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Green Infrastructure - LET’S JUST DO IT!
“Sustainability? The protection of land is an expression of faith in the future: it is a pact
between generations”. (Green Infrastructure-Linking Landscapes and Communities. Mark A.
Benedict, Edward T. McMahon)
Modernising our planning system
Compared to our more progressive EU partners, Ireland has been slow in implementing the
‘green agenda’ in a strategic and systematic manner. This is reflected by failures in
sustainable land-use planning during the boom period. These failures include the inefficient
use of natural resources, urban sprawl and developer rather than plan-led building, leading
to environmental damage and poor living environments. Sadly these unsustainable ‘boomtime’ practices have impacted negatively on the quality of our lives, as evidenced in long
commuting distances, poor health and a lack of quality green infrastructure.
There are signs that the recession is giving pause for considered reflection and for the
preparation of more sustainable practices. One such example is the application of ‘Green
Infrastructure’. An international conference in Malahide (November ’08) spearheaded the
concept while stimulating a diverse audience. The results, three years later? More
conferences, policy work and guidelines and some strategies, but seemingly few on-site
projects. It is hard to know since the Government abolished COMHAR (Sustainable
Development Council) in 2011, which was promoting G.I in Ireland. The baton was taken up
by the Irish Landscape Institute (I.L.I) which ran an international conference (2012) and a
seminar (Dec. ’13). At local level Dublin City Council is embarked on an Open Space
Strategy and Limerick City Council recently participated in a European project on parks
planning and management.
What is Green Infrastructure’ (G.I)
GI is the network of natural and semi-natural areas, features and green spaces in rural and
urban, terrestrial, freshwater and coastal areas (Naumann et al., 2011a)1. It is a broad
concept, and includes natural features, such as parks, forests, wetlands and marine areas,
as well as man-made features, such as cycle paths.
G.I originated in the U.S.A in the 1990's. It has two key attributes that speak directly to the
green agenda. Firstly, it is uniquely placed to deliver a diverse range of inter-related socioeconomic and environmental benefits. Secondly, these benefits arise by linking natural
Naumann, S., McKenna D., Kaphengst, T. et al. (2011a). Design, implementation and cost elements of Green
Infrastructure projects. Final report. Brussels: European Commission.
A.J. ffrench MILI
systems to decisions about land use planning and landscape management. So, a natural or
manmade wetland can serve as a flood attenuation area, a wildlife reserve, an area for bioenergy crops, a recreational amenity and an educational resource.
In this way G.I places a particular emphasis on the "life support" functions provided by
Nature, which policy makers call “natural assets management”. It’s a mutually sustaining
cycle - a ‘win-win’. The G.I approach analyses the natural environment in a way that
highlights these functions and seeks establish, through regulatory and planning policy,
practices that maximize these functions. Hence Open Spaces Audits and Green Strategies in
Scotland, England and the U.S.A, where G.I is an integral part of spatial and economic
planning. It is be applied to all scales of planning in the aforementioned countries and in The
Netherlands, Germany and Australia.
Work in Scotland - where there’s a serious commitment to G.I – points to the role of G.I
becoming in economic well-being. This is particularly true in green tourism/outdoor
recreation, bio-energy and engineering infrastructure. Evidence-based research in Scotland
proves that economic regeneration through greenspaces is possible. To quote Greenspace
Scotland, the Scottish Executive’s agency for greenspace “Research shows that a positive
approach to quality greenspaces can make a difference to local economic development”.
Current application in Dlr (Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council)
In 2014 DLR will commence a statutory review of its County Development Plan (2010-2016).
To coincide with this, Dlr will appoint consultants to prepare a G.I. Strategy for the county
by the end of 2014. The Strategy is to be readily integrated with a Regional G.I Strategy for
the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), as and when required. Dlr Parks and Landscape Services and
Planning Department’s will lead the Strategy. This is a follow-up project to Dlr’s Open Space
Strategy which included the first systematic audit of the county’s open spaces, sports and
play facilities.
The lead consultant shall be a landscape architectural or multi-disciplinary practice with
expertise in the following areas:
• Land use planning
• Landscape planning / management,
• Urban and regional economics,
• Transportation management
• Water quality and hydrology
The Strategy will provide the following: an accurate picture (mapping) of the county’s green infrastructure
A.J. ffrench MILI
 opportunities for improvements to watercourses in the county to reduce pollution,
enhance amenity, permeability and environmental quality.
 opportunities to improve permeability for pedestrians and cyclists (off road)
 opportunities and mechanisms to improve biodiversity and G.I
 a framework for the sustainable land and resource management
 attract funding by demonstrating researched needs and outcomes
 attract inward investment to the county and region.
The Strategy will include consideration of the following; Coastal habitats
 Private gardens
 Institutional grounds
 Derelict land
 Urban Trees and Woodlands
 Allotments, community gardens and urban farms
 Cemeteries, churchyards
 Parks / Open Spaces
 Existing and proposed greenways
 Natura 2000 sites / pNHA’s
 Water courses / Wetlands
Among the themes to be addressed by the Strategy are the following: Flood management / Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems)
 Mental and physical health
 Education and life-long learning
 Social inclusion and community development
 Access to natural greenspace
 Economic investment; Land and property value
The EU Com mission plans to set up a financing facility, in 2014, to support people seeking
to develop GI projects. The Dlr Strategy will investigate the possibility of accessing such
finance to fund the delivery of outputs
In the final analysis, G.I in Ireland can best measured by the degree to which it is
mainstreamed in professional practice. One measure would be using G.I demonstration
projects, such as ‘Green Streets’, which represent a new and sustainable way of
constructing/retrofitting streets to promote the management of polluted stormwater runoff
( Surely, this would be timely in the light of recent weather events!
A.J. ffrench MILI
Author: Aidan J. ffrench MILI, Landscape Architect
Past-President, Irish Landscape Institute
Working in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Parks & Landscape Services
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and does not necessarily represented the
views of Dlr.
A.J. ffrench MILI