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A new soap that explores how Hilda and Harry the Hydrogen ions and Ernie and Ester the electrons broke up, got back
together, broke up again … and changed a little along the way.
Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration are about transforming energy from one form to another. The energy is transformed slowly in a series of steps. The
main characters in this story of energy transformation are Harry and Hilda, the hydrogen ions, and Ernie and Ester, the electrons. Fill each box in the box sequence
below with a brief explanation and a drawing (add diagrams where necessary) that answer the questions in each box.
1-Our story starts with our 2 couples together as a
water droplet in the soil of a spinach farm. What do
they look like? What are some of their neat
Section 6.1
p. 152
Structure of water
Properties of water
4-Light reactions-Photosystem 2. This is our
couples’ first break-up. What’s happening? What’s
making them separate? Why?
Section 8.2
p. 224-5
Water broken down
7-Calvin cycle. Things are going round and round
and somehow our couples get back together but
they look different. What molecule are they a part
of now?
Section 8.2
p. 226
Calvin Cycle
2-How do the two couples get to the spinach plant
cells from the soil (include water property and
transport type)
Section 6.3
p. 162
How do plants take in water?
What property is used to move the
5-First ETC. Where do our broken up couples go
now? What do they do and what comes out of it?
Section 8.2
p. 224-5
Electron transport chain
ATP made
8-Together again and so happy … but wait … oh
no they are about to be eaten by a hungry human !
Section 8.2
p. 226
Sugar made
Sugar is in spinach
3-Our couples are inside the plant cell now. Where
do they go? (be specific)
Section 8.2
p. 222
Where does photosynthesis take place?
Describe the structure of a chloroplast
6-Photosystem 1 and second ETC. Our broken
up couples keep going, but where? Ernie and Ester
seem to be getting a ride to the next step … but
from who?
Section 8.2
p. 225
Electron carriers pick up hydrogen
9-Glycolysis. Our couples are now attached to
glucose and get to the human’s cells via his
bloodstream. And now into his cells they go. How
do they get into the cell (type of transport)? Now
their ride starts being pulled apart and they break up
again. Where in the cell are they? Where are they
headed now?
Section 8.3
b D:\81922938.doc 8/2/2017
p. 229
10-Krebs cycle. Our couples are now part of
different rides and they keep going around. What is
happening to them?
Section 8.3
b D:\81922938.doc 8/2/2017
p. 230
11-ETC. Ernie and Ester were driven here (by who)
and after they get dropped off they go for a ride
while Harvey and Hilda are getting pumped around.
Section 8.3
p. 231
12-Reunited –again- and it feels so good. What
molecule did our couples now form? Where might
they go now?
Read p 231
Hint: water