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Published papers in international journals:
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2006. Simulating leaching of potassiums in a sandy soil using simple
and complex models. Agricultural Water Management. 85: 85-94.
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2007. Effect of water quality on theleaching of potassium from sandy
soil. Journal of Arid Environments. 68: 624-639.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2007. Short-term potassium release and fixation in some calcareous
soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 170: 530-537.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2008. Ability of sorption-desorption experiments to predict
potassium leaching from calcareous soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 171:
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2008. Groundwater quality in an irrigated, agricultural area of
northern Malayer, western Iran. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystem. 18 (1): 95-105.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2009. Effect of irrigation water quality on the leaching and
desorption of phosphorous from soil. Soil and Sediment Contamination.18:576–589.
Kolahchi, Z. and Jalali, M. 2012. Kinetics of nutrient release from different organic residues
using a laboratory system. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 58:1013-1031.
Kolahchi, Z. and Jalali, M. 2012. Speciation of phosphorus in phosphorus-amended and
leached calcareous soils using chemical fractionation. Polish Journal of Environmental
Studies. 21:393-398.
Kolahchi, Z. and Jalali, M. 2013. Phosphorus movement and retention by two calcareous
soils. Soil and Sediment Contamination An International Journal. 22:21-38.
Published papers in local journals:
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2006. Phosphorus supply of soil as influenced by different rates of
phosphorus addition in Hamadan province soils. Iranian Journal of soil and Water Science.
19 (1): 53-60.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2006. Nitrate concentration in Bahar area groundwater. Iranian
Journal of soil and Water Science. 19 (2): 194-200.
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2006. Potassium leaching from soils as affected by soil texture,
native potassium and adsorption coefficient. Iranian Journal of Water, Soil and Plant
research. 5(1): 54-66.
Conference Papers:
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z., Khanlari, Z.V. 2001. Nitrate concentration in Hamadan
groundwater. Second national conference on optimum utilization of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides in agriculture. Karaj, Iran.
Jalali, M., Khanlari, Z.V., Kolahchi, Z., 2001. Investigating the available potassium statue in
soils of Hamadan. Second national conference on optimum utilization of chemical fertilizers
and pesticides in agriculture. Karaj, Iran.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2002. Phosphorus sorption in soils of Hamadan. 7th Iranian congress
of soil science. Shahrkord, Iran.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2002. Investigating the available phosphorus statue and the effect of
phosphorus fertilizer on phosphorus availability in soils of Hamadan.7 th Iranian congress of
soil science. Shahrkord, Iran.
Jalali, M., Khanlari, Z.V., Kolahchi, Z. 2004. Nitrate concentration in Bahar area
groundwater. 8th Iranian congress of soil science. Rasht, Iran.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z., 2004. Kinetics of non-exchangeable potassium release in some soils
of Hamadan. 8th Iranian congress of soil science. Rasht, Iran.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z., 2004. Phosphorus supply characteristics of ten calcareous soils as
influenced by different rates of phosphorus addition. Agroenviron. Udine, Italy, 20-24
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2005. The effect of water quality in the leaching of potassium in
sandy soil. International Conference Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and
semiarid Regions. Isfahan, Iran. 12-16 September.
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2005. Predicting the leaching of applied potassium in a sandy soil
using LEACHM model. International Conference Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes
in Arid and semiarid Regions. Isfahan, Iran. 12-16 September.
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2006. predicting the leaching of potassium by the retardation factor
and equilibrium concentration. 9th Iranian congress of soil science.Tehran, Iran.
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2006. predicting the leaching of potassium by using a simple model.
9th Iranian congress of soil science.Tehran, Iran.
Jalali, M., Kolahchi, Z. 2006. The effect of Calcium on leaching of phosphorus in soil. Soil,
Environment and Sustainable development Congress. Karaj, Iran.
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2009. Phosphorus release kinetics from organic amendments. 11th
soil science congress. Gorgan, Iran.
Kolahchi, Z., Jalali, M. 2012. Phosphorus leaching in relation to soil properties in some
cultivated calcareous soils of western Iran. International conference on Engineering and
Applied Science (ICEAS). Beijing, China. 24-27 July.
‫کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .1393 .‬استفاده از پساب در كشاورزي‪ ،‬فرصت يا‬
‫تهديد‪ .‬كنگره ملي خاك و محيط زيست ‪ -‬ايران‪ ،‬اروميه‪ 08 ،‬و ‪09‬‬
‫شهرام‪ ،‬پ‪ ،.‬کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .‬و اسدی‪ ،‬م‪ .1393 .‬بررسي جزء بندي‬
‫شيميايي فسفر در برخي از خاكهاي گردوكاري شده شهرستان‬
‫تويسركان‪ .‬كنگره ملي خاك و محيط زيست ‪ -‬ايران‪ ،‬اروميه‪ 08 ،‬و‬
‫‪ 09‬شهريور‪.‬‬
‫شهرام‪ ،‬پ‪ ،.‬کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .1393 .‬بررسي سينتيك رهاسازي فسفر در‬
‫برخي از خاكهاي مناطق گردوكاري شده شهرستان تويسركان‪ .‬كنگره‬
‫ملي خاك و محيط زيست ‪ -‬ايران‪ ،‬اروميه‪ 08 ،‬و ‪ 09‬شهريور‪.‬‬
‫نصيری‪ ،‬س‪ ،.‬فيضيان‪ ،‬م‪ .‬و کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .1393 .‬پيامد كاربرد‬
‫كودهاي آلي بر توزيع فلزات سنگين در خاك آلوده شده‪ .‬كنگره‬
‫ملي خاك و محيط زيست ‪ -‬ايران‪ ،‬اروميه‪ 08 ،‬و ‪ 09‬شهريور‪.‬‬
‫نصيری‪ ،‬س‪ ،.‬فيضيان‪ ،‬م‪ .‬و کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .1393 .‬اثر زئوليت و‬
‫كمپوست زباله بر كاهش آبشويي عناصر روي و كادميم در خاك‬
‫آلوده‪ .‬كنگره ملي خاك و محيط زيست ‪ -‬ايران‪ ،‬اروميه‪ 08 ،‬و ‪09‬‬
‫نصيری‪ ،‬س‪ ،.‬فيضيان‪ ،‬م‪ .‬و کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .1393 .‬فرايند آبشويي‬
‫عناصر روي و كادميوم در ستون هاي خاك تحت اصالح كننده هاي‬
‫آلي و غير آلي‪ .‬كنگره ملي خاك و محيط زيست ‪ -‬ايران‪ ،‬اروميه‪،‬‬
‫‪ 08‬و ‪ 09‬شهريور‪.‬‬
‫عصاريها‪ ،‬م‪ ،.‬ضرابی‪ ،‬م‪ .‬و کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .1393 .‬اثر دو نوع ورمي‬
‫كمپوست بر فراهمي فسفر از منابع فسفاته در يك خاك آهكي‪.‬‬
‫كنفرانس بين المللي توسعه پايدار‪ ،‬راهكارها و چالش ها با‬
‫محوريت كشاورزي‪ ،‬منابع طبيعي‪ ،‬محيط زيست و گردشگري ‪ -‬ايران‪،‬‬
‫تبريز ‪ 06 -‬تا ‪ 08‬اسفند‪.‬‬
‫حسن پور‪ ،‬ا‪ ،.‬کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ ،.‬ضرابی‪ ،‬م‪ ،.‬فاطمی‪ ،‬ا‪ .‬و شهرام‪ ،‬پ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1394‬تاثير کود مرغی بر جزء بندی شيميايی پتاسيم در خاکهای‬
‫مناطق گردوکاری تويسرکان‪ .‬سومين همايش ملی پژوهش های محيط‬
‫زيست و کشاورزی ايران‪ ،‬همدان‪ 22 -‬تير‪.‬‬
‫حسن پور‪ ،‬ا‪ ،.‬کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ ،.‬ضرابی‪ ،‬م‪ .‬و فاطمی‪ ،‬ا‪ .1394 .‬بررسی‬
‫جزء بندی شيميايی پتاسيم در خاکهای مناطق گردوکاری شهرستان‬
‫تويسرکان‪ .‬چهاردهمين کنگره علوم خاک ايران‪ ،‬رفسنجان‪ 16 -‬تا‬
‫‪ 18‬شهريور‪.‬‬
‫حسن پور‪ ،‬ا‪ ،.‬کاله چی‪ ،‬ز‪ .1394 .‬تاثير کود گوسفندی بر جزء‬
‫بندی شيميايی پتاسيم در خاکهای مناطق گردوکاری تويسرکان‪.‬‬
‫کنفرانس بين المللی توسعه با محوريت کشاورزی‪ ،‬محيط زيست و‬
‫گردشگری‪ .‬ايران‪ ،‬تبريز‪ 25 -‬تا ‪ 26‬شهريور‪.‬‬
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