Download Establishment of Fish Seed Hatcheries (Carp Hatchery)

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Office of the Director
Department of Fisheries,
Government of Meghalaya, Shillong
Applications are hereby invited from the progressive Fish Farmers/Self Help
Groups/Fish Farmer Co-operative Societies/Entrepreneurs/etc. from the State of
Meghalaya having a minimum farm area of 2 (two) hectares, for the establishment of
5 (five) Fish Seed Hatcheries (Carp Hatchery) to be assisted under the Meghalaya
State Aquaculture Mission (Mini Mission – II) during 2012–13. The farm area of 2
hectares will include nursery ponds, rearing ponds, stocking tanks, broodstock tanks,
godown and hatchery. The scheme is meant for enhancing the fish seed production in
the state and the details of the required critical infrastructure are elaborated under the
Mini Mission–II of the Aquaculture Mission document. The total spawn capacity is 1
crore and the fingerlings to be produced per hatchery will be about 25 lakhs.
Financial assistance under the scheme is as per the NFDB’s unit cost of Rs.
16.00 lakh per hatchery, of which subsidy will be 60% i.e. Rs. 9.60 lakh, 25% will be
by credit linkage with MCAB, i.e. Rs. 4.00 lakh and 15% own contribution of the
partners, i.e. Rs. 2.40 lakh. Applicants must have the financial capacity to bear 15% of
the project cost, as also the capacity to make investment for other minor infrastructure
and inputs, as the case may be, depending upon the location.
The application forms will be available at the offices of the Superintendents of
Fisheries-cum-District Executive Officers/Sub-Divisional Fishery Officers-cum-SubDivisional Executive Officers on any working day and the last date for submission of
the filled-in forms along with all the required documents is 31.05.2012. The
application form, the detailed norms of the scheme, process chart for the
implementation of the scheme, a concept note on the design of Carp Hatchery, can be
also downloaded free of cost from the website The Meghalaya
State Aquaculture Mission document also can be downloaded from the same website.
Sd/i/c Director of Fisheries-cumChief Executive Officer, FFDA,
Meghalaya, Shillong
To be Implemented under the Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission (MSAM) 2012-13,
Mini Mission – II
Norms of the scheme:
 The minimum farm area eligible for financial assistance shall be 2 hectares. The farm
area of 2 (two) hectares shall include nursery ponds, rearing ponds, stocking tanks, broodstock tanks, godown, hatchery, etc.
Financial assistance under the scheme is as per the NFDB’s unit cost of ` 16.00 lakh
each, of which subsidy will be 60% i.e. ` 9.60 lakh, 25% credit linkage with MCAB/
Other banks financing the project i.e. ` 4.00 lakh and 15% own contribution of the
farmer partner i.e ` 2.40 lakh.
The unit cost of ` 16.00 lakh is for the construction of the hatchery, nurseries, rearing
ponds, broodstock tanks, godown, etc (estimate enclosed).
The financial assistance / loan will be in the form of medium term loan with repayment
period of 5 years including gestation period of 1 year i.e. the entire amount of the loan
will have to be repaid in 4 equal yearly installments. The interest on the loan will have to
be repaid as per the norms of the sanctioning bank.
Each hatchery should have a production capacity of 1 crore spawn, converted into 40 lakh
fry and finally 24 lakh fingerlings (Production Capacity enclosed).
The applicants should have the financial capacity to bear 15% of the cost of the
construction of the hatchery, nurseries, rearing ponds, etc as his/her own contribution.
Selection process:
1. Wide publicity for the scheme will be given in the local media, both print and electronic,
for the benefit of all the eligible and progressive Fish Farmers/ Self Help Groups/Fish
Farmer Co-operative Societies/Entrepreneurs etc of the state. The Fish farmers Cooperative Societies should submit the application through the Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the respective districts
2. The respective DEOs/S.Fs. will then scrutinize the applications, assess the validity of the
ownership of the applicants, documents, etc. including financial capacity of the applicants
to make 15% own contribution, as also to undertake other required infrastructure.
3. Preliminary survey of the site will be carried out by the Technical Staff/Programme
Managers of the FFDA, as the case may be, and they will submit reports on the
feasibility/non-feasibility of each site, to the respective District Executive Officers.
4. The DEOs will then organize joint inspection and verification with the MCAB/ Other
banks officials before placing the list of probable beneficiaries in the District Aquaculture
Mission Committee, headed by the Deputy Commissioners of the respective districts.
5. The Member Secretary will convene the Committee after obtaining due approval from the
Chairman of the District Aquaculture Mission Committee (DAMC).
6. The DAMC will then scrutinize, select and prepare a list of recommended applications
and submit the same to the CEO, FFDA for according final approval.
7. The approved list of beneficiaries, in order of priority will then be sent to the DEOs
concerned with a copy to the Chairman, DAMC.
8. The finalized entrepreneurs will be sent for training at CIFA, Bhubaneswar or any other
recognized Institution of the country. Training will be specifically on construction and
operation of the hatchery, breeding techniques, etc.
9. Work order will be issued by the DEOs to the Entrepreneurs immediately on the
completion of the training, with a copy to the MCAB/ Other banks.
10. Initially, the entrepreneurs will have to start the work with their own contribution of 15%.
11. Construction of hatchery, etc to be done under the supervision, guidance of the DEOs,
assisted by the Junior Engineers of the Department. Technical expertise may also be
drawn from ICAR or any other reputed Fishery Institutes.
12. After due verification by the DEOs/EOs/Programme Managers that the initial work taken
up by the Entrepreneurs commensurate with their own contribution (15%), the
sanctioning bank will release the entire project cost excluding own contribution (15%) in
two installments. The first installment i.e. 25% of the project cost (excluding own
contribution) shall be released as 1st installment to the entrepreneurs.
13. On sanction of the loans, the sanctioning bank will then claim the subsidy amount from
the CEO- FFDA. Release of subsidy by CEO-FFDA to the sanctioning banks will be
specifically only for those entrepreneurs against whom the loans were sanctioned.
14. After due verification by the DEOs/EOs/ Programme Managers/Bank Officials that the
loan sanctioned has been utilized by the Partners for implementation of the schemes, the
remaining amount of the project cost (excluding the own contribution) will be released by
the sanctioning banks to the entrepreneurs.
15. On completion of the construction of the hatchery, the respective DEOs/SDEOs are to
ensure that Fish Seed production from the project commences immediately.
16. Brood-Stock, fish feed and other inputs should be procured by the entrepreneurs
themselves under the guidance and supervision of the implementing officials of the
17. Monthly reports, right from the stage of implementation to the completion of the project,
are to be furnished by the DEOs etc to the CEO-FFDA, Shillong
18. In respect of selection of entrepreneurs, preference will be given to the progressive Fish
Farmers, Educated, un-employed youth, established Self Help Groups, Fish Farmer Cooperative Societies and entrepreneurs etc of the state who have the capacity to bear 15%
of the cost of the construction hatchery as his/her/their own contribution.
Sd/i/c Director of Fisheries-cumChief Executive Officer, FFDA
Meghalaya, Shillong
Annexure – I
Wide Publicity through Local media
Scrutiny of applications by DEOs
Preliminary survey of the sites by the Technical staff etc of the
Joint field inspection by the Department , MCAB/other Bank
officials .
Convening of the DAMC Committee
Recommendadtion of the apllications by the DAMC
Final approval by the CEO,FFDA
Training of the beneficiaries at CIFA/ other Fishery Institutions
Issuance of work order by the DEOs
Commencement of work by the beneficiaries with own
contribution of 15%
25% of the project cost
(excluding own contribution)
will be released by financing
banks to the entrepreneurs-1st
Release of 60% subsidy
amount by the CEO -FFDA to
MCAB /other financing banks
against the loan sanctioned
Release of the remaining amount of the project cost
(excluding own contribution) by banks to the entrepreneurs
Completion of the construction of Hatchery, and other
Commencement of Fish Seed production
The most important pre-requisite for the development of fish culture is the
establishment of dependable fish seed resources of commonly cultivable species. The
hatchery is perhaps a vital component in a modern fish farm. It is logical corollary of the
development of induce breeding as a technique for commercial production of carp seed. The
design and construction of hatchery systems require sound technical skills. Very good skill is
required for water quality management. Efficient and economical water filtration and
disinfection system are needed for this. A good design helps to produce healthy seed
economically with ease of operation. The hatchery consists of water quality section, breeding
section and larval rearing section. There should be good coordination between the sections.
The basic requirement for a hatchery is to ascertain the ecological parameters of the
embryonic development of the fish eggs and then to provide them with the most satisfactory
incubation condition. This increases the hatching rate. A hatchery complex not only provides
the facility for spawning and hatching but also provides the facilities for brood stock rearing
and seed rearing to produce stocking material for grow out ponds and other fish production
Inspite of natural fish seed production, breeding of fish in ponds in hapa and hatching
of eggs in Earthen pot hatchery, Tub hatchery, Nowgaon type hatchery and in hapa (single
wall, double wall and floating hapa) were the only techniques for spawn production. Later on
improved hatching devices like Glass Jar hatchery, Galvanised hatchery, Shirgur plastic bin
hatchery are being developed and are used for hatching of eggs. In the year 1980, modern
carp hatchery model C.I.F.E. D-80 was designed which was a combined unit for breeding of
fish and hatching of eggs. This model was again improved as D-81 and D-85 with slight
modification. At the same time, Chinese Hatchery/Circular Hatchery came into existence and
are found best hatchery for mass breeding and hatching of fish eggs. Based on Chinese
principles, Eco-hatchery has first been established in West Bengal in 1984. A number of Ecohatcheries have since been established in different States of the Country and they are capable
of handling mass quantity of eggs at a time.
Chinese eco-hatchery
Chinese eco-hatchery has been named because it is economic and maintains optimum
ecological parameters during fish breeding and hatching. Within a small space, this system
simulates some aspects of riverine environment and has proved itself to be a very successful
method for large scale production of Indian major carps, minor carps and exotic carps. In
modern times, more and more hatcheries are incorporating circular breeding tanks with
continuous water flow.
Site Selection
A carp hatchery (Chinese hatchery) should be located by the side of a perennial
source of good quality water. There should be adequate water to fill the ponds and maintain
water level which does not fluctuate more than 0.6 meter. Equally important is the need for
avoiding excess water. The common water sources are rivers, streams, springs, canals,
surface run-off from rainfall and the ground water sources. Any of these water would be
suitable provided control of the supply is possible and water is not contaminated.
The topography of the area proposed for construction of the hatchery complex should
generally be flat or gently sloping towards the outlet. The site should be easily approachable
so that no difficulty arises for easy transportation of fish seed. It should also be close to the
source of quality brood fish. The location should have facilities of electricity and
communication. The labour and the materials required for construction and operation of the
hatchery should be easily available at economic rates.
A carp hatchery complex (Chinese hatchery) would generally have the following
The brood stock unit for rearing and management of brood stock.
The main hatchery unit for spawn production.
The nursery unit for raising fry from stocked spawn (4-5 mm to 25-30 mm).
The rearing unit for raising fry up to fingerlings (50 mm & above).
The packing and marketing unit.
1. The brood Stock unit
The brood stock unit would generally have the ponds, the size of which may vary
from 0.2 -1.0 ha but the preferable size would be of 0.3-0.5 ha and depth of 2.0-2.5 m. for
better management of brood stock, the ponds should have the facilities of water supply and
drainage, so that the desired water level in the pond can be accomplished, if needed. The
bottom of the ponds should be gently sloping towards the outlet. The slopes of the dykes may
generally be 2:1 (2 horizontal : 1 vertical).
2. The main Hatchery unit
The main hatchery unit for spawn production comprises the following essential subunits:
Water supply
Brood spawning
Egg incubation
Spawn collection
(i) Water supply
The most important requirement of an eco–hatchery is the water supply which can be
accomplished either from a surface water source or from a ground water source.
Most surface water contains fish and other organisms which may attack eggs and
spawn in the hatchery. Some surface water carries suspended solids which may coat eggs and
clog the gills. Filtration of surface water can be accomplished by sand filters which should
filter out particles larger than 0.025 mm size. This will remove most suspended solids
including eggs and parasite. After filtering if the water is at low elevation for use in hatchery
by gravity, it must be lifted to the storage reservoir overhead tank. The reservoir should have
a capacity large enough to serve all hatchery needs for several hours. The reservoir can also
be equipped with an auto water level guard switch to automatically turn electric pump on and
off at pre selected levels.
Ground water (water from open wells/bore wells) is usually free from fish pathogens
and suspended solids and does not require filtering before being pumped into the reservoir.
However, most well water is having low dissolved oxygen (DO) and may contain ferrous
salts. Therefore, for ground water, aeration may be required and the DO content would be at
least 4mg/lt. If water contains ferrous salts, it would be necessary to have two reservoirs. One
can be use, while other acts as a settling tank for precipitation. If needed, water can be aerated
before entering into settling tank. Water take off point for the hatchery should be well above
the bottom of the reservoirs for removing precipitate. The iron content of water should not
exceed 0.2 mg/lit. The water temperature should preferably be 18-27oC, water pH 7.4-8.4
and there should not be any pollution at the source. Since all component parts of the hatchery
are required to be provided with controllable water supply, a very careful attention should be
given for designing the water supply installations.
(ii) Spawning Pool (brood spawning/breeding)
Fig1. Spawning pool showing central outlet
The breeding pool is a circular smooth cistern of brick or R.C.C (Re-enforced
concrete cement) or F.R.P (Fibre Reinforced Plastic) with provisions of showers and water
current in the pond. Diameter of the tank may vary from 6-8 m and depth 1-1.5 m for
standard commercial carp hatchery. Water current in the circular pool is created at a speed of
0.2-0.5 m/sec.
For a breeding pool having inside dimension of 8.00 m diameter, the inside depth at
periphery is 1.20 m which slopes down to the center at 1.50 m. The water supply to the pool
is from overhead tank by means of 7.50 cm diameter pipe. It is provided with inlets, placed
equally at an angle of 45o in relation to the vertical wall and along the periphery of the bottom
of the tank. All nozzles of the inlet pipes are directed to one side. Water from the overhead
tank passes by gravity down to pipes and ejected through the nozzles. As all the nozzles are
pointing towards the same clockwise side, a circular current of water is created at the tank.
Along the upper margin of the circular tank runs a circular pipe provided with holes at regular
interval. Through these holes the water is ejected and falls on the water surface of the tank
giving the impression of rain. In the center, an outlet pipe of 10.00 cm diameter is fitted,
through which on opening the valve, fertilized eggs along with water are transferred into
incubation pond for hatching.
(iii) Incubation Pool (Egg incubation/hatching pool)
The hatching unit is a double circular smooth cistern of brick or R.C.C or F.R.P
material. For a commercial production unit, the outer chamber diameter ranges from 3-6m
and the inner chamber diameter ranges from 1-1.5 m with a depth of the pool from 1-1.5 m.
Fig 2. Incubation pool showing inner
Chamber with vertical outlet
Fig 3. Duck mouth Inlets
For a 4 meter dimension incubation pool, the internal diameter is 3.6 meter and the
inner chamber is constructed at 0.74 meter clear distance from the outer wall. The inner
chamber has sufficient gaps and in these gaps, iron rods are fitted so that the nylon screen
(mesh size-0.3 mm) can be fastened tightly to avoid the passing of hatchlings and spawn from
outer chamber. Based on the running water principle, water enters into the outer chamber by
a series of duck mouth inlets fitted at the bottom and drains out through a screen encircled on
the inner chamber. The central outlet pipe 10 cm diameter being vertically erected maintains
water depth in the incubation chamber. The egg receiving pipe from the breeding pool is
generally fixed at about 0.3 m above the base of the incubation chamber to avail a water
cushion against mechanical injury of eggs.
From the breeding pool, this pond receives water and eggs in the outer chamber while
the excess water is drained through the inner chamber. The spawn along with water flows
from these ponds to spawn collection tank through an outlet pipe. This opening is also used
for complete dewatering of the hatching pool. Water in the hatching pool should flow at the
rate of 0.2 to 0.4 m. per second. Number of incubation pool depends on the requirement.
Usually two incubation pools are constructed for the breeding pool.
Water circulation in the pools
Good circulation of water in the pools is the most important consideration for the
success of eco-hatchery. Proper circulation prevents settling of egg cells, dead animals, etc.
on the bottom of the tank. If they settle at the bottom, the decomposition will be anaerobic
and will form harmful metabolites causing death or encouraging growth of diseases and
parasites. If the particles are kept moving in water in presence of oxygen, then decomposition
is aerobic and the by-products are not harmful.
For eco-hatchery the capacity of the hatching tank is about 5 cubic meters and about
500 litres (60-70 lakhs) eggs can be put for hatching at a time. Initially a flow rate of 2.51/sec
is maintained in the hatchery with circular motion in the tanks. After the embryo are hatched
the water flow rate is increased to 3.51/sec for keeping the hatchlings in floating condition as
their buoyancy reduces and their swimming ability is weak.
(iv) Spawn Receiving tank
After completion of incubation, the spawn is received in a pond of various
dimensions. Rectangular cement tank having inside dimension of 4.00 m X 2.50 m X 1.20 m
can be used for this purpose. This is located at a lower elevation than the incubation pool, so
as to drain out the water from it by gravity. Hooks are fixed in two opposite walls of the tank
for fixing net for collection of spawn. From each of the hatching pool, pipes are provided for
transfer of spawn into the receiving tank where they are collected, measured and transferred
into well prepared nursery tanks for rearing. Over flow pipe maintains water depth and
adequate screen arrangement prevents escape of spawn.
Fig. Spawn receiving tank
Mature brooders are loaded in the spawning pool for about 4 - 8 hr for conditioning.
At a time 40 kg females and 60 kg males are kept. Water jets are started for circular motion
of the water. After about 8 - 10 hr of inducing hormone spawning takes place. The eggs are
collected from the bottom and transferred to the incubation pools through pipes by opening
the valves. For a breeding pool of 8 m diameter having two incubation pools, one crore of
eggs can be incubated at a time in one operation.
Arrangements are made to circulate the water in the incubation pools. After hatching,
they are allowed to remain till yolksac is absorbed. In four days time the spawn gets ready,
then collected through spawn collection tank and transferred or stocked in well prepared
nursery pond for further rearing till fry stage.
3. The nursery unit
The nursery unit of the hatchery complex is for raising fry from stocked spawn (4-5
mm to 25-30 mm size). Nursery ponds should preferably be small and shallow. Ponds of
0.02-0.06 ha size and 1 m to 1.5 m in depth are generally suitable. Since the culture is for a
very short duration and for about 3 weeks only, the pond should have good water supply and
drainage arrangement, with controlled inlets and outlets so that they can be emptied, dried
and refilled at will. This is for easy and better management.
4. The rearing unit
This unit is for raising fry up to fingerlings (50mm and above). The rearing pond
should be slightly larger but not too deep. Rectangular shaped ponds of 0.06-0.10 ha in size
and 1.5 to 2.0 m in depth are preferred.
5. The packing and marketing unit
In a hatchery complex, a unit for packing and marketing is required so as to facilitate
the seed supply scientifically after due acclimatization and proper oxygen packing in the
polythene bags. This will reduce the transportation and handling mortality leaving a good
name for the hatchery to its customers.
The merits of this type of hatchery are:
It produces a better and natural environment for breeders to spawn.
In incubation pool, the regularity and uniformity of current leads to uniform
distribution of fry.
The fry, because of current are better spread compared to stagnant water where they
tend to concentrate in corners or upstream.
Because of better spread, such tanks can take a greater number of fishes than in other
Estimate for the Establishment of Fish Seed Hatchery in Private Sector.
a) Breeding Pool
3m diameter
b) Hatching Pool
2.0 meter diameter
c) Collection chamber
1 x 1 x 1.5
30,000 litre
25 HP
d) Over head tank
e) Pump set
Nursery pond (Kutcha)
100 m2
Rearing (Kutcha)
500 m2
Brood stock pond (Kutcha)
1000 m2
Feed equipments, etc.
10 x 15 ft
Miscellaneous / Unforeseen
Rupees Sixteen Lakhs
Production capacity of a Hatchery Unit
Spawn production
1 Crore nos.- 100 Lakhs
40% survivality rate (approx.)
Fry production
40 lakhs (approx.)
60% survivality rate (approx.)
Fingerling production
24 lakhs (approx.)
The production of 24 lakh fingerlings to be achieved in 2-3 cycle of Breeding operation in a year.
1. Name and Address of the Applicant
i) Phone No.
ii) Fax
iii) E-mail ID
2. Educational qualification and
Experience of the Applicant
3. Category
Progressive Fish Farmers/Self-Help Groups/
Fish Farmer Co-operative Societies/
4. Location of the Fish seed Hatchery to be set up
i) District
ii) C & RD Block
iii) Village
iv) Police Station
v) Any other information
5. Farm Details
i) Total Land Area (ha)
ii) Total water area (ha)
a) Rearing space/ Broodstock
Ponds (No./area) if existing
b) Nursery Ponds (No./area) if existing
c) Rearing Ponds (No./area) if existing
6. Is the Farm/Hatchery located in flood prone area?
7. Source of water
: Perennial/Seasonal
8. Source of energy (Electric/Diesel or any other)
9. Details of bank loans previously availed/outstanding
Loan availed Outstanding
When will it be
Signature of Applicant
Documents to be enclosed
1) Identity proof of the Applicant.
2) Land ownership documents.
3) Layout of the farm/hatchery.
4) Copy of commercial registration, if any.
5) Necessary permission for water source, if farm depends on external resources.
6) No Objection Certificate from the Local Headman/Nokmas/Sirdars etc.