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Goal: To improve participation and
competence in the development
and assessment of RCE’s
Feed-back from Abel Atiti and Jim Taylor
How do we strengthen self assessment and
peer review?
Many noted they had undertaken no formal assessment yet.
Most were aware of the Graz model – but had not applied it
Many felt that the variety of RCE activity meant that no, one
standardized assessment, could work.
Assessment has been recorded by some as a narrative record – a
‘case story’ or a ‘change story’.
Peer assessment between 2 or more RCE’s was suggested
Check-lists have been used, however it is important to go
beyond these and seek greater “conceptual depth”.
Some RCE’s are seeking a methodology …..
The combination of qualitative and quantitative data was
considered helpful.
Milestones can be helpful to track learning and change.
An evaluation culture needs to be developed!
Make it simple and practical
Make informative data-bases for wider sharing
Focus on a particular theme
Apply user journals from the field
Publish in the ESD journal (Kiran is with us!!).
What other strategies can we use?
Celebrate and get involved in assessment
Regional assessments may help
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Continuous improvement and action research
was considered useful.
Critical friends can be helpful especially with
innovative questions and suggestions
Place-based / situated learning and assessment
was found to be helpful
“Reality congruence” between the educational
ideology and the assessment orientation was
considered important.
Assessment as learning ….
To what extent are our strategies
bringing about sustainability practices?
RCE’s need to display sustainability leadership!
Ride a bicycle to work!
Encouraging green building technologies
Sometimes patience is needed as change can be
Sustainability practices included:
Clay oven cooking
A “living laboratory” or “sustainability commons”
Sustainability case stories can be helpful
One group shared a 4 level evaluation
1. Quality of design of RCE
2. Quality of support system or governance
3. Satisfaction with delivery (eg survey’s etc.)
4. How has the RCE improved ‘quality of life’
A Template for Change Based Evaluation
quality of
Describe how your change project and what is or has been
achieved for each impact area
Change rating