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Annex H Appendix 7
To Loughborough University Estates Services Health and Safety Policy
Dust and Fumes
1. A suitable Risk Assessment will identify any hazards associated with dusts
and fumes.
2. Special care should be taken when working on Fume Cupboard Systems
and Local Exhaust and Ventilation plant. Numbers, with either FCS or LEV
preceding the number, will identify such plant. (E.g. FCS 23 is Fume
Cupboard System 23. FC23a is Fume Cupboard 23a, which forms a part
of FCS23. Similarly LEV 12 denotes Local Exhaust/Ventilation System 12)
3. The operators of such equipment should have carried out a Risk
Assessment (Including a specific COSHH Assessment where necessary)
for the operation of the equipment. Maintenance staff should ensure that
the Risk Assessment includes maintenance operations before proceeding
with any work. Alternatively, the operations Risk Assessment should be
amended to include the maintenance or cleaning work being undertaken.
4. Different types of dust and fumes can be hazardous to health, and
therefore all employees are advised to wear an appropriate type of mask
or respirator when working in dust and fumes. Always check that
respirators have the correct filters in that is ‘in date’ (if unsure or damaged,
see the Supervisor before attempting to use). Dust masks will be changed
daily or sooner if heavily contaminated. The Risk Assessment for the type
of work being undertaken will have identified the associated personal
protective equipment required.