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The Female Reproductive System
Ovum/Ova – egg cells
A. Present at birth (millions)
B. Inactive until puberty
C. When ovaries become fully developed and begin producing
female hormones (estrogen and progesterone), egg cells
begin to mature
Ovary/Ovaries – female reproductive glands
A. Two glands/organs
B. Store immature ova (egg cells)
C. Responsible for ovulation - release of an ovum
D. Produce female hormones - estrogen and progesterone
Fallopian tubes – tube through which a mature egg passes
A. Two tubes
B. Connect ovaries to the uterus
C. Area in which fertilization occurs if sperm is present
Uterus – also known as the womb
A. Pear-shaped organ between the two ovaries
B. Approximately the size of a closed fist
C. Area where thick, blood rich lining builds each month in
preparation for pregnancy - endometrium
D. Organ responsible for monthly menstrual flow - menstruation
E. Place where embryo/fetus develops for nine months in
amniotic sac
Cervix – the opening at the bottom of the uterus
A. Connects uterus and vagina
B. Serves as passage for fetus – allows fetus to move from
uterus into birth canal
C. Typically closed; will dilate (open) during labor for birth
Vagina – also known as the Birth Canal
A. Leads from the cervix to the outside of the body
B. About 4 inches long
C. Passage for menstrual flow to leave the body
D. Passageway for the birth of the baby
A. protective internal membrane
B. Covers the opening just inside the vagina
A. external folds of skin
B. Covers the opening to the vagina and urethra
Clitoris – external node of skin
A. Located in front of the opening to the urethra
B. Small, pea size
C. Contains many nerve endings
Urethra - Passage for urine
A. Tube from bladder to outside of body
B. Opening in front of opening to vagina
C. This organ plays no role in reproduction but is important for
labeling purposes
Problems of the Female System
A. Vaginitis, Yeast Infection
B. Premenstrual Syndrome – PMS
C. Toxic Shock Syndrome – TSS
D. Cancers –
1. Breast
2. Ovaries
3. Uterus
4. Cervix
E. Infertility
F. Irregular Menstrual Cycle
of the Female in Reproduction
Provide ovum
Provide womb – nurture fetus
Give birth
Provide nourishment to infant – breast milk/mammary glands