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Hydroponics and Aquaponics are both soil-free methods of cultivating crops. The
major difference between the two methods is that aquaponics integrates a hydroponic
environment with aquaculture, the process of cultivating fish. Aquaponics combines
hydroponics and aquaculture in a controlled environment, to create a balanced
ecosystem that benefits crops as well as the fish.
In a hydroponic system, plants are placed in nutrient-enriched water. Some hydroponic
systems also use inert mediums such as gravel, sand or vermiculite. The plants placed
in the water easily absorb its nutrients. Once the nutrients in the water are used up, it is
recycled or additional nutrients are added to it. Hydroponics has several advantages. It
is useful in areas where crop cultivation in the soil is not a viable option. Hydroponic
systems also show much higher crop growth and yields, which makes it very profitable.
In an aquaponics system, one of the components is a hydroponic bed wherein crops are
grown with the use of an organic nutrient enriched solution. The other component is a
tank or aquarium wherein fish are grown. These two systems coexist and depend on
each other for growth. As the fish grow, the tank becomes filled with excreta and other
waste matter. This water needs to be changed frequently so that the fish can survive
and flourish in clean water however when channeled through a grow bed this problem
becomes a blessing as the plants feed of the fish waste and absorbs the ammonia to
great benefit in their growth cycle and the health of the fish.
In a conventional aquaculture setting, the dirty water is generally disposed of, which is
a great waste of a precious natural resource and also the fish excrement, which is an
invaluable plant nutrient.
A valuable tool in living sustainably ……
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