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Beach Scene
by Sean Hong
The beach is a great place to be. The waves lapping up at the shore, the
wind blowing in from the sea. Never really cold, just refreshing, the sand dry and
hot closer to the land, but at the water damp. Good for sand castles, but the
waves can destroy the little creations. In the day the sand is nice and warm,
toasty from the sun. The water cold at first then gradually refreshing. The air
smells of salt and the ocean. The moon pulls and pushes the tides, making the
lulling sound of the waves. Fish swimming around in the water constantly moving.
The sunlight glistening on the wet sand reflecting the light. The light hitting the
water and shimmering, casting illusions on the water’s surface. Clams in the sand
making holes where they breathe, giving diggers hints to where they are. The
colour of the ocean changing from the light and the depth. Looking from below
the ocean’s height the light dances from the surface and the quietness is serene,
calm and tranquil. The ears hear nothing but the flowing water. The eyes are busy
taking the ocean’s, underwater beauty in. Even though the ocean can seem
flawless, there are dangers in the depths and the surface too. The water is
relaxing but can also be a trap for people unaware. The darkness hides the lurking
monsters of the sea. The ocean can be mellow, but like all, it also has another side
that may or may not show.