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By: Kori Renick
1. When you first look at this
picture, how do you feel?
2. What kind of message do
you think the artist is trying
to convey?
1. When I first saw this
picture, it kind of scared
me because of the way
the baby looks, but then
when I understood what
purpose was, I
understood it completely.
2. I believe the message of
this is that kids do what
we do and if we are
always watching a TV or
any electronic, they’re
going to be doing the
same thing.
• Is the message being
sent by the artist true? Is
it logical?
•I believe that the
message is very true
and logical, especially in
the society that we live
in today where we
depend on electronics
such as cell phones,
computers and
televisions to manage
our lives and to also
entertain us.
•Is the artist of this artwork
reliable and credible after
seeing this picture?
•Yes, I believe that the
artist is very reliable
because he/she is
sending a very true
message across to the
audience and that
makes them
•What emotional impact does this have on the audience?
•I believe that the emotional impact is has on the audience is
that we’re sort of corrupting our youth when we are relying on
electronics in our everyday life. I also believe that this picture
could cause some guilt in the eyes of the audience because
they know that this is true and they’re at fault.
1. Which way is the light
coming from? Why do
you think they designed
it that way?
2. Why do you think the
baby’s eye is blue? Why
isn’t it black and white
like the rest of the
1. The lighting is coming from
the left side of the picture
and I think the artist did it
that way to emphasize the
TV on that side of the child’s
face. If it were coming from
the right, the lighting would
overtake the emphasis of
the TV.
2. I think the baby’s eye is blue
to contrast against the black
in the surroundings. This is
also another technique of
making the eye the
emphasis of the picture.
1. Who do you believe this
picture was meant to
2. How do you think it will
impact them?
1. I think that this picture
was meant to impact
parents of young kids
because they are the
ones that are doing this
to their children.
2. I think that this picture
will open their eyes to
what they’re doing really
does impact their
children everyday and
that even little things
effect them.
1. Why is this the best
location for the
written message?
2. Why did the artist
choose this font for
his project?
1. This is the best location
because it is in the center
of the picture and it is
right next to the focal
point of the picture, which
is the eye/TV.
2. This font is the best
choice because it’s easy
to read and straight to the
point. The artist is making
it very simple for the
audience to understand
what he’s trying to get
across to them.
•Why do you think that is
right side of the baby’s
face is omitted from the
•I think that the right side of
the baby’s face is omitted
because it puts more focus on
the left side, which is where
the focal point of the picture is
located. If the right side was
included, the picture wouldn’t
have as great of an impact on
the viewers.
•Heuson, Jen. School of New Resources of the College
of New Rochelle. Introduction to Communication. 21
November 2007. Web.