Download Controls on nitrous oxide production and consumption in reservoirs

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Controls on nitrous oxide production and consumption in reservoirs of the Ohio River
Jake J Beaulieu†*, Chris T Nietch†, Jade L Young‡
US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Risk
Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH 45268
US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District Water Quality, Louisville, KY 40201
*Corresponding author
Contents of this file
Text and figures S1 to S23
SI material includes R code used for non-linear modeling and figures displaying detailed depth
profiles for nutrients and temperature in each lake.
Non-linear Modeling Code
## N2O ~ NO2 AND N2O ~ NO2.3 RELATIONSHIPS in the epilimnion
# Mean N2O saturation ratio (N2O.sat), nitrite (NO2), and nitrite + nitrate (NO2.3)
# in the epilmnion of stratified reservoirs. Data is provided in SI as a text file
# 2015JG002941R-ds01.txt.
df <- read.table("2015JG002941R-ds01.txt", header = TRUE) # Change this path per User's
# N2O vs nitrite ()
m.n2o.no2 <- nls(N2O.sat ~ a*(1-exp(-b*NO2)),
start = list(a=5, b=0.1), # two parameter exponential model
data = df)
summary(m.n2o.no2) # p < 0.001, but no r2 reported for nls model.
# Calculate r2 by comparing predicted vs observed values
cor(df$N2O.sat, # original data
predict(m.n2o.no2, # model prediction
use="pairwise.complete.obs") # R = 0.91, r2=0.83
# N2O vs nitrate (NO3)
m.n2o.no3 <- nls(N2O.sat ~ a*(1-exp(-b*(NO2.3 - NO2))), # Nitrate calculated as difference
start = list(a=5, b=0.1), # two parameter exponential model
data = df)
summary(m.n2o.no3) # p < 0.001, but no r2 reported for nls model.
# Calculate r2 by comparing predicted vs observed values
cor(df$N2O.sat, # original data
predict(m.n2o.no3, # model prediction
use="pairwise.complete.obs") # R = 0.87, r2=0.76
Figure S1. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in BHR on 2013-08-12. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values below the analytical
detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S2. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in BRR on 2013-08-06.
Figure S3. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in BVR on 2013-08-06.
Figure S4. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in C.J. Brown (CBR) on 2013-08-28.
Figure S5. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Caesar Creek (CCK) on 2013-09-25.
Figure S6. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Carr Creek Lake (CFK) on 2013-08-14. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values
below the analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S7. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in C.H. Harden (CHL) on 2013-09-26.
Figure S8. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Cagles Mill (CMR) on 2013-10-08. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values below
the analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S9. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Cave Run Lake (CRR) on 2013-09-05.
Figure S10. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in East Fork Lake (EFR) on 2013-07-24.
Figure S11. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in East Fork Lake (EFR) on 2013-08-27. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values below
the analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S12. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in East Fork Lake (EFR) on 2013-09-24.
Figure S13. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in East Fork Lake (EFR) on 2013-10-29.
Figure S14. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Green River Lake (GRR) on 2013-08-05.
Figure S15. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in J.E. Roush (HTR) on 2013-09-09.
Figure S16. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Monroe Lake (MNR) on 2013-08-20. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values below
the analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S17. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Mississinewa Lake (MSR) on 2013-09-10.
Figure S18. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Nolin Lake (NRR) on 2013-08-08.
Figure S19. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in PatokaLake (PRR) on 2013-08-22. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values below the
analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S20. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Rough River Lake (RRR) on 2013-09-17. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values
below the analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line
Figure S21. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Salamonie (SRR) on 2013-10-02. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values below the
analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S22. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in Taylorsville Lake (TAR) on 2013-09-16. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values
below the analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
Figure S23. Depth profiles of A) water temperature, B) dissolved oxygen, C) nitrite (NO2-), D) nitrite +
nitrate (NO2.3), E) ammonium (NH4+), and F) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) measured at the deepest
location in West Fork Lake (WFR) on 2013-08-29. The open circles in panel C indicate NO2- values
below the analytical detection limit (dl) of 1.8 µg N L-1 which is indicated by the vertical dashed line.
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