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Board Approved July, 2006
Plant and Animal Production
TEKS/LINKS – Student Objectives
One-Half Credit
LCISD Curriculum
Suggested Time
First/Fourth Six Weeks
PAP 1(A) The student will identify career development and
entrepreneurship opportunities in the field of food and fiber production.
PAP 1(B) The student will apply competencies related to resources,
information, interpersonal skills, and systems of operation in food and
fiber production.
PAP 1(C) The student will demonstrate knowledge of personal and
occupational safety practices in the workplace.
PAP 1(D) The student will identify employers' expectations,
appropriate work habits, and good citizenship skills.
PAP 1(E) The student will and manage supervised agricultural
experience programs.
PAP 2(A) The student will describe the physical and chemical
properties of soils.
PAP 2(B) The student will explain the importance of soil and water
conservation for future generations.
PAP 2(C) The student will list methods for improving soil fertility.
3 days
4 days
4 days
3 days
3 days
5 days
4 days
4 days
Second/Fifth Six Weeks
PAP 3(A) The student will identify major crops of economic
PAP 3(B) The student will describe plant anatomy and physiology.
PAP 3(C) The student will explain plant reproduction.
4 days
PAP 3(D) The student will identify plant nutrient requirements.
4 days
6 days
6 days
PAP 3(E) The student will perform basic plant management practices.
PAP 3(F) The student will select varieties of plants.
5 days
5 days
Third/Sixth Six Weeks
PAP 4(A) The student will identify trends in production and
consumption of animal products.
PAP 4(B) The student will describe animal anatomy and physiology.
PAP 4(C) The student will explain animal reproduction.
PAP 4(D) The student will identify the nutritional requirements of
PAP 4(E) The student will perform basic animal management practices.
PAP 4(F) The student will select livestock and poultry.
PAP – Plant and Animal Production
5 days
5 days
5 days
5 days
5 days
5 days
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