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CD 226
Homework- Chapter 9
1. A specialist in language pragmatics studies
a. the ways language is used in a variety of contexts.
b. how young children acquire language.
c. the mechanics of vocal production.
d. how the brain reacquires language after an injury.
2. Morphology is the
a. way language is actually used in conversation.
b. smallest unit of sound.
c. rules that address how words are formed.
d. order in which words are combined.
3. Communication requires which of the following three elements?
a. Phonology, morphology and semantics
b. A messenger, a message, and a set of arbitrary signals
c. A sender, a message, and a receiver
d. A messenger, a speaker and morphology
4. Being skilled in the area of supralinguistics means you can
a. understand any dialect.
c. can communicate nonverbally.
b. understand sarcasm and/or puns.
d. can eliminate stuttering in an individual.
5. Language involves __________, which is taking in language-based information, and _______,
giving out verbal information and producing written language.
a. reception; syntax
c. phonology; morphology
b. reception; expression
d. syntax; production
6. Which of the following are the four processes involved in the production of speech?
a. Phonology, morphology, resonation, and semantics
b. Respiration, phonation, resonation, and articulation
c. Phonology, phonation, resonation, and semantics
d. Audition, respiration, resonation and articulation
7. Semantics is
a. how language is used socially.
b. the grammatical rules of writing.
c. the meaning of words and sentences.
d. the sound system and rules for the combination of sounds.
CD 226
Homework- Chapter 9
8. Syntax is the
a. way language is actually used in conversation.
c. smallest unit of meaning.
b. smallest unit of sound.
d. order in which words are combined.
9. Another term for language content is
a. syntax.
b. phonology.
c. semantics.
d. morphology.
10. Phonology is the
a. order in which words are combined.
b. smallest unit of meaning in language.
c. patterns for combination of sounds into speech.
d. way language is actually used in conversation.
11. Which of the following is the definition of a language disorder?
a. Impaired comprehension and/or use of spoken, written or other verbal symbol system
b. A disorder affecting articulation, voice, or fluency
c. A disorder of written language
d. Abnormal production or absences of vocal quality, pitch, loudness, resonance or duration
12. The language children learn is
a. an expression of emotions.
c. an innate form of communication.
b. the one spoken in the home.
d. initially gestural.
13. Most language skills are fairly well in place by a child's _____ year of life.
a. first
b. third
c. seventh
d. tenth
14. Language acquisition is closely related to
a. the child's interest in reading.
b. the interaction of a child and his or her caregivers.
c. the amount of television a child watches.
d. the amount of time a child spends alone.
15. "Lisping" is an example of
a. an articulation error.
b. a fluency error.
c. a language disorder.
d. a voice disorder.
16. If children born with a cleft palate have early surgical correction, they are unlikely to
require speech therapy.
a. True
b. False
CD 226
Homework- Chapter 9
17. Six-year-old Maria says "wight" for "right." This is an example of which of the following
articulation errors?
a. A distortion
b. An omission
c. A substitution
18. Stuttering is a disorder in
a. pitch.
b. voice quality.
d. The addition of extra sounds
c. fluency.
d. nasality.
19. Five-year-old Terry says "pay" instead of "play." This is an example of which of these
articulation errors?
a. A distortion
b. An omission
c. A substitution
d. The addition of extra sounds
20. A problem with semantics would be classified as a disorder of
a. articulation-phonology.
b. fluency and speech timing.
c. voice.
d. language.
21. A problem with production of the accurate sounds of speech would be classified as a
disorder of
a. articulation-phonology.
b. fluency and speech timing.
c. voice.
d. language.
22. Sharon, a fourth-grade student, is not aware that some language may be appropriate in one
environment but not in another. Sharon's lack of awareness is a disorder of
a. morphology.
b. pragmatics.
c. phonology.
d. syntax.
23. By what age are most typically developing children able to speak using the grammar of their
home environment?
a. 1 to 2 years of age
c. 5 to 6 years of age
b. 3 to 4 years of age
d. 7 to 9 years of age
24. Children with articulation and stuttering disorders often respond well to
a. medication.
c. developing listening skills.
b. early intervention.
d. developing reading skills.
25. Problems with include hypernasality and hyponasality.
a. resonation
b. pitch
c. syntax
d. semantics
26. A disorder of voice quality is called
a. a language delay.
b. aphasia.
c. aphonia.
d. dysphonia.
CD 226
Homework- Chapter 9
27. Which of the following would be considered an articulation error?
a. Saying "sheeps" for "sheep"
c. Saying "runned" for "ran"
b. Saying "ring" for "king"
d. Saying "boy" for "man"
28. Laura repeats sounds and syllables and stutters frequently. Laura’s disorder is called
a. a fluency disorder.
b. a voice disorder.
c. an articulation disorder.
d. a language disorder.
29. Any assessment of children who are bilingual should include
a. interaction with English-speaking adults to improve their skills.
b. assessments by a speech-language pathologist who is from the same cultural background as
the child.
c. interactions with families of other non-English-speaking children.
d. assessments by speech-language pathologists who are skilled in the child's primary language.
30. The great majority of speech-language pathologists devote their time to
a. demonstrating procedures and providing in-service training for teachers.
b. keeping records and making reports on children with communication disorders.
c. identifying children with communication disorders and directing remedial services for them.
d. directing fund-raising activities.
31. The ________ is primarily responsible for the identification, diagnosis, and design of the
treatment plan and curriculum for children with communication, language, and speech disorders.
a. psychologist
b. speech-language pathologist
c. special education teacher
d. regular education teacher
32. A child with a language disorder who is working on 504 plan goals in a specialized setting
would be at which tier of the RtI Model?
a. Tier III
b. Tier II
c. Tier I
d. This child would not be included in the RtI Model.
33. Which of the following is an example of the RTI Tier II intervention?
a. Collaboration with the speech-language pathologist and/or special education teacher
b. Pointing to an object when given an augmentative communication board
c. Developing an IEP to address the specific articulation problems
d. Computer-generated programs to address fluency errors
CD 226
Homework- Chapter 9
34. The most common placement option in public education for assisting children with
communication problems is
a. the general classroom.
b. the resource room.
c. the special school.
d. the self-contained special classroom.
35. An example of a Tier I service for a child with a communication disorder would be
a. specific tutoring on methods to communicate.
b. cooperative learning activities to promote child-to-child talking.
c. books on tape so a child can read alone and hear the words in a resource room.
d. speech therapy as determined by the child’s IEP.