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Instruments included in wiki for EU-28
EU Member States
AT – Austria
AT – Austrian Spatial Development Concept (ÖREK)
AT – Austrian Strategy for Sustainable Development – Initiative of the Federal Government
AT – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
AT – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
AT – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
AT – Compost Regulation
AT – Contaminated Sites Rehabilitation Act
AT – Environmental Soil Survey in Austria
AT – Federal Forest Act
AT – Federal Waste Management Act
AT – Federal Water Act
AT – Fertiliser Act
AT – Green Roof Policies in Austrian cities
AT – Nature and Landscape Protection Law of Upper Austria
AT – Plant Protection Products Regulation
AT – Soil Charta 2014
AT – Soil Conservation Protocol of the Alpine Convention
AT – Soil Protection Law of Salzburg
BE – Belgium
BE (Brussels) – Brussels Spatial Planning Code
BE (Brussels) – Decision on Assessment and Management of Flood Risks
BE (Brussels) – Ordinance on Environmental Permits
BE (Brussels) – Ordinance on the Management and Cleanup of Soils
BE (Brussels) – Protection of Water Against Pollution by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources
BE (Flanders) – Action Programme for the Implementation of the Nitrate Directive
BE (Flanders) – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
BE (Flanders) – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
BE (Flanders) – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
BE (Flanders) – Decision on the Eradication of Erosion
BE (Flanders) – Decision on the Establishment of a Regional Urban Rain and Waste Water Regulation
BE (Flanders) – Decree on Environmental Damage and Decision on Environmental Damage
BE (Flanders) – Decree on Environmental Permits and the Code on Environmental Permits
BE (Flanders) – Decree on Integrated Water Management
BE (Flanders) – Decree on Soil Remediation and Soil Protection
BE (Flanders) – Decree on the General Provision on Environmental Policy
BE (Flanders) – Decree on the Sustainable Management of the Life Cycle of Materials and Waste
BE (Flanders) – Decree on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides and Associated Decisions
BE (Flanders) – Strategy on Environmental Policy
BE (Wallonia) – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
BE (Wallonia) – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
BE (Wallonia) – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
BE (Wallonia) – Circulaire on Permits Delivered in Flood-Risk Area and to the Prevention of Land
BE (Wallonia) – Decision on the Granting of Subsidies against Erosion, Floods and Mudslides
BE (Wallonia) – Decree Concerning Environmental Permits
BE (Wallonia) – Decree Concerning Waste
BE (Wallonia) – Decree on the Management of Soils
BE (Wallonia) – Plan for the Prevention of Floods and Their Effects on Flood Victims
BE (Wallonia) – Sustainable Management of Nitrates in Agriculture Programme
BE (Wallonia) – Territorial Development Code
BE (Wallonia) – Walloon Code on the Management of Rural and Urban Areas and Cultural Heritage
BE (Wallonia) – Walloon Forest Code
BE (Wallonia) – Water Code
BG – Bulgaria
BG – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
BG – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
BG – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
BG – Environmental Protection Law
BG – Land and Soil Monitoring
BG – Land Cover – Reference Layer
BG – Law for Preservation of the Agricultural Lands
BG – Liability for Prevention and Remedying of Environmental Damage Act
BG – National Action Programme for Sustainable Land Management and Combating Desertification
BG – Plant Protection Act
BG – Soil Act
BG – Spatial Planning Law
BG – Waste Management Act
CY – Cyprus
CY – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
CY – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
CY – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
CY – Drought Management Plan
CY – Forest Law
CY – National Action Plan to Combat Desertification
CY – National Inventory of Contaminated Sites
CY – Nature and Wildlife Protection and Management Law
CY – Revised National Strategy for Sustainable Development
CY – Town and Country Planning Law
CY – Water and Soil Pollution Control Law
CZ – Czech Republic
CZ – Act Concerning Fertilizers Use
CZ – Act Concerning Plant Protection
CZ – Act Concerning the Prevention of Environmental Harm and its Rectification
CZ – Act Concerning the Protection of Agricultural Soil
CZ – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
CZ – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
CZ – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
CZ – Forestry Act
CZ – Nature Protection Act
CZ – Order Concerning the Establishment of Vulnerable Zones and Action Plan
CZ – The Environmental Impact Assessment Act
CZ – The Waste Act
CZ – Water Act
DE – Germany
DE – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
DE – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
DE – Mining Act
DE – Building Code
DE – Circular Economy Act
DE – Environmental Impact Assessment Act
DE – Environmental Liability Act
DE – Fertiliser Act
DE – Green Roof Policies
DE – Emissions Protection Act
DE – LIFE Programme
DE – The Federal Programme for Organic and Sustainable Farming
DE – National Sustainable Development Strategy
DE – Water Management Act
DE – Survey of Agricultural Soils
DE – Spatial Planning Act
DE – Federal Soil Protection Act
DE – Plant Protection Act
DE – Act on Nature Conservation and Landscape Management
DE – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20, National Framework
DK – Denmark
DK – Act on Agricultural Use of Fertilizers and on Plant Cover
DK – Act on Environmental Approvement of Husbandry Farms
DK – Act on Forest
DK – Act on Management of Agricultural Land
DK – Act on Ochre
DK – Act on Soil Contamination
DK – Act on Surveying, Preventing and Remedying Environmental Damages
DK – Act on Tax on Pesticides
DK – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
DK – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
DK – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
DK – Danish Soil Partnership and Information Centre of the Regions on Environment and Resources
DK – Departmental Order on Burning of Fields
DK – Departmental Order on the Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture
DK – Law on Watercourses
DK – National Monitoring Programme on the Aquatic Environment and Nature
DK – Nature Protection Act
DK – The Environmental Fund of the Danish Petroleum Companies
DK – The Planning Act
EE – Estonia
EE – Building Code
EE – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
EE – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
EE – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
EE – Contaminated Sites Management
EE – Definition of Valuable Agricultural Land (Rural Development and Market Regulation Act)
EE – Earth's Crust Strategy
EE – Earth’s Crust Act
EE – Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act
EE – Environmental Liability Act
EE – Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030
EE – Industrial Emissions Act
EE – Land Improvement Act
EE – National Environmental Monitoring Programme
EE – National Spatial Plan "Estonia 2030+"
EE – National Strategy on Sustainable Development
EE – Nature Conservation Act
EE – Planning Act
EE – Waste Act
EE – Water Act
EL – Greece
EL – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
EL – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
EL – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
EL – Decision on the Use in Agriculture of Sludge from the Treatment of Household and Urban
EL – Decree Setting the Framework of Environmental Liability
EL – Inventory and First Evaluation of Hazard of Contaminates Sites from Industrial Hazardous
EL – Joint Ministerial Decision on Criteria for Agricultural Land Quality
EL – Law for the Protection of the Environment
EL – Law on Conservation of Biodiversity
EL – Law on Sustainable Urban Planning
EL – Law on the Protection and Management of Water Resources
EL – Law Proposal for the Protection and Sustainable Use of Soil
EL – National Action Plan for Combating Desertification
EL – Sectoral and Regional Operational Programmes
EL – Solid Waste Legislation
EL – Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment
ES – Spain
ES – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
ES – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
ES – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20, National Programme
ES – Decree on a Sustainable Use of Fitosanitary Products
ES – Decree on Defining Soil Polluting Activities and Criteria
ES – Decree on Protecting Waters from the Pollution by Nitrates Derived of Agricultural Sources
ES – Decree on the Forestation of Agricultural Plots of Land
ES – Decree Regulating the Use of Sewage Sludge in the Agricultural Sector
ES – Forestry Law
ES – Law for Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
ES – Law of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
ES – Law on Waste and Polluted Soils
ES – National Action Programme to Combat Desertification
ES – State Framework Plan for Waste Management 2016 - 2022
FI – Finland
FI – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
FI – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
FI – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
FI – Corine Land Cover
FI – Decree on the Assessment of Soil Contamination and Remediation Needs
FI – Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts: National Soil Extraction
FI – Environmental Protection Act
FI – Finnish Oil Pollution Compensation Fund
FI – Forest Act
FI – National Database on Soil Status
FI – National Land Use Guidelines
FI – National Risk Management Strategy for Contaminated Land
FI – Nature Conservation Act
FI – Project on Urban Run-off Water as an Indicator of Urban Ecosystems Status
FI – Soil Remediation under State Waste Management System
FI – The Land Use and Building Act
FR – France
FR – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
FR – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
FR – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20, National Programme
FR – Databases on Polluted Sites
FR – French Agro-ecological Project
FR – Grenelle Laws
FR – Land Use Mapping Database
FR – Law for Access to Housing and Renewed Urban Planning
FR – Law for the Future of Agriculture, Food and Forests
FR – Law for Urban Solidarity and Renewal
FR – Law on the Protection of Coastal Zones
FR – Law on Water and Aquatic Environments
FR – Law Relative to the Prevention of Technological and Natural Risks and Reparation of Damages
FR – National Biodiversity Strategy
FR – National Observatory for the Consumption of Agricultural Spaces
FR – National Strategy of Ecological Transition towards Sustainable Development 2015-2020
FR – Nitrates Regulations
FR – Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment
FR – Scientific Interest Group on Soils
FR – Tax Incentives Related to Soils
HR – Croatia
HR – Act on Fertilizers and Soil Enhancers
HR – Act on Renewable Energy Sources and High-Efficiency Cogeneration
HR – Agriculture Land Act
HR – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
HR – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
HR – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
HR – Environmental Protection Act
HR – Forestry Act
HR – Nature Protection Act
HR – Ordinance on Establishment of Action Framework for Attaining Sustainable Use of Pesticides
HR – Ordinance on Management of Sludge from Waste Water Treatment Plants used in Agriculture
HR – Spatial Planning Act
HR – Spatial Planning Strategy
HR – Sustainable Development Strategy
HR – Sustainable Waste Management Act
HR – Water Act
HU – Hungary
HU – Act on Cultivated Soil
HU – Act on Environmental Pollution Charges
HU – Act on Regional Development and Spatial Planning
HU – Act on the Formation and Protection of the Built Environment
HU – Act on the General Rules of Environmental Protection
HU – Act on the National Spatial Plan
HU – Act on the Protection of Cultivated Soil
HU – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
HU – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
HU – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
HU – Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment
HU – Decree on Protection of Geological Medium and Groundwater against Pollution
HU – Decree on Rules Concerning the Screening Surveys of Remedial Site Investigation
HU – Decree on the Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programs
HU – Decree on the Supplying of Data to the Environmental Register System of Groundwater and
Geological Medium
HU – Decree the Protection of Ground Waters
HU – Fourth National Environmental Remediation Programme
HU – Ministerial Decree on Preparation of Soil Protection Plan
HU – National Action Plan to Improve Organic Farming
HU –National Development and Regional Development Concept
HU – Second National Climate Change Strategy (2014-2025)
HU – Strategy for Sustainable Development
IE – Ireland
IE – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
IE – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
IE – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
IE – Environmental Liability Regulations
IE – Guidance on the Management of Contaminated Land and Groundwater
IE – Guidance Related to Flooding
IE – Historic Mine Sites - Inventory and Risk Classification
IE – Irish Soil Information System
IE – Monitoring Programmes (Corine, EPA, Landcover, Habitat Mapping)
IE – National Hazardous Waste Management Plan
IE – National Landscape Strategy
IE – National Spatial Strategy
IE – Planning and Development Act
IE – Planning Guidelines
IE – Protection of the Environment Act 2003
IE – Soil Protection Strategy
IE – Waste Management Acts
IE – Water Pollution Act
IT – Italy
IT – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
IT – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
IT – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20, National Programme
IT – Decree on Flood Risks
IT – Decree on Landfills
IT – Decree on Sewage Sludge
IT – Decree on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides
IT – Environmental Code
IT – Legislative Decree on Orientation and Modernization of the Forestry Sector
IT – National Action Plan to Combat Drought and Desertification
IT – National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change
IT – Protocol of Soil Conservation of the Alpine Convention
IT – Regional Waste Management Plan of Sicily
IT – ReNDiS – Database of Mitigation Measures for National Soil Protection
IT – Waste Management Plan of Lazio
IT – Waste Management Plan of the Veneto Region
LT – Lithuania
LT – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
LT – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
LT – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
LT – Environmental Protection Law
LT – Inventory of Contaminated Sites
LT – Law on Environmental Monitoring
LT – Law on Land
LT – Law on Protected Areas
LT – Law on State Natural Resources Tax
LT – Law on Underground Resources
LT – Law on Waste Management
LT – Law on Water
LT – Limit Values of Hazardous Chemical Substances in Soil
LT – National Strategy on Sustainable Development
LT – Sewage Sludge Guidelines
LU – Luxembourg
LU – An Integrated Transports and Spatial Development Concept for Luxembourg
LU – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
LU – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
LU – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
LU – Grand Ducal Regulation of 23 December 2014 on Sewage Sludge
LU – Grand-Ducal Regulation of 24 November 2000 on the Use of Nitrogen Fertilizers in Agriculture
LU – Law of 19 December 2014 on Plant Protection Products (Pesticides)
LU – Law on the Management of Waste
LU – Law on the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources
LU – Law on Water
LU – Master Programme for Spatial Planning
LU – Second National Plan for Sustainable Development
LV – Latvia
LV – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
LV – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
LV – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
LV – Environmental Policy Strategy 2014 - 2020
LV – General Regulation for the Planning, Use and Building of the Territory
LV – Inventory of Contaminated Sites
LV – Land Management Law
LV – Law on Amelioration
LV – Law on Circulation of Fertilizers
LV – Law on Compensation for Restrictions on Economic Activities in Protected Areas
LV – Law on Pollution
LV – Law on Subterranean Depth
LV – Law on Water Management
LV – Natural Resources Tax Law
LV – Regulation on Soil and Subsoil Quality Standards
LV – Regulation Regarding Extraction of Mineral Resources
LV – Regulation Regarding Preventive and Remedial Measures
LV – Regulation Regarding Protection of Water and Soil from Pollution with Nitrates Caused by
Agricultural Activity
LV – Regulation Regarding Use, Monitoring and Control of Sewage Sludge and its Composts
LV – Regulation Regarding Waste Landfills and Waste Dumps
LV – Strategy for Development of Forestry and Forest-Related Sectors 2015-2020
LV – The National Real Estate Cadaster Information System
LV – Waste Management Law
MT – Malta
MT – Assessment and Management of Flood Risks
MT – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
MT – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
MT – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
MT – Malta's National Action Plan for Sustainable Use of Pesticides.
MT – National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
MT – National Environment Policy
MT – Nitrates Action Programme Malta
MT – Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulation
MT – Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulations
MT – Strategic Plan for Environment and Development
MT – Waste Management (Landfill) Regulations
MT – Waste Management Plan for the Maltese Islands
MT – Water Policy Framework Regulations
NL – Netherlands
NL – Act on Environmental Management
NL – Act on Pesticides and Biocides
NL – Act on the General Provisions of Environmental Law
NL – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
NL – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
NL – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
NL – Convenant Soil and Subsurface
NL – Decision on Soil Quality
NL – Fertilizer Act and Delegated Legislation
NL – Infiltration Decision on Soil Protection
NL – Soil Protection Act and Delegated Legislation
NL – Subsurface Registration Act
NL – Water Act
PL – Poland
PL – Act on Preventing and Remedying Damage to the Environment
PL – Act on Protection of Agricultural and Forest Land
PL – Act on Water Law
PL – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
PL – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
PL – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
PL – Code of Good Agricultural Practice
PL – Environmental Impact Assessment
PL – Environmental Protection Law
PL – Fertility Building Management Measures in Organic Cropping Systems
PL – Law on Forests
PL – National Spatial Development Plan
PL – Nature Conservation Act
PL – Public Financial Support NFOSiGW
PL – Regional Spatial Development Plan
PL – Soil Quality Standards
PL – Strategic Environmental Assessment
PL – Tools for Local Spatial Development Planning
PL – Waste Act
PT – Portugal
PT – Basic Law on the Public Policies on Soils, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
PT – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
PT – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
PT – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
PT – Decree-Law 140/99 of 24 April, on the Conservation of Birds and Habitats
PT – General Framework for Waste Management
PT – Law on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks
PT – Law on the Conservation of Birds and Habitats
PT – Law on the Distribution, Sale and Application of Phytopharmaceutical Products for Professional Use
PT – Law on the Protection of Water from Pollution Caused by the Use of Nitrates in Agriculture
PT – Law on the Use of Sewage Sludge on Agricultural Soils
PT – Legal Regime of Environmental Impact Assessment
PT – Legal Regime of the Discharge of Waste at Landfills
PT – Legal Regime of the Environmental Liability
PT – Legal Regime the Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes in the Environment
PT – Manual of Agricultural Good Practices – Conservation of Soil and Water
PT – Manual of Agricultural Good Practices – Protection of Water against Pollution Caused by Nitrates of Agricultural Origin
PT – National Action Program to Fight Desertification
PT – Regulation of the Distribution, Sale and Application of Phytopharmaceutical Products for Professional Use
PT – Water Law
RO – Romania
RO – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
RO – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
RO – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
RO – Decision on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment
RO – Decision on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Public and Private Projects on the Environment
RO – Decree on Remediation
RO – Government Decision on the Methodology for Landslides and Flooding Risk Maps
RO – Law on Afforestation of Degraded Land
RO – Law on Land Reclamation
RO – Law on Regulating and Managing Urban Green Areas
RO – National Plan for Groundwater Protection Against Pollution and Deterioration
RO – National Strategy and National Plan for Management of Contaminated Cites
RO – Ordinance on Conservation, Natural Habitats, Flora and Wild Fauna Preservation
RO – Ordinance on Environmental Fund
RO – Ordinance on Environmental Liability
RO – Ordinance on Environmental Protection
RO – Regulation on Environmental Pollution Assessment
SE – Sweden
SE – Act on Environmental Charge on Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides in Energy Production
SE – Act on Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels and Liquid Biofuels
SE – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
SE – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
SE – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
SE – Communication Focus on Ecosystem Services
SE – CORINE Land Cover 2012
SE – Environmental Quality Objectives
SE – Guidance Values for Contaminated Soils
SE – Inventory of Contaminated Sites
SE – Method for Inventory of Contaminated Sites
SE – Regulation on Compensation for Contamination Damage and State Aid for Remedial
SE – Reusing Waste in Civil Works (Handbook)
SE – Strategy for Sustainable Land Use
SE – Swedish Planning and Building Act
SE – The Swedish Environmental Code
SI – Slovenia
SI – Agricultural Land Act
SI – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
SI – Decree on Burdening of Soil with Waste Spreading
SI – Decree on Limit Values, Alert Thresholds and Critical Levels of Dangerous Substances in the
SI – Decree on the Limit Input Concentration Values of Dangerous Substances and Fertilisers in
SI – Decree on the Protection of Waters against Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agricultural
SI – Decree on the Treatment of Biodegradable Waste and the Use of Compost or Digestate
SI – Decree on the Use of Sewage Sludge from Urban Waste Treatment Plants in Agriculture
SI – Environmental Protection Act
SI – Rules on the Operational Monitoring of the Input of Dangerous Substances and Plant Nutrients Into the Soil
SI – Spatial Planning Act
Sl – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
Sl – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
SK – Slovakia
SK – Act Concerning Flood Protection
SK – Act Concerning Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control
SK – Act Concerning Plant Protection
SK – Act Concerning Prevention and Rectification of Environmental Damage
SK – Act Concerning the Application of Sewage Sludge and Ground Sediments into the Soil
SK – Act On Environmental Impacts Assessment
SK – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
SK – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
SK – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
SK – Decree Concerning Landfilling of Waste
SK – Nature Protection Act
SK – Soil Protection Act
SK – Water Act
UK – United Kingdom
UK (England) – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
UK (England) – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
UK (England) – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
UK (England) – Catchment Sensitive Farming Programme
UK (England) – National Planning Policy Framework
UK (England) – Safeguarding our Soils – A Strategy for England
UK (England) – The Natural Environment White Paper
UK (England) – A Housing Strategy for England
UK (England and Wales) – Contaminated Land Capital Project Funds
UK (England and Wales) – Flood and Water Management Act
UK (England and Wales) – Water Environment Regulations
UK (Northern Ireland) – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
UK (Northern Ireland) – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
UK (Northern Ireland) – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
UK (Northern Ireland) – The Water Environment Regulations
UK (Northern Ireland) – Towards a Land Strategy for Northern Ireland
UK (Northern Ireland) – Water Environment Regulations
UK (Scotland) – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
UK (Scotland) – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
UK (Scotland) – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
UK (Scotland) – Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009
UK (Scotland) – Land Use Strategy for Scotland
UK (Scotland) – Soil Indicators for Scottish Soils (SIFSS)
UK (Scotland) – The Scottish Soil Framework
UK (Scotland) – Vacant and Derelict Land Survey and Fund
UK (Scotland) – Water Environment and Water Services Act
UK (Wales) – CAP GAEC Cross-compliance Standards
UK (Wales) – CAP Greening Payment Requirements
UK (Wales) – CAP Rural Development Programme 2014-20
UK (Wales) – Green Paper on a New Approach to Natural Resource Management in Wales
UK – Agricultural Land (Removal of Surface Soil) Act
UK – Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations
UK – Countryside Survey
UK – Environmental Impact Assessment Legislation
UK – Environmental Protection Act 1990
UK – Forestry Acts 1967 and 2010
UK – Landfill Tax
UK – Legislation on Pollution, Prevention and Control
UK – Nitrate Pollution Prevention Regulations
UK – Pesticides Control Legislation
UK – Strategic Environmental Assessment Legislation
UK – Taxation on Property
UK – The Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations
UK – Town and Country Planning
UK – UK Forestry Standard (UKFS)
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