Download Against the Odds? Freshwater Fish Farming in Hong Kong

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The Department of Anthropology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
presents a seminar
Josephine SMART
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
University of Calgary
Against the Odds? Freshwater
Fish Farming in Hong Kong
Friday, 13 February 2015
12:30 p.m.
Lecture Theatre 2, Mong Man Wai Building
Chinese University of Hong Kong
In this paper I trace fish farming in Hong Kong from the “traditional” village subsistence form in the
pre-1949 era to the post World War II transformation into a fully commodified production in direct
competition with cheaper imports from China and other countries. The entanglement of historical,
economic, social and political forces over time has greatly diminished the production capacity in
fresh water fish farming in Hong Kong today, but with the surge in anxiety about food safety issues
and the subsequent forms of government interventions, the future of freshwater fish farming may be
a positive one conditional on meeting certain challenges.
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