* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 1 Urinary Text Lecture This lecture has been written to accompany the slides posted on-line for the Urinary System lecture. The intention is for you to either print the text lecture or view it on-line while looking at the slides. You are responsible for all of the material contained in this lecture. If you have any questions, it is your responsibility to contact me and ask before you take the exam! Slide 2: The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and the urethra. Note their location in the body. Slide 3: The kidneys are retroperitoneal in the abdominopelvic cavity and are about the size of your fist. The left kidney is slightly higher than the right due to the size and shape of the liver. It is surrounded by and packed in fat to keep it in place. If someone is anorexic or cachexic and loses the fat around the kidney, the kidney can fall. This is called ptosis and can result in a kinked ureter, potentially trapping the urine in the bladder. Slide 4: The kidney functions primarily to maintain homeostasis in the body by regulating the composition and volume of extracellular fluid through the formation of urine. Kidneys regulate the amount of blood plasma by increasing or decreasing the reabsorption of water. They regulate the concentration of waste products so that they can be efficiently eliminated from the body as urine. It is in the kidney tubules that hormones act to regulate the concentration of several major electrolytes, such as Na+ and K+. Kidneys can also help regulate the acid-base balance in the body by adding H+ or HCO3- to the blood. In addition, the kidneys produce and secrete several hormones, including erythropoietin, which regulates the formation of red blood cells. Rennin, a protease which is involved in the maintenance of blood volume, is also produced. It is in the kidney that Vitamin D is converted to its final active form, 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol. Slide 5: This slide shows the gross structure of the kidney, which should be familiar to you from your anatomy class. If it isn’t, please take out your anatomy book and refresh your memory! Slide 6: Micturition Reflex Urine is formed in the kidney and then sent to the bladder through the ureters. Peristalisis of the renal pelvis and the ureters helps to move the urine along. A valve called the ureterovesicular valve prevents the urine from flowing back up into the ureters from the bladder as it fills. The bladder contains a special muscle called the detrusor muscle. (Remember that the bladder is also lined with transitional epithelium, which flattens as it is stretched). The amount of urine in the bladder can range from close to 0 up to about 500 ml. As the bladder fills up, stretch receptors in the bladder wall are stimulated. This sends signals to the spinal cord via the hypogastric nerve. When the bladder pressure reaches a critical level, pelvic nerves from the sacral region respond by causing reflex contractions of the bladder. This allows the internal urethral sphincter, which is composed of smooth muscle, to relax, resulting in an urge to urinate. The external urethral sphincter is skeletal muscle and should be under voluntary control. If you have the urge to urinate, but suppress it, then contractions will abate temporarily until more urine is added to the bladder, at which point the stimulus is resumed. Slide 7: Renal blood vessels Be sure you know the pathway of blood through the kidney from the abdominal aorta to the inferior vena cava. Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 2 Slide 8 & 9: Nephrons These two slides show illustrations of the structure of the kidney and of its functional units, the nephrons. Nephrons are an association of blood vessels and tubules. Each nephron consists of an afferent arteriole, a glomerulus, an efferent arteriole, and a system of kidney tubules. The next set of slides describes nephrons in more detail. Slide 10: Renal tubules There are two general types of nephrons based on their location. The shorter and more numerous nephrons are located predominately in the cortex of the kidney and are therefore called cortical or superficial nephrons. Those with long kidney tubules that extend deep into the medulla are called juxtamedullary nephrons. The latter hyperconcentrate the urine. The kidney tubules begin with a cuplike structure that surrounds the glomerular capillaries called Bowman’s capsule. The combination of the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule is called the renal corpuscle. From Bowmann’s capsule, the first region of the tubule is called the proximal convoluted tubule or PCT, because the tubule twists. It then straightens and forms the descending limb of the loop of Henle. Next comes the thinner loop of Henle, followed by the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. The tubule then twists again and becomes the distal convoluted tubule. This then empties into the collecting duct which carries the urine to the renal pelvis. Slide 11: Formation of Urine Blood from the renal artery through as series of blood vessels within the kidney until it enters the afferent arterioles which lead to the glomerulus, and then to the efferent arterioles. The efferent arterioles are smaller than the afferent arterioles in diameter, which causes an average pressure of approximately 60mmHg in the glomerular capillaries. These capillaries are fenestrated, so that protein free plasma gets forced out into Bowman’s capsule, along with electrolytes and other solutes that are small and able to pass through the openings. This process is called filtration. The fluid that is formed in this way is called filtrate. It will be adjusted as it moves through the kidney tubules. In some areas, reabsorption will occur, returning the majority of water, glucose, amino acids, some ions, back to the circulation. In addition, some substances which could not be filtered out, but need to be eliminated, can also be secreted into the tubules from the peritubular capillaries. H+, K+, creatinine, and some drugs are eliminated in this way. Slide 12: Glomerular filtration The filtrate that is formed as the blood moves through the glomerular capillaries is free of protein and should not contain any cells. Sometimes, both proteins and cells can be present in the urine if there is a urinary tract infection or a condition such as glomerulonephritis, in which the glomeruli are inflamed or destroyed. Under normal circumstances, however, there are restrictions as to what can pass through the fenestrations based on the size of the molecules and their electrical charge. Specialized folded extensions of the plasma membrane called podocytes wrap around the filtration slits in the glomerular capillaries and also play a role in restricting the size of the filtration pores. In general, those molecules which are smaller than 18 Å in size can move freely through the pores. If the molecules are between 18 and 36 Å, their electrical charge will determine if they can pass through. If they are greater than 36 Å, they cannot pass through due to their size. The negatively charged surface of the basement membrane prevents the movement of proteins. Slide 13: Ultrafiltrate You might wonder why all of the plasma doesn’t leave the capillaries and enter the tubules as the blood moves through the glomerulus. Well, as the protein free plasma moves into Bowman’s capsule, the concentration of the remaining blood inside the capillaries goes up. This exerts colloid osmotic pressure (COP) on the blood, preventing all of the water from leaving. The net filtration pressure in the kidney is about 10 mm Hg because of this. There is a very large surface area in the kidney with many thousands of glomeruli. The volume of filtrate that is produced by both kidneys per minute is called the glomerular filtration rate or GFR. It is approximately equal to 115ml/min in women, and 125 ml/min in men. Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 3 Slide 14: Regulation of GFR The sympathetic nervous system provides an extrinsic method of regulating GFR. In a fight or flight situation, it is important to maintain the blood pressure, since blood will be diverted to skeletal muscle and to the heart under these circumstances. This means that urine formation should be decreased. Therefore, the afferent arterioles vasoconstrict in a sympathetic response. Slide 15: Regulation of GFR There are also built in or intrinsic methods of regulating GFR. These include renal autoregulation and tubuloglomerular feedback. In renal autoregulation, the goal is to maintain a relatively constant GFR inspite of changes in blood pressure. If the systemic arterial pressure drops below 70 mm Hg, this will cause the afferent arteriole to dilate, causing a decrease in blood pressure in the glomerulus. If the systemic arterial pressure rises above 70 mm Hg, this will cause the afferent arteriole to vasoconstrict so that the blood pressure will not increase in the glomerulus and the GFR will not increase. Specialized cells called the macula densa cells detect filtration flow. If an increase in filtration flow is detected, the macula densa cells cause the afferent arterioles to constrict. Slide 16: Reabsorption of water and salt The average person produces approximately 180 L of filtrate per day. If we only have 4.5-5.5 L of blood, this could be a huge problem if most of what is filtered out was not reabsorbed. In fact, about 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed. We only need to excrete 0.444L of water per day to get rid of the metabolic wastes we produce. This is called obligatory water loss. Slide 17: Reabsorption in the PCT Initially, when the filtrate comes out of the blood into Bowman’s capsule, the osmolarity is the same as the osmolarity of the plasma. The epithelial cells in the proximal convoluted tubule have a lower Na+ concentration than the filtrate. They also contain Na+K+ATPase pumps on the basolateral membranes. This keeps the Na+ low. The osmotic gradient draws the Na+ into the cell continuously. Cl- follows, moving down the electrical gradient. This results in an increase in osmolarity in the extracellular fluid, drawing water out from the filtrate. The actual osmolarity of the filtrate does not change during this process because NaCl and water are reabsorbed in equal proportions. Slide 18: Significance 65% of the water and NaCl in the filtrate is absorbed by the end of the proximal convoluted tubule without changing the osmolarity of the filtrate. Slide 19: Countercurrent multiplier system The countercurrent multiplier system takes place in the loop of Henle. Notice first that fluid flows in the opposite direction in the ascending and descending limbs simultaneously. As the filtrate moves through, a positive feedback loop multiplies the effects. We always begin talking about this by describing what occurs in the ascending limb first. The ascending limb actively transports NaCl out of the filtrate and into the ECF. However, this part of the loop of Henle is not permeable to water. The descending limb is permeable to water, but lacks the ability to transport NaCl. Slide 20: Additional factors Juxtamedullary nephrons loop around the long loops of Henle that extend far into the medulla. These are also involved in countercurrent exchange to maintain a high concentration of urea in the medulla. The high concentration of urea increases the hyperosmolarity of the medulla and draws out additional water as the filtrate passes through these tubules, hyperconcentrating the urine. Slide 21: Changes in filtrate osmolarity This slide illustrates the changes in osmolarity that occur as the filtrate moves through different regions of the tubule system. Please note that there is no change in the PCT from the blood Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 4 plasma (300 mOsm), then there is a drop up to 1200 mOsm at the base of the loop of Henle. The osmolarity then decreases again to about 100mOsm in the DCT and the collecting duct. Slide 22: Collecting Duct and ADH The collecting duct (CD) is permeable to water, but mostly impermeable to salt. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increases the number of water channels in the CD. Although this may appear to be a “small” change, it provides a huge increase in the amount of filtrate that is reabsorbed. Even a small change can dramatically alter the amount of urine produced. Slide 23: Renal plasma clearance It is sometimes necessary to measure the glomerular filtration rate or the rate of blood flow through the kidneys. To do this, certain chemicals are used. GFR is measured by using a substance called inulin. Inulin is freely filtered by the glomerulus, is not reabsorbed or secreted, is not metabolized or produced by the kidney, and does not alter GFR. Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) is used to measure renal blood flow. Slide 24: Renal clearance of inulin Inulin is a polymer of fructose (simple sugar) that is filtered freely in the kidneys without any reabsorption. Renal plasma clearance refers to the amount of time it takes for the kidneys to remove a particular substance from the blood. The equation for this is renal plasma clearance (RPC) = V x U/P, where v = the amount of urine produced per minute by the kidneys, and u = the concentration of the substance (in this case “inulin”) in the urine, and p = the concentration of the same substance (inulin) in the plasma. Measuring the renal plasma clearance of inulin will give a good estimate of the glomerular filtration rate. Slide 25: Clearance of PAH Measuring the clearance of PAH from the urine gives a good estimate of the blood flow to the kidneys. This is because PAH (para-aminohippuric acid) is not produced in the body. It is not filtered by the glomerulus, but is secreted into the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT). It is also cleared from the blood the first time the blood passes through the kidney (one pass). The equation used to determine renal blood flow is clearance of PAH/volume of the plasma. The average value for this is about 1.1L/min. Slide 26: Renal plasma threshold for glucose Diabetes mellitus was first discovered by a physician who was doing research with dogs. He had these dogs penned up in an outside kennel. He noticed that ants were attracted to the urine of some of his experimental animals. When he evaluated the urine, he discovered that it contained high concentrations of sugar. As you know, the body works to maintain blood glucose in the range of 50mlg/100ml and 170mg/100ml by either encouraging cells to take up glucose from the blood or by liberating glucose from body reserves. When you eat carbohydrates, they get broken down into monosaccharides and every bit of these is absorbed in the small intestines and taken into the body. This is because the surface area of the intestines is huge (microvilli + villi + plicae circularis) and the transit time is slow (time it takes for the food to move through the digestive system). Also remember that the stomach releases the chyme in very small amounts into the intestines, ensuring that what is sent into the intestines is completely absorbed. By comparison, the surface area of the kidneys is very small, and the blood moves through the kidneys very quickly. So, there is a limit to the amount of glucose you can have in the blood before you start seeing glucose in the urine. This is called the renal plasma threshold. Slide 27: The formula for determining renal clearance of glucose is (UG x V)/PG, where P is equal to the amount of glucose in the blood, UG is equal to the concentration of glucose in the urine, and V = volume of urine produced per minute. The average renal plasma flow is about 700 ml/min, and the average GFR is about 100 ml/min. Recall that glucose is transported by facilitated diffusion. This means that it relies on the availability of transporter proteins. When all of the transporter proteins are occupied (saturation), the rate of transport can’t increase because the glucose has to Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 5 wait for a “seat” on an empty transporter protein to get into the cell. The transporter maximum ™ in the kidneys is 375 mg/min. Slide 28: This illustration from Berne’s Physiology illustrates the effect of plasma glucose concentration on the appearance of glucose in the urine by comparing two different scenarios. Patient A has a plasma glucose concentration of 1 mg/ml (amount of glucose in the blood). If you multiply this number x the renal plasma flow (700 ml/min), you will see that the kidneys are receiving about 700 mg/min of glucose. The filtered load refers to how much glucose is going to be filtered in the glomerulus of the kidney in one pass. It is equal to the plasma glucose concentration x the glomerular filtration rate. In the case of patient A, this is 1 mg/ml x 100 ml/min = 100 mg/min. Recall that the transporter maximum in the kidneys is 375 mg/min. This is way above the 100 mg/min being filtered in patient A. Therefore, all of the glucose is absorbed and there is no glucose in the urine (Glucose clearance = 0 mg/min). Now take a look at patient B. In this patient, the plasma glucose concentration is 5 mg/ml. Therefore, when you multiply the plasma glucose x the renal plasma flow (5 mg/ml x 700 mg/ml), you see that 3500 mg/min of glucose is entering the kidneys. The filtered load (plasma glucose concentration x GFR) is 5 mg/ml x 100 ml/min and is equal to 500 mg/min. However, the maximum amount of glucose the kidneys can absorb is restricted by the transporter maximum, which is 375 mg/min. This means there are 125 mg/min in the filtrate that cannot be reabsorbed. Recall that Glucose Clearance (CG = UG x V/PG ). Therefore, the glucose clearance for this patient is 25 ml/min. He has exceeded the plasma threshold for glucose and glucose will appear in the urine. Slide 29: Renal control of electrolyte and acid-base balance The kidneys are involved in maintaining homeostasis, as we have already seen. One major role involves regulating the electrolytes in the blood. This role involves hormones which affect the rate of reabsorption of certain ions. Aldosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. It regulates the absorption of Na+. If aldosterone is increased, more Na+ are reabsorbed. …and, as always, water follows salt. This will increase the blood volume and decrease the volume of urine. However, when Na+ are brought back into the body, they are exchanged for other positive ions, notably K+. Therefore, an increase in aldosterone will cause Na+ to be reabsorbed in exchange for K+ ions, which will be excreted into the urine. When aldosterone is low, Na+ will be excreted, and K+ ions will be reabsorbed. Slide 30: Na+ reabsorption Under normal conditions without the influence of hormones, 90% of the sodium is reabsorbed before the filtrate reaches the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). In the DCT, without aldosterone, 8% of the remaining sodium ions are reabsorbed, and 2 % are filtered out in the urine. With aldosterone, all of the remaining sodium is reabsorbed. Slide 31: K+ reabsorption Under normal conditions, without the influence of hormones, 90% of the filtered K+ is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT). Without aldosterone, all of the K+ is reabsorbed in the DCT. With aldosterone, K+ is secreted into the filtrate in the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct (CD). Remember, K+ is exchanged for Na+! Slide 32: Control of aldosterone secretion There are two ways of stimulating the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. The cortex is directly stimulated by an increase in blood K+, and indirectly stimulated by a decrease in blood Na+. Recall when we studied respiration and we determined that the primary stimulus for breathing was not oxygen, but carbon dioxide. This was because CO2 levels effect blood pH. In this case, you see that the K+ levels are more “important” than the Na+ levels. This is because the plasma concentration of K+ has a very profound effect on neuromuscular excitability and cardiac rhythm. It will affect the ability of neurons to send a message, it will affect the ability of muscle to contract, and it will affect the ability of the heart to beat appropriately. These conditions Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 6 are life threatening. For example, increased K+ can result in hyperexcitability of cardiac muscle, causing serious cardiac arrhythmias that can be fatal. As the blood moves through the kidneys, it passes by the juxtaglomerular apparatus (jga, described in next slide). The jga contains sensors that monitor blood volume. If the blood volume is too low, the enzyme rennin is released. Renin is a protease that converts angiotensin II to angiotensin I. This ultimate triggers an increase in the amount of aldosterone that is secreted by the adrenal cortex. Renin secretion is also affected by the sympathetic nervous system. Renin secretion causes an increase in blood volume and a decrease in urine production, which is important when you are trying to maintain your blood volume and blood pressure while shunting blood to skeletal muscle and to the heart. Another hormone that affects blood volume is naturetic hormone, which is produced when blood volume is too high. The cells that produce this hormone are located in the atrium of the heart. An increase in blood volume causes a stretching of the atrium. This causes an increase in naturetic hormone release, which causes an increase in the secretion of sodium ions and water in the kidneys. Slide 33: Juxtaglomerular apparatus Note: There are some changes here that contradict what you have on your slide. Please correct your slides accordingly! The jga is located where the ascending limb of the loop of Henle (ALLH) comes up between the afferent and efferent arterioles. It is composed of two cell types: granular cells, found in the afferent arterioles, and macula densa cells, which are located in the ALLH. The granular cells are sensitive to the amount of blood entering and leaving the glomerular capillaries. When the blood volume is too low at this point, they secrete renin. The macula densa cells inhibit the release of renin. Slide 34: Relationship between Na+, K+, and H+ When sodium ions are reabsorbed, potassium ions are secreted, largely due to the electrical gradient. However, other ions can also have similar affects. For example, if there is an increase in extracellular H+ (decrease in pH), this causes H+ to move into the cells in exchange for K+. Recall that K+ is higher inside the cell than outside. When the H+ and K+ reach the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct of the kidney, they can also be exchanged for Na+. Therefore, Na+ will be reabsorbed, as the H+ and K+ are secreted into the filtrate and sent out with the urine. Slide 35: Metabolic acidosis When we learned about the respiratory system, we mentioned that there were two types of acidosis and alkalosis, respiratory and metabolic. Respiratory acidosis is caused by hypoventilation, so that CO2 is retained and H+ are generated from the splitting of carbonic acid. Metabolic acidosis is caused by several things including, an increase in the intake of something that is acidic, metabolic events that cause an increased production of acid, a decrease in the elimination of acid by the kidneys, and in increase in the loss of alkaline substances that an buffer the acids. These events can be the result of several pathological conditions, including diabetic ketoacidosis (remember that diabetics are unable to uptake glucose appropriately, so they must produce more ketones to use as an energy source instead of glucose), kidney failure, diarrhea (causes an excess amount of alkaline substances to be lost), starvation (increases the amount of ketone bodies produced), and hypoaldosteronism (insufficient production of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex can result in an increased retention or reabsorption of H+ in the kidneys). Slide 36: Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation, in which too much carbon dioxide is exhaled, driving the blood pH up above 7.45. Metabolic alkalosis results when too many H+ are lost from the body, or too much bicarbonate is either retained or produced. Common causes of metabolic alkalosis include vomiting (you are throwing up the acid produced by the stomach, driving the pH up), loop diuretics or thiazide diuretics (loop diuretics block NaCl reabsorption in the loop of Henle. When Na+ is retained, secretion of K+ and H+ is encouraged, resulting in hypokalemic Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 7 metabolic alkalosis), and adrenal steroids (increased aldosterone will cause an increase in Na+ and a decrease in K+ and H+, which will be excreted in the urine). Slide 37: Acid-Base Balance The body works to maintain a relatively constant plasma pH in spite of daily variations in the production of acids from metabolism and from the intake of food. On average, adults will produced about 100 mmol/day of H+. The kidney has several ways of mediating acid production. First of all, the kidney can reabsorb all bicarbonate from the filtrate and return it to the blood, and excrete H+ into the filtrate, which will be eliminated as urine. 90-95% of the bicarbonate is reabsorbed in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. However, this is insufficient to balance all the acid produced. If 1-2 L of unbuffered urine is eliminated, it will only eliminate 1mmol/day of the hydrogen ions produced (and remember, we produce about 100mmol/day on average). There has to be something else! The kidneys are also able to generate new bicarbonate. This can be done by using filterable phosphate as a primary buffer anion in the urine, and by excreting nitrogen as ammonium rather than urea, which spares bicarbonate. Slide 38: Reabsorption of bicarbonate When we were studying the respiratory system, we talked about the way in which carbon dioxide is transported in the blood. We said that carbonic anhydrase, the enzyme that mediates the conversion of CO2 and water to carbonic acid, was located in red blood cells. In the kidney, carbonic anhydrase is located on the apical membrane and in the cytoplasm of the cells that line the kidney tubules, especially in the proximal convoluted tubule. If the filtrate is acidic, CO2 and water form carbonic acid inside the kidney tubule cells. The carbonic acid splits to form H+ and bicarbonate. The bicarbonate is sent out to the blood to stabilize the pH, while the H+ is sent out into the filtrate to be excreted in the urine. In alkalosis, the bicarbonate is excreted into the filtrate, while the H+ are sent into the blood, to lower the pH and bring it back within the range of 7.35-7.45. Slide 39: Urinary buffers spare bicarbonate for plasma Two additional methods are typically used to spare bicarbonate when the pH of the blood is too low. The first of these involves the amino acid glutamine. Glutamine can be split inside the tubule cells to generate ammonium, which is sent out into the kidney tubules to be eliminated, and bicarbonate, which is sent into the blood to drive the acidic pH back up. The second involves using filterable phosphate as a buffer. This is referred to as titratable acidity because the phosphate will attract H+ from the kidney tubule cells and send it out with the urine, while the bicarbonate is sent into the ECF to go back into the blood and buffer the low pH. Although the pH of blood is a very narrow range of 7.35-7.45, the pH of urine has a much wider range (5-7) because of the kidney’s buffering activities. Slide 40: Clinical applications This slide simply describes how the kidneys are affected by diuretics (which inhibit salt and water reabsorption, causing an increase in the production of urine), the autoimmune disease glomerulonephritis (causes an inflammation and destruction of the glomerular capillaries, which results in a decrease in the blood volume and an increase in edema), renal insufficiency (involving the destruction, damage, or obstruction of the nephrons resulting in renal hypertension, urea in the blood, and acidosis), and finally pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis due to bacterial infection). Slide 41: Glomerulonephritis Autoimmune disorders often result in the formation of antibody/antigen complexes that are not attached to anything. These large protein “blobs” get caught in the glomerular capillaries, triggering a complement cascade. The activated complement proteins attack the glomerular capillaries, destroying them, and allowing the movement of blood cells, and protein and other large molecules into the filtrate. This causes an increased loss of water and electrolytes due to Dr. Carmen E. Rexach Spring 2008 8 an increase in osmotic pressure inside the kidney tubules, drawing fluid in and reducing the amount of water and electrolytes that are reabsorbed. Slide 42- Slide 52: Kidney treatment options These slides are simply for your edification. They show various options in treatment of individuals with kidney disease, including hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplant.