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Breathing is one of our most vital functions.
One of the Five Principles of Yoga is
Pranayama (breathing exercise) which
promotes Proper Breathing.
In a Yogic point of view, proper breathing is:
A. to bring more oxygen to the blood and
to the brain
B. to control Prana or the vital life energy.
Prana - "life force" or "life energy"
Yama - "discipline" or "control"
Thus, Pranayama means "breathing techniques“
or "breath control".
Because of the daily work, family, or other
pressures, we tend to ignore our breathing.
Thus, it tends to be fast and shallow. By
practicing deep breathing through Pranayama,
we reenergize our body.
Benefits of Pranayama
Breathing is a normal part of our life, and we
pay little attention to it. We do it automatically
without concentrating on it.
Why then do we have to learn yoga breathing?
Here are some reasons why Pranayama is
• Pranayama teaches us the proper way to
breathe -slowly and deeply.
• It increases the capacity of our lungs,
bringing more oxygen supply to the body.
 Pranayama reduces the toxins and body
wastes from within our body.
• It prevents diseases.
• Pranayama helps with digestion.
• Pranayama develops our concentration
and focus.
• It fights stress and relaxes the body.
• Pranayama offers a better self-control.
• Pranayama leads to a relaxed body and
4 Types of Pranayama
1. Full Yoga Breath (three part breathing):
belly – rib – chest
2. Alternate Nostril (Anuloma Viloma):
breathing sequence though each nostril
3. Abdominal pumping (Kapalabhati): A rapid
pulsing of the diaphragm in and out with
the breath.
4. Ocean Breath (Ujjayi breath): a vocal
breath that is done in the back of the
throat creating an ocean sound.