Download Sample Letter to Governor Kasich Re Carp in the Sandusky River

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Governor John Kasich
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6117
Senator Sherrod Brown
801 West Superior Ave., Suite 1400
Cleveland, OH 44113
Senator Rob Portman
1240 East 9th Street
Room 3061
Cleveland, OH 44199
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you as a voter in the State of Ohio to bring to your attention a matter that
is of great concern to me and my family. It concerns Asian Carp.
Asian Carp present a real threat to the Great Lakes. If they establish themselves they
could do irreparable damage to the commercial fisheries, sports fisheries and tourism
which, combined, provide hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue to the Great Lakes
economy every year.
It has been reported that eggs from Grass Carp have been found in the Sandusky River.
Scientists are apparently trying to determine if these eggs are associated with the eleven
Grass Carp that were found in Lake Erie and adjoining bodies of water this year. If so
this could be the start of a devastating contamination of our Great Lakes by these
invasive fish. We have been told that the State of Ohio and the Government of the
United States are reluctant to take any measures to eradicate the Grass Carp population
in the Sandusky River until further studies are complete. We think this strategy is short
sighted. We believe that the cost of eradicating a relatively small population of these
Carp at this point in time would be prudent and could head off the enormous cost
incurred were Grass Carp to get a foothold in Lake Erie and the Great Lakes as may
well be the case if nothing is done at this point in time.
We understand that there is an agreement between the eight Great Lake States and the
two Great Lakes Canadian Provinces to help one another in the fight to keep Asian Carp
out of the Lakes. In speaking with Canadian acquaintances, we understand that they are
putting pressure on their respective governments to come to Ohio’s aid on this issue.
We urge you to use the power of your office to encourage the appropriate departments
to take action immediately to eradicate the Carp in the Sandusky River.