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Sunday March 30: General Service
Get ready for CKI Service Week! This week is going to be packed with service - will you be ready? Make
sure that you plan all of your events ahead of time and spread the word! Don’t forget to invite fellow
Kiwanis Family members to help reach your service goals. The more the merrier.
LSSP Photo Contest #LSSP2014. While participating in a service project, take a picture of yourself with
the LSSP logo! Upload your photo onto Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram with the hashtag
#LSSP2014. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Volunteer with your local animal shelter or humane society. Furry friends need love too! Spend some
time pampering and playing with animals that need some much needed care. Also feel free to dedicate
some time creating homemade treats to donate.
Run a clothing drive for a local homeless or emergency shelter. We all have extra clothes that we don’t
wear or need so why not donate them to those who do? Set up boxes for a clothing drive in your
community and advertise the pick up times. Drop off the donated goods to your local homeless or
emergency shelter.
Get a good night’s rest. Although this may be a busy week don’t forget to sleep! Energy is a must when
performing service.
Monday March 31: March of Dimes
“The March of Dimes is an organization that is fighting to help all babies be born healthy. Its mission is to
help prevent birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. This organization benefits everyone.
The March of Dimes is a primarily fundraising organization. The two big events the March of Dimes hosts
are Signature Chef Auctions and March for Babies. The funds raised by the March of Dimes go towards
researching the many different problems babies face before or after they are born. Currently 15 million
babies are born too soon every year. That can also be broken down to 1 in 9 babies in the United States is
born early.”
- Kelsey Gower, 2013 – 2014 March of Dimes Ambassador
Wear purple! Help spread awareness for prematurity and the March of Dimes by wearing purple and
letting others know why.
10 – 2PM
Pass out purple ribbons and flyers for awareness. Find a well-populated area on campus to table, such
as in a cafeteria or lunch area. Hand out purple ribbons for others to wear and share the mission of the
March of Dimes through flyers. A printable flyer can be found here.
Post a photo of you performing service #LSSP2014. Share with us a photo of you doing your favorite
service project with the hashtag #LSSP2014 on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram. We want to know
what service projects you like to participate in!
Host a dinner and presentation. Education is key for advocacy of prematurity and the March of Dimes
so consider hosting a presentation with food as an incentive to attend. An example of a powerpoint can
be found here.
Plan your own March for Babies. Join over 7 million people in 900 countries across the United States in
fundraising to support programs for health pregnancies. Contact your local March of Dimes chapters or
children’s hospitals for information on how you can help those affected by prematurity.
Tuesday April 1: The Six Cents Initiative
“Six Cents is a partnership solely between Circle K and UNICEF. There are no other branches of the
Kiwanis family working towards the goal of raising $500,000 by 2015. Bringing the most basic element of
life is the goal of this initiative. By providing clean water and sanitation methods to the most deserving of
communities, it’s the hope that one day all people will be able to access the clean water that we may
sometimes take for granted. This mission is done by many outlets, the most basic being the distribution
of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS). Costing just seven cents each (used to be six, hence the initiative’s
name) these packets, mixed with clean water, are taken orally to combat the effects of life-threatening
diarrhea. Apart from these packets, money raised goes to purchase water filters for schools, containers
for transporting water, and water kits for families. Six Cents is the perfect opportunity to make a lasting
impact on your community and the World!”
- Cortney Ferris, 2013 – 2014 Six Cents Initiative Ambassador
Water well wishes. Create a water well using poster board. Sell water droplet paper cut-outs on campus
and have students decorate them however they would like. Encourage them to write their names and
wishes on the droplets. Add the droplets to your homemade well and watch it fill up with water!
9 – 12PM
“Feeling refreshed” morning bake sale. Nothing gives you a pep in your step more than a sweet treat!
Host a morning bake sale with proceeds going towards The Six Cents Initiative. Be creative and sell
baked goods in the shape of water (droplets, snowflakes, waves, etc.) and have everything blue-themed
(for example, add blue food coloring to rice crispy treats). Be sure to share water related facts!
12 – 2PM
Spare change “spell-it-out”. Spell out a water related word with tape or construction paper and have
passerbys cover up the letters with spare change. Take an image of your finished product and share it on
the CKI Service Committee Facebook Page. Educate your supporters on water conservation and on how
they can support water initiatives. You can also use this newly designed logo to create stickers to help
spread awareness for the cause.
Share your favorite LSSP moment and photo #LSSP2014. Post your favorite LSSP memory and photo
with the hashtag #LSSP2014! If you have not attended before, post a photo about what you are most
excited for in Nashville this summer.
Wednesday April 2: Students Team Up to Fight Hunger
“STUFH is a non-profit organization that focuses on trying to put food in the mouths of those who need it
most. Every year students leave their apartments and dormitories discarding accumulated food just
because it will go bad. STUFH recognized that this food in college campuses was completely being
wasted instead of being donated to local food kitchens or food banks. Now every year with the help of
multiple organizations we are collecting around 1.1 million pounds of food in a year! One of STUFH’s
main initiatives is to allow more college students opportunities to join the cause and fight hunger. “
- Michael Zhou, 2013 – 2014 Students Team Up to Fight Hunger Ambassador
Hold a food drive. Set up a food drive that is easily accessible in front of a local grocery store or on
campus. Be sure to ask for donations from nearby organizations to increase the impact! Let others know
where the food is going and when the donations will be picked up.
12 – 2PM
Sell handmade lunches. Students are always in a hurry and not everyone has time to make lunch. Sell
handmade lunches in brown bags with different food options and donate all proceeds to your local food
bank. If you advertise early enough, you can offer a discount for any canned goods or non-perishable
food donations.
Flash mob. Perform a flash mob to raise awareness for your food drive and for hunger initiatives. Use
social media to your advantage to make your event a success! Add signs to your mob and encourage
participants to dress up as different foods for visual appeal.
Celebrate fellowship with LSSP #LSSP2014. LSSP is your opportunity to make CKI friends from around
the world. Post a picture of you and a friend that you met during a past LSSP using the hashtag
#LSSP2014. If you have not attended, post a picture of you and a friend that will be attending LSSP
together this summer!
Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or food bank. Find your local soup kitchen or food bank and lend a
hand! If you aren’t sure where to look check out these links: STUFH, Feeding America, and Food Pantries.
Host a workshop. Raise awareness with a workshop to raise awareness about hunger and poverty.
Challenge attendees to participate in a famine and to donate the food they would normally eat. An
example of a banquet can be found here.
Thursday April 3: Better World Books
“Essentially, Better World Books is an organization that works to both diminish the human footprint that
books can create and increate literacy worldwide. The mission statement is as follows; “Better World
Books is a global bookstore that harnesses the power of capitalism to bring literacy and opportunity to
people around the world.” Something great about BWB is that every single book donated and bought
through the program goes to fund literacy programs and to donate books to communities in need of
them. BWB has managed to convert more than 58 million books into over $10.4 million in funding for
literacy and education and has saved 40, 000 tons of books from going into landfills.”
- Heidi Brooks, 2013 – 2014 Better World Books Ambassador
Read to students. This low-cost/no-cost idea is a great way to promote literacy in your community! Talk
to elementary schools in your area and have members sign up for shifts to read to students. You can also
have your club raise money to purchase books that your members will be reading and then donate these
to the school afterwards. This event can easily be done once or be made into a re-occurring project.
Table for book donations. Host a book drive! Better World Books offers all of the necessary tools you
will need to get started from the collection to shipping and can help you raise additional funds for other
Preferred Charities and Service Partners of your choice.
Post a photo of you and your Kiwanis family #LSSP2014. LSSP is all about the Kiwanis family as
Kiwanis and Aktion Club members are also invited to attend. Post a picture of you and your Kiwanis
family with the hashtag #LSSP2014. Be sure to invite them to Nashville this summer!
Design and make custom bookmarks. Bookmarks are the perfect accessory to every book owner. Host
a bookmark party and donate all of your creations to a local library. Feel free to get creative! Ideas can be
found here, here, and here, for those of you who aren’t inherently artistically gifted.
Host a dance. This project can be done easily and simply if you don’t let the project get too big. Create a
fantastic playlist (with some One Direction songs), find a space, and have the admission cost in the form
of a book donation!
Friday April 4: The Eliminate Project
“The Eliminate Project is a 5-year project proposed by Kiwanis and UNICEF that started in 2010, with the
goal to immunize 100 million mothers from Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. Tetanus spores are located
in soil everywhere, and come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. For those who suffer without
healthcare, it’s extremely hard to reach out and immunize these individuals. Tetanus kills a baby every
nine minutes. Newborns suffer from extreme sensitivity to light and touch, leaving mothers unable to
touch or even see their children after birth. With $1.80 USD, three vaccines can be provided to help
protect the connection between mother and child. Achieving CKI’s goal of $2 million by September 30th
and CKI is only $67, 555 USD away from reaching it. A mother deserves to touch and hold her child after
birth. The Eliminate Project allows me to give the opportunity to preserve the family bond to families all
around the world.”
- Byron Montilla, 2013 – 2014 Eliminate Project Ambassador
Table with pamphlets. Leave out a donation box with Eliminate Project pamphlets and facts about
Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). Be sure to include progress of the campaign to encourage
donations! Pamphlets and other resources can be found online here.
Create Eliminate trinkets to sell. Clubs from all around Circle K and the Kiwanis Family have found
unique items to make and sell to support The Eliminate Project. Determine a budget and audience to
help you think of what items to sell and how to raise the most funds.
Show off your leadership #LSSP2014. Are you a leader? Show off your leadership skills by posting a
picture of yourself with a sign saying “I am a leader” with the hashtag #LSSP2014. If you have attended
LSSP in the past, share with us a picture of your LSSP team or team leader.
Let’s talk about The Eliminate Project. Leave out a blank board or poster for passerbys to attach post
its. Encourage them to write about how someone important in their life has impacted them and link it
back to why we are working towards protecting the connection between a mother and child.
50/50 Game Night. Host a night of board games or trivia with prizes, auction items, and food. Have all
the proceeds go towards The Eliminate Project and share how many lives have been saved at the end of
the night. Be sure to offer prizes for the winning teams!
Saturday April 5: Kiwanis One Day
Partner with your Kiwanis family for service. Think one day won’t make a difference? Think again! Join
Kiwanis clubs all around the world for a day of impactful service. Looking for ideas and resources? Check
out the link here for more information.
Countdown to LSSP! Share your excitement #LSSP2014. Post a photo of your most excited expression
in your favorite CKI swag and let us know what you are most excited for in Nashville. Use the hashtag
Write thank you cards for your Kiwanis family. A kind act can go a long way. Thank your Kiwanis family
branches for their support and dedication to Circle K and in service by writing personalized thank you
cards. Consider hosting an appreciation party or bringing baked goods to their next meeting.
Share your story. The Kiwanis Family Relations Committee would love to hear your heartwarming
stories about your experience with the Kiwanis family. Submit any stories you have to share through this
form here or read all about the different branches on their blog here.