
Our Biography
The drive for improvement on the agricultural sector on effective monitoring,
inventory satisfaction from more producing regions to less producing regions, effective
logistics and standardization of produce, pricing has led to the brainstorming of an idea
proposal was sent to the ministry and receive a high audience from the Federal Ministry of
Agriculture. By so doing, the team expanded her horizon and interest for the development
of sustainable technology for the agricultural sector.
Our commitment to the idea "smart farm" is solid. We are goaled at bring this solution to
the Nigerian market and the world at large at affordable prices.
To further strengthen our ambition on this project, we developed our skill in relevant areas
needed, of which they include:
Soil Science
Computational Analysis, Simulation and Modeling
System Risk Management
Programming Skills
Embedded Systems
Lean Inventory Optimization
I have successfully designed a model using "Dynamic Programming" for a traffic control
system at the University f Nigeria, Nsukka.
I am the initiator and co-founder of Hadroite Engineering. We provide service on lean
inventory optimization technique, Risk Management Solutions, Swift logistics, Scada
We also successfully implemented solutions for small firms and have provided consultancy
service to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture.
I am passionate about entrepreneurship, innovation and helping others discover their
selves, i love value adding ideas and product.
I am a graduate of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nigeria Nsukka.
I believe that my idea can add virtue to the world we live in today.
Any additional information you want to provide.