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Студия переводов и копирайтинга PALABRA
Текст для пробного перевода на русский язык соискателям работы по научно-технической
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Physical Features
Physiographically, the project area belongs to the middle mountains of the Lesser Himalayan region,
while the upper catchment of the Solu River extends also to the High Mountain region covering the
zones of snow and glaciers. The highest elevation within the Solu watershed is about 7,000m whereas
the lowest is at its confluence with Dudhkoshi at about 590m. Topographically the area is rugged with
difficult terrain. The elevation of the project area ranges from 1,264 m.a.s.l to 600 m.a.s.l. Solu Khola
area forms a moderately wide valley, which consists of very steep rock, gentle colluvial deposits as
well as flat alluvial
soil slopes. The hills in the area are covered with vegetation or forest. The project area is drained out by
the Solu Khola and Dudh Koshi River.
Project Area Watershed
Solu Khola is one of the major tributaries of Dudh Koshi River.It joins Dudh Koshi River near the Tuintar
village of Necha Betghari VDC in Solukhumbu district. Solu Khola is a perennial and partly snow-fed
river. Major tributaries of Solu Khola are Kunikhop Khola, Ghatte Khola, Sisa Khola, Thado Khola,
Bhitte Khola, Khahare Khola etc. The catchment area at the intake site is 458.5km2 out of which area
below elevation 5,000 masl is 436km2. Solu Khola (Dudh Koshi) power plant will be built as a run-ofriver scheme without reservoir and utilizes about 41% dependent flow as the design discharge .
Powerhouse site of the project lies on the right bank of Dudh Koshi River at Maikubesi village of
Panchan VDC. Whilst the catchment area of Dudhkoshi is quite big and comprises many glaciers of the
Everest region, the Solu Khola catchment is about six times smaller and includes only few and
comparatively small glaciers in the Numbur Peak region.