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Shannon B.
Greek God Hermes
The god that I have researched is Hermes the messenger of the gods. Hermes is
known as being, clever, tricky, a thief, and noisy, fun loving god. Hermes was known by
many names he was Zeus’s special servant and courier. He wears a winged hat along
with winged sandals. He held a golden caduceus, or magic wand. It’s entwined with
snakes and has wings on it also. Hermes father Zeus bore him with Maia before he
married Hera, and Hermes was the daughter of the Titan Atlas. Hermes had several
offspring some in more common then others. Pan as half man and half goat, it was
saying to be the son of Hermes and unknown nymphs Dyrope. The sight of pan terrified
his mother so bad that she fled in horror at the sight of him. Hermes took pan to mount
Olympus were he gods reveled in his laughter and his appearance and became the patron
of fields, woods, shepherds and flocks. Abderus a companion of Hercules is also known
to be the son of Hermes. A Hermaphrodite was conceived after Hermes and Aphrodite.
He had female breasts but the looks of a handsome young man and male genitals.
Hermes was known to have both male and female parts. Hermes had many affairs with
men and women. Hermes had many affairs not only with other gods and goddesses but
with Nymphs and mortals. In some legends even sheep and goats. On a final note of
Hermes was that people worshiped him throughout Greece especially in Arcadia. Along
with festivals in his honor they were called Hermoea.