Download Folk High School INFO - Дом Европы в Санкт

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3.The Folk High School
The Folk High School of Saint Petersburg started the work from May, 1998. 17 years of work have
allowed to save up an operational experience with elderly people, to interest student's youth in
carrying out of joint programs, to create a place of an attraction for many interesting people, not
only students, but also teachers.
Lectures and course of the FHS are carried out by leading professors, highly skilled experts and
students almost daily under specially made schedule.
New students of FHS are registered of semester acting in the beginning. Duration of training in FHS
is not limited. Studying at FHS free-of-charge or paid on a preferential basis.
In the program: lecture, seminars, clubs, circles, meetings, excursions and trips, visiting of
museums and theatres, thematic walks, etc. which are chosen by students. It is a history and culture,
medicine and ecology, regional geography and European studies, psychology of dialogue, foreign
languages, computer literacy, journalism and ethnology, the literature and bases of architecture,
economic and jurisprudence, ethics and many other courses.
FHS it is formed as division of NGO «House of Europe in Saint Petersburg».
Operates on the basis of Position «About FHS’s work ».
FHS in Saint Petersburg is revival of the Folk High Schools existing in pre-revolutionary
FHS makes use of experience of the Scandinavian countries and the Western Europe.
Besides the FHS offers the services to the widest layers of the population.
Democratic bases of FHS’s work are shown in all sides of its activity. For development of strategic
directions of activity, rendering assistance in the organization and becoming of FHS, and also for
the organization activity in FHS regular working: Scientific - methodical Council, the Board of
guardians and Council of self-management (operate from among FHS’s students).
FHS actively cooperates with 21 theatres, many museums, universities, especially with the
Conservatory, Herzen State Pedagogical University and Academy of culture and arts, research
institutes, Federation of trade unions of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Activity of FHS is
maintained by Committee on a science and the higher education.
Education at the Folk high school solves the important social function, helping the elderly person to
be guided in a modern life, adequately to react to changes occurring in life (both in the nearest
environment, and in the world as a whole). Work of the FHS promotes mitigation of social intensity
in a society, to creation of conditions for dialogue and active participation in a life of the senior
generation of people.
FHS has wide international connections and continuous communications with many regions of
The model developed on the basis of work of the Folk High school of St. Petersburg, was extended
in a number of territories of Russia with which constant working contacts are supported.
The requirement for the educational institutes similar FHS, is high, development of their network is
complicated by absence of the legislation on adults education and the general financial instability in
the country. However fast growth of "the third sector” allows hoping, that the outlined tendency
will develop on the basis of social partnership.
All these programmes are united under the network project “Learning region”.
Participation in the network project "Learning region ", coordinated by NGO "House of the Europe
in Saint-Petersburg ", allows to accumulate interesting experience of some regions and to distribute
idea in areas of the Novgorod area. The contract combined activity on development of trained
community in regions has fixed overall aims and has approved distribution of powers between
partners within the limits of the plan of combined actions on 2006-2009years.
According to the experience of the first territory which have set the task of consecutive movement
to the trained society, this work includes the following:
Marketing researches of a labour market and the market of educational services;
Monitoring the current educational needs f the population and forecasting the probable educational
An establishment of contacts to learning cities and regions, including foreign countries,
development of the international programs and projects in the field of adults' education;
Realization of fundrising to assist a separate establishments, development of new projects, and also
searching the possible sponsors for the groups of the citizens who have no opportunity to pay for
the programme;
Popularization of lifelong education idea by carrying out of advertising campaigns and parties,
similar to "Adult Learner's Week";
Creation of the diagnostic center, a databank, a consultation centre for trainees so that they could
receive the information or recommendations on continuation of training, maintenance of work of a
web-site "Learning region";
It will allow to activate the major factor of development - human resources.
The aims of network projects:
-coordinating of the work of FHSs in Russia;
-help in the developing and coordinating of specialists’ work in different regions in order to provide
scientific-research work;
-organization of joined exhibitions, conferences, seminars of in-service training and other actions
according to the plan;
-help the government of Russian Federation in the state policy in the sphere of Adult Education
One of the ways of increasing lifelong learning effectiveness consists of partnership development
between the state, commercial and noncommercial organizations.
C 2009 проводятся Форумы высших народных школ России и Украины : 2009Петербург,
2010Казань,2011-Кировоград,Украина,2012Киев,Украина и 2013Ялта,Украина. В 2014г Форум пройдет в Санкт- Петербурге.
Training in local community connects repeated processes of training at school, on a workplace and
in family. It becomes social communication, everyday activity of community, makes an essence of
concept of long life learning which promotes development of city and area, and improvement of
quality of a life of its citizens.