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Skeletal System – Synovial Joints and Movement Lab
Name ___________________________
Number ___________
Date _____________
Class Color _________________
Part A: Movement of the Synovial Joints
1. With a partner, demonstrate and describe the movements of the synovial joints as you read the
description from the textbook.
2. Identify the movements of the synovial joints in the figures below.
Skeletal System – Synovial Joints and Movement Lab
Part B: Elbow, Knee, Shoulder, and Hip Joints
1. What is the function of the menisci?
2. What is the function of the collateral ligaments? The cruciate ligaments?
3. Fill in the blanks below with elbow, knee, hip or shoulder.
________ a) This is the least stable joint
________ b) This is a hinge joint between the ulna and the humerus
________ c) Ligaments are loose to allow maximum range of movement
________ d) Largest and most complex joint
________ e) Anterior and posterior Cruciate ligaments stabilize this joint
________ f) The lateral and medial meniscus act as shock absorbers
________ g) Humeroscapular joint
________ h) Coxal joint
________ i) Tibiofemoral joint
4. What is a sprain? And a strain?
5. What is a dislocation? And a subluxation?
6. What is bursitis? What is the function of bursa?
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