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Extinct animals never heard
Animal extinctions may be caused by natural or cooling
oroccurrences such as climatic heating changes in sea levels .In
more modern times however human activity has been to
blame.Habitat destruction .The main cause of modern extinction
along with pollution,the interdiction of alien spiecies,and over
fishing or hunting. Increasingly ,however ,climate change is
thought to be driving extinctions.
Sabre-toothed cat
• Even more fearsome than the cat we know today Sabre-toothed cats
have long sharp teeth out of their mouth .A family of cats wich were
recognised by there etongated n the upper jaw.The most commonly
known one being the sabre-toothed tiger.
• A sabre-toothed cat is a mammal and it`s life span is
40 years . It`s scientific name is Smilodon SPP .
• The Tasmanian Tiger were the largest carnivours marsupial in modern
times.It`s called the Tasmanian tiger because of it`s stripes on it`s
lower back .It`s scientific
name is
Thylacinus Cynocephalus
,wich comes
from Greek meaning ``
Dog headed
pouched one.
• A Tasmanian tiger is a
type of
marsiupal . In 1986 it was
declared that
the Tasmanian Tiger had
been extinct
since 1936 after the last
individual had died in