Download Nippon Sheet Glass Decides to Issue Preferred Shares— Outcome

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February 2, 2017
Nippon Sheet Glass Decides to Issue Preferred Shares—
Outcome and Impacts on Financial Structure To Be Watched
and Reflected in Rating
The following is Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR)’s opinion on the decision made by Nippon Sheet
Glass Company, Limited (security code: 5202) to issue preferred shares.
(1) Nippon Sheet Glass Company, Limited (the “Company”) is one of the world’s top-ranking glass
manufacturers. It decided at its board meeting today to issue 40 billion yen of preferred shares
through third-party allocation. The allocation will made to a fund centered on Sumitomo Mitsui
Banking Corporation, the Company’s main financing bank, along with other entities. The proceeds
from the issuance will be appropriated for debt repayment and capital investments related to the
manufacturing of high value-added products.
(2) Drastic measures to enhance equity capital were required of the Company because of capital
impairment due to loss recording and currency fluctuations in recent years. Given, among other
factors, that the Company aims at redeeming the shares with cash if and when the profits
accumulate, it is hard to say that the financial structure will now improve to a greater degree than
JCR’s previous assumptions. On the other hand, the fact that the Company will become more
tolerant to financial risks, including currency fluctuations, and secure the funds for capital
investments that will help boost the earnings in the future and that concerns about financing will be
reduced thanks to contribution from the fund centered on the main bank can be evaluated
positively. JCR will pay close attention to the outcome, impacts on the financial structure, etc. and
reflect its views in the rating.
Mikiya Kubota, Hajime Inoue
Issuer: Nippon Sheet Glass Company, Limited
Long-term Issuer Rating: BB+
Outlook: Negative
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.
Jiji Press Building, 5-15-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Tel. +81 3 3544 7013, Fax. +81 3 3544 7026
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