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Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Table of Contents Lower Columbia and Estuary Provinces Columbia Estuary Subbasin Grays River Subbasin Elochoman River Subbasin Cowlitz River Subbasin Kalama River subbasin Lewis River Subbasin Willamette River Subbasin Sandy River Subbasin Washougal River Subbasin Columbia Lower Subbasin Page 1 Columbia Gorge Province Wind River Subbasin Little White Salmon River Subbasin White Salmon River Subbasin Hood River Subbasin Klickitat River Subbasin Fifteenmile Creek Subbasin 25 Columbia Plateau Province Deschutes River Subbasin John Day River Subbasin Umatilla River Subbasin Walla Walla River Subbasin Yakima River Subbasin Tucannon River Subbasin Columbia Lower Middle Subbasin Crab Creek Subbasin Snake Lower Subbasin 41 Columbia Cascade Province Wenatchee River Subbasin Entiat River Subbasin Methow River Subbasin Okanogan River Subbasin 72 Blue Mountain Province Asotin Creek Subbasin Grande Ronde River Subbasin Imnaha River Subbasin Snake Hells Canyon Subbasin 87 Mountain Snake Province Clearwater River Subbasin Salmon River subbasin 101 Middle Snake Province Malheur River Subbasin 124 Pacific Lamprey 126 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Lower Columbia and Estuary Provinces Columbia Estuary Subbasin Strategy Operate the hydrosystem to more closely approximate the shape of the natural hydrograph and to enhance flows and water quality to improve juvenile and adult fish survival. Recommended Measure Source of Measure Establish minimum instream flows for the estuary that will help prevent further degradation. CBFWA recommendation Operate the hydrosystem to reduce the effects of reservoir surface heating. CBFWA recommendation Adjust the timing, magnitude, and frequency of flows entering the estuary and plume to provide better transport of coarse sediments and access to habitats in the estuary and plume. CBFWA recommendation Protect intact riparian areas in the estuary and restore riparian areas that are degraded. Lower Columbia River and Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring Columbia R/Estuary Habitat Eelgrass Enhancement and Restoration in the Columbia River Estuary Through Innovative Site Selection and Planting Techniques 1 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200300700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200301100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200751300) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Breach or lower dikes and levees to improve access to off-channel habitats. Remove pilings and pile dikes with low economic value. Draft-11/05/2008 Lower Columbia River and Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200300700) Columbia R/Estuary Habitat FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200301100) Lower Columbia River and Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200300700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200301100) Columbia R/Estuary Habitat Protect remaining highquality off-channel habitat from degradation. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore degraded water quality. Lower Columbia River and Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring Columbia R/Estuary Habitat FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200300700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200301100) Reduce the export of sand and gravels via dredge operations by using dredged materials beneficially. CBFWA recommendation Reduce entrainment and habitat effects resulting from main and sidechannel dredge activities in the estuary. Implement pesticide and fertilizer best management practices to reduce estuary and upstream sources of toxic contaminants. CBFWA recommendation Lower Columbia River and Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring 2 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200300700) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Address food webrelated threats. Mitigate for reduced productivity resulting from inundated spawning habitat and impeded or blocked passage Draft-11/05/2008 Identify and reduce industrial, commercial, and public sources of pollutants. Manage northern pikeminnow and other piscivorous fish to reduce predation. Lower Columbia River and Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200300700) Development of Systemwide Predator Control for Northern Pikeminnows. FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199007700) Identify and implement actions to reduce predation by pinnipeds. Sea Lion Predation Rate Estimation and Non-lethal Hazing CRITFC MOA (200800400) Capture, Marking, Hazing & Removal of California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200800300) Integrated Non-Lethal Electric Barrier and Sonar System to Deter Marine Mammal Predation on Fish in the Columbia River System: A Demonstration Project Avian and Pinniped Predation FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200752400) WDFW Comment Implement projects to reduce Caspian tern and double-crested cormorant predation. Avian and Pinniped Predation Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to improve anadromous fish returns to the Columbia River Estuary subbasin and to achieve objectives. Select Area Fisheries Enhancement Project 3 WDFW Comment ODFW Recommendation/ WDFW Comment (199306000) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Implement select area fisheries to mitigate for lost mainstem fishing opportunities Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations. Draft-11/05/2008 Select Area Fisheries Enhancement Project Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness ODFW Recommendation/ WDFW Comment (199306000) CBFWA recommendation 4 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Grays River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Grays River Watershed Restoration Source of Measure FCRPS BiOp (200301300) CBFWA recommendation Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. CBFWA recommendation Remove dikes and levies. Restore natural channel form. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Grays River Watershed Restoration FCRPS BiOp (200301300) Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Grays River Watershed Restoration FCRPS BiOp (200301300) Grays River Watershed Restoration FCRPS BiOp (200301300) Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 5 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. CBFWA recommendation Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. CBFWA recommendation Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Grays River Watershed Restoration FCRPS BiOp (200301300) Historic Habitat Opportunities and Food-Web Linkages of Juvenile Salmon in the Columbia River Estuary and Their Implications for Managing River Flows and Restoring Estuarine Habitat Grays River Watershed Restoration Expand Salmonid Monitoring in Grays River to Meet Monitoring Needs Identified in the Lower Columbia Salmon Recovery and Subbasin Plan and maintain an at risk Chum Salmon Population through Supplementation. FCRPS BiOp (200301000) Historic Habitat Opportunities and Food-Web Linkages of Juvenile Salmon in the Columbia River Estuary and Their Implications for Managing River Flows and Restoring Estuarine Habitat FCRPS BiOp (200301000) Grays River Watershed Restoration FCRPS BiOp (200301300) Historic Habitat Opportunities and Food-Web Linkages of Juvenile Salmon in the Columbia River Estuary and Their Implications for Managing River Flows and Restoring Estuarine Habitat FCRPS BiOp (200301000) 6 FCRPS BiOp (200301300) New WDFW Recommendation (200715000*) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Grays River Watershed Restoration Expand Salmonid Monitoring in Grays River to Meet Monitoring Needs Identified in the Lower Columbia Salmon Recovery and Subbasin Plan and maintain an at risk Chum Salmon Population through Supplementation. 7 FCRPS BiOp (200301300) New WDFW Recommendation (200715000*) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Elochoman River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Reconnect floodplains to channels. CBFWA recommendation Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. CBFWA recommendation Remove dikes and levies. CBFWA recommendation Restore natural channel form. CBFWA recommendation Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. CBFWA recommendation Stabilize and protect streambanks. CBFWA recommendation Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 8 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. CBFWA recommendation Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. CBFWA recommendation Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 9 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Cowlitz River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Improve degraded water quality Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Source of Measure CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 10 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 11 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Kalama River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream Source of Measure CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 12 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 water rights. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation 13 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Lewis River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. CBFWA recommendation Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Operate the tributary hydrosystem to provide CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 14 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 appropriate flows for spawning and rearing. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation 15 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Willamette River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reintroduce native salmon species in areas where they have been extirpated by human activities. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Development of protocols and priorities for re-establishing naturally reproducing populations of Upper Willamette River Chinook Salmon above US Army Corps of Engineers dams in the Willamette Subbasin Willamette BiOp RPA/ODFW Recommendation (200722900)* CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 16 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage within the subbasin Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation Monitor status and trends of focal species and Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Operate the tributary hydrosystem to provide appropriate flows for spawning and rearing. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Protect and rehabilitate springs. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, Draft-11/05/2008 CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Leaburg separator Willamette BiOp RPA 17 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 trend, and comparative data. Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 18 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Sandy River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Restore wet meadows. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Sandy River Delta Habitat Restoration Sandy River Delta Habitat Restoration ODFW Recommendation (199902500) ODFW Recommendation (199902500) Sandy River Delta Habitat Restoration ODFW Recommendation (199902500) Sandy River Delta Habitat Restoration ODFW Recommendation (199902500) Sandy River Delta Habitat Restoration ODFW Recommendation (199902500) ODFW Recommendation (199902500) CBFWA recommendation Sandy River Delta Habitat Restoration 19 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage within the subbasin Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Protect and rehabilitate springs. Upgrade or remove problem forest roads. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to Draft-11/05/2008 CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Sandy River Delta Habitat Restoration ODFW Recommendation (199902500) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 20 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 evaluate status and action effectiveness. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 21 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Washougal River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Restore wet meadows. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Source of Measure CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 22 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Protect and rehabilitate springs. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 23 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Columbia Lower Subbasin Recommended Measure Source of Measure Sea Lion Predation Rate Estimation and Non-lethal Hazing Capture, Marking, Hazing & Removal of California Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam Integrated Non-Lethal Electric Barrier and Sonar System to Deter Marine Mammal Predation on Fish in the Columbia River Syste: A Demonstration Project Pilot Study for Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Subyearling Salmon in Tidal Freshwater of the Columbia River Reintroduction of Chum Salmon into Duncan Creek Evaluate Factors Limiting Columbia River Chum Salmon Adult Coho Salmon Monitoring Proposal for the Lower Columbia Province. PIT tag monitoring in Lower Columbia, including IMW streams Lower Columbia IMW restoration projects, including LWD structures, riparian enhancements, fish passage barrier replacements, etc Ongoing Mitchell Act Regional Evaluation Ongoing Mitchell Act Hatchery Operations and Evaluation Oversight Live Capture Commercial Fishing Gears and Methods - Region 5 Enforcement--Selective Fishery, HPA, Aquatic Nuisance, etc. Avian and Pinniped Predation Implement chum reintroduction below Bonneville dam Assess habitat potential for reintroduction of CR chum in tributaries below Bonneville dam. 24 CRITFC MOA (200800400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200800300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200752400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200500100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200105300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200001200) WDFW Comment (200736800*) WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment LRT MOA (200871100) LRT MOA (200871000) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Columbia Gorge Province Wind River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Recommended Measure CBFWA recommendation Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. CBFWA recommendation Restore passage at Hemlock Dam. Reconnect floodplains to channels. CBFWA recommendation Hemlock Dam Removal WDFW Comment (200707700) CBFWA recommendation Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Restore channel structure and complexity. Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Restore wet meadows. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in CBFWA recommendation Wind River Watershed Restoration Wind River Watershed Restoration 25 CBFWA recommendation WDFW Comment (199801900) WDFW Comment (199801900) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 streambeds. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Wind River Watershed Restoration Wind River Watershed Restoration WDFW Comment (199801900) WDFW Comment (199801900) Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. CBFWA recommendation Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Improve degraded water quality Protect and rehabilitate springs. Upgrade or remove problem forest roads. Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. CBFWA recommendation Wind River Watershed Restoration WDFW Comment (199801900) Wind River Watershed Restoration WDFW Comment (199801900) WDFW Comment (200707700) Hemlock Dam Removal Wind River Watershed Restoration Hemlock Dam Removal 26 WDFW Comment (199801900) WDFW Comment (200707700) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions data. Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Adult and Juvenile Abundance Monitoring -- Region 5 Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. New WDFW Recommendation CBFWA recommendation Wind River Watershed Restoration 27 WDFW Comment (199801900) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Little White Salmon River Subbasin Strategy Recommended Measure Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. CBFWA recommendation Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Restore wet meadows. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. CBFWA recommendation Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 28 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Upgrade or remove problem forest roads. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. CBFWA recommendation Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 29 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 White Salmon River Subbasin Strategy Recommended Measure Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Restore passage at Condit Dam. Source of Measure CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Recolonization of Anadromous Salmonids after Condit Dam Removal Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Restore wet meadows. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. New WDFW Recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 30 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Protect and rehabilitate springs. Upgrade or remove problem forest roads. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 31 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Hood River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Recommended Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Improve passage at Powerdale Dam. Hood River Fish Habitat Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Hood River Fish Habitat Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Draft-11/05/2008 Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) CBFWA recommendation Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) CBFWA recommendation Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) Restore wet meadows. Restore channel structure and complexity. Source of Measure CBFWA recommendation Restore natural channel form. Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) 32 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Stabilize and protect streambanks. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Increase hatchery Draft-11/05/2008 Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) CBFWA recommendation Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Explore and implement CBFWA recommendation Hood River Fish Habitat Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199802100) Hood River Production Program - ODFW M&E Hood River Production M&E - Ws 33 FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198805304) Warm Springs Tribe Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions effectiveness for restoration and mitigation innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Draft-11/05/2008 Hood R Prod O&M - Ws/ODFW Master plan expansion and tributary weir development for Hood River facility Hood River Production Program - ODFW M&E Hood River Powerdale Dam Fish Trap/Oak Springs/Pelton Ladder -Operation and Maintenance Hood River Adult Salmonid Trapping Facilities/Parkdale Fish Facility Expansion Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Hood River Production M&E - Ws Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Hood River Production M&E - Ws MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198805303) Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198805307) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830900) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198805304) ODFW Recommendation (198805308) ODFW Recommendation (198805315) Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198805303) CBFWA recommendation Hood River Production Program - ODFW M&E 34 Warm Springs Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198805303) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198805304) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Klickitat River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions Monitor effectiveness of passage improvements at Castile Falls. Continue restoration in Snyder Creek Mill reach. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation YKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. YKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat Restore wet meadows. Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Klickitat Watershed Enhancement 35 Yakama Nation MOA (198812035) Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Yakama Nation MOA (198812035) Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Draft-11/05/2008 Restore natural channel form. Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. YKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat Yakama Nation MOA (198812035) Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Stabilize and protect streambanks. YKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat Yakama Nation MOA (198812035) Increase instream habitat through manual placement of structures. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. YKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat Yakama Nation MOA (198812035) YKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat Yakama Nation MOA (198812035) Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Protect and rehabilitate springs. Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Upgrade or remove problem forest roads. Construct water and sediment control basins. Restore natural Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) CBFWA recommendation Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation YKFP Klickitat Management, Data, and Habitat 36 Yakama Nation MOA (198812035) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Implement short-term fertilization of streams with carcasses or carcass analogs Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 (199705600) Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Yakama Nation MOA (199705600) Klickitat Fishery YKFP Design Yakama Nation MOA (198811535) Yakama Nation MOA (199701335) Klickitat Fishery YFKP O & M YKFP - Klickitat Subbasin Monitoring and Evaluation Yakama Nation MOA (199506335) CBFWA recommendation YKFP - Klickitat Subbasin Monitoring and Evaluation 37 Yakama Nation MOA (199506335) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Fifteenmile Creek Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project 15 Mile Creek Riparian Buffers FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200102100) Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. 15 Mile Creek Riparian Buffers FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200102100) 15 Mile Creek Riparian Buffers FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200102100) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Restore wet meadows. CBFWA recommendation Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. CBFWA recommendation Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project 15 Mile Creek Riparian Buffers Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project 38 FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) 200102100 FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Draft-11/05/2008 Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project 15 Mile Creek Riparian Buffers Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Protect and rehabilitate springs. Restore natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200102100) CBFWA recommendation Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project 15 Mile Creek Riparian Buffers Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200102100) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) CBFWA recommendation 39 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199304000) CBFWA recommendation 40 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Columbia Plateau Province Deschutes River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Restore passage at Pelton-Round Butte Complex. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Recommended Measure Wasco Riparian Buffers CBFWA recommendation Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reintroduce native salmon species in areas where they have been extirpated by human activities. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Source of Measure FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200201900) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) CBFWA recommendation Deschutes River Sockeye Development Anadromous natural production management and monitoring Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project 41 Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830700) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200831100) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Draft-11/05/2008 Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Promote the creation and maintenance of beaver dams. Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore natural channel form. Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Stabilize and protect streambanks (Eastside Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project 42 FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 tributaries). (199802800) Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Increase instream habitat in Westside tributaries through manual placement of structures. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200201900) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Wasco Riparian Buffers Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Wasco Riparian Buffers Eradicate invasive plant species from riparian areas where opportunities exist. FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project 43 FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200201900) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 (199404200) Install and maintain fencing to exclude livestock. Wasco Riparian Buffers FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200201900) Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199802800) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199404200) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200201900) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830100) Trout Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project Wasco Riparian Buffers Deschutes River Basin Restoration Program Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Manage irrigation return flow to reduce stream temperatures. Reduce chemical pollution inputs from agricultural lands throughout the subbasin. Implement artificial propagation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Deschutes River Sockeye development 44 Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830700) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions blocked passage Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. White River Supplementation program Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200831000) White River Supplementation program Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200831000) Warm Springs watershed spring Chinook production monitoring Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830400) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830600) ODFW Recommendation (200729900*) Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Steelhead Straying study ODFW Recommendation (200729900*) Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Warm Springs watershed spring Chinook production monitoring Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830400) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830600) Warm Springs Reservation steelhead production monitoring Develop and adopt biologically based escapement goals for Deschutes R. fall Chinook salmon Steelhead Straying study Warm Springs Reservation steelhead production monitoring Develop and adopt biologically based escapement goals for Deschutes R. fall Chinook salmon Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Warm Springs watershed spring Chinook production monitoring Warm Springs Reservation steelhead production monitoring Develop and adopt biologically based escapement goals for Deschutes R. fall Chinook salmon Steelhead Straying study 45 Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830400) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830600) ODFW Recommendation (200729900*) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions John Day River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Oxbow Conservation Area Management Remove or minimize use of push up dams per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. John Day Watershed Restoration Forrest Conservation Area Management Convert BPA Term Riparian Lease Agreements to Permanent Riparian Conservation Easements Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow North Fork/Mid-John Day Fish Passage Improvement Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project John Day Watershed Restoration Oxbow Conservation Area Management Forrest Conservation Area Management John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow Canyon Creek Culvert Replacements Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Oregon Fish Screens Project 46 Source of Measure Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) New Recommendation (200701300*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) New Recommendation (199801700*) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) New Recommendation (200736500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402100) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199306600) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 North Fork/Mid-John Day Fish Passage Improvement Construct ladder over existing permanent dams in Beech Creek. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. CBFWA recommendation John Day Watershed Restoration Oxbow Conservation Area Management Forrest Conservation Area Management John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow North Fork/Mid-John Day Fish Passage Improvement Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Reconnect floodplains to channels. . John Day Watershed Restoration John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow Pine Hollow/Jackknife Habitat Provide Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon Restore wet meadows New Recommendation (199801700*) John Day Watershed Restoration John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow Pine Hollow/Jackknife Habitat Provide Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon 47 Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) New Recommendation (199801700*) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199901000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200201500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199901000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 (200201500) Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. John Day Watershed Restoration John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow Pine Hollow/Jackknife Habitat Provide Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon Restore channel structure and complexity. Promote the creation and maintenance of beaver dams. Restore natural channel form. CBFWA recommendation North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Oxbow Conservation Area Management Forrest Conservation Area Management Gilliam Co Riparian Buffers Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Wheeler Co Riparian Buffers Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199901000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200201500) North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Oxbow Conservation Area Management Forrest Conservation Area Management Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat 48 Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203500) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203400) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Enhancement Project Stabilize and protect stream banks. Recommendation (198402100) North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Oxbow Conservation Area Management Forrest Conservation Area Management Gilliam Co Riparian Buffers Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project North Fork/Mid-John Day Fish Passage Improvement Wheeler Co Riparian Buffers Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. . North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project John Day Watershed Restoration Oxbow Conservation Area Management Forrest Conservation Area Management John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow Gilliam Co Riparian Buffers Convert BPA Term Riparian Lease Agreements to Permanent Riparian Conservation Easements Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project 49 Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203500) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402100) New Recommendation (199801700*) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203400) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203500) New Recommendation (200701300*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402100) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Pine Hollow/Jackknife Habitat Provide Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon Wheeler Co Riparian Buffers Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project John Day Watershed Restoration Oxbow Conservation Area Management John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. John Day Watershed Restoration John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow North Fork/Mid-John Day Fish Passage Improvement Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. John Day Watershed Restoration John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow North Fork/Mid-John Day Fish Passage Improvement Obtain water rights and convert to instream water rights. Oxbow Conservation Area Management Forrest Conservation Area Management 50 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199901000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200201500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203400) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) New Recommendation (199801700*) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) New Recommendation (199801700*) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) Warm Springs Tribe MOA Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Increase riparian shading. Draft-11/05/2008 North Fork John Day Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project John Day Watershed Restoration Forrest Conservation Area Management John Day Tributary/Passage & Flow Oxbow Conservation Area Management Gilliam Co Riparian Buffers Convert BPA Term Riparian Lease Agreements to Permanent Riparian Conservation Easements Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Pine Hollow/Jackknife Habitat Provide Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon Wheeler Co Riparian Buffers Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Address contamination from mine-related discharge Reduce chemical pollution and nutrient inputs Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative (200104101) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003100) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (199801800) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200104101) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200739700) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200001500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203500) New Recommendation (200701300*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199901000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200201500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200203400) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Improved escapement estimation Salmonid Productivity, Escapement, Trend, and Habitat Monitoring in the John Day River Subbasin 51 CRITFC MOA (200851300) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199801600) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 data. Assessment of Interactions between Hatchery and Wild Summer Steelhead in the John Day River Subbasin Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Improved escapement estimation Salmonid Productivity, Escapement, Trend, and Habitat Monitoring in the John Day River Subbasin CRITFC MOA (200851300) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199801600) Salmonid Productivity, Escapement, Trend, and Habitat Monitoring in the John Day River Subbasin FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199801600) Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Assessment of Interactions between Hatchery and Wild Summer Steelhead in the John Day River Subbasin 52 200705100* ODFW Recommendation (200705100*) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Umatilla River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820300) Construct ladders over existing concrete or earth-fill dams per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Umatilla Fish Passage Operations Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Umatilla Fish Passage Operations Inventory and assess fish habitat, passage and screening needs and develop plan for steelhead reintroduction in Willow Creek, Butter Creek and McKay Creek. Inventory and assess fish habitat, passage and screening needs and develop plan for steelhead reintroduction in Willow Creek, Butter Creek and McKay Creek. Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project Inventory and assess fish habitat, passage and screening needs and develop plan for steelhead reintroduction in Willow Creek, Butter Creek and McKay Creek. Reintroduce native salmon species in areas where they have been Umatilla Fish Passage Operations 53 Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198802200) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820300) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198802200) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820300) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198802200) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Draft-11/05/2008 extirpated by human activities. Inventory and assess fish habitat, passage and screening needs and develop plan for steelhead reintroduction in Willow Creek, Butter Creek and McKay Creek. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Restore natural channel form. Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project Stabilize and protect stream banks. Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project 54 Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820300) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Construct rock and log weirs to create pool habitats or elevate incised channels. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Draft-11/05/2008 Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) Develop riparian buffers and setbacks. Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project Install riparian exclosure fencing. Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Close, remove, and restore riparian road prisms. Implement Umatilla Basin Project Phases IIII. Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat – CTUIR Umatilla Fish Passage Operations Power Repay Umatilla Basin Project Umatilla Passage O&M 55 Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198710001) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198802200) Umatilla Tribe MOA (198902700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 (198343600) Obtain additional instream water rights. Umatilla Fish Passage Operations Instream flow restoration projects, including water rights purchase from willing sellers and development and replacement of water sources for agricultural uses in Umatilla tributaries. Implement agricultural water conservation Recommendations. Umatilla Fish Passage Operations Instream flow restoration projects, including water rights purchase from willing sellers and development and replacement of water sources for agricultural uses in Umatilla tributaries. Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Address point sources of water pollution in the Umatilla River and Birch Creek. Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198802200) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820600) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198802200) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820600) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities O&M Umatilla Hatchery Operation and Maintenance and Fish Liberations Umatilla Passage O&M Umatilla Fish Passage Operations Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project 56 Umatilla Tribe MOA (198343500) ODFW Recommendation (198903500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (198343600) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (198802200) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 (199000501) Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla River Basin. Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. CBFWA recommendation Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Project Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Improvement Project Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival in the Lower Umatilla River Basin. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. ODFW Recommendation (198902401) Umatilla Hatchery - M&E Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (199000501) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198710002) ODFW Recommendation (198902401) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199000500) 57 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Walla Walla River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Walla Walla Juvenile and Adult Passage Improvements Walla Walla River Fish Passage Operations CTUIR Ceded Area Tributary Culvert/Passage Assessment, Prioritization and Implementation Operation and Maintenance for Walla Walla Basin Passage Projects Gardena Farms Irrigation District Irrigation Efficiency and Instream Flow Project Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Instream Flow Construct ladders over existing concrete or earth-fill dams per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Walla Walla Juvenile and Adult Passage Improvements CTUIR Ceded Area Tributary Culvert/Passage Assessment, Prioritization and Implementation Operation and Maintenance for Walla Walla Basin Passage Projects Gardena Farms Irrigation District Irrigation Efficiency and Instream Flow Project Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Instream Flow 58 Source of Measure Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Umatilla Tribe MOA (199601100) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation ( 200003300) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200721700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200733000) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200739600) Umatilla Tribe MOA (199601100) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200721700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200733000) Umatilla Tribe MOA Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 (200739600) Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Walla Walla Juvenile and Adult Passage Improvements Walla Walla River Fish Passage Operations CTUIR Ceded Area Tributary Culvert/Passage Assessment, Prioritization and Implementation Operation and Maintenance for Walla Walla Basin Passage Projects Gardena Farms Irrigation District Irrigation Efficiency and Instream Flow Project Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Instream Flow Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Umatilla Tribe MOA (199601100) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation ( 200003300) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200721700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200733000) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200739600) Reintroduce native salmon species in areas where they have been extirpated by human activities. Reconnect floodplains to channels. CTUIR Ceded Area Tributary Culvert/Passage Assessment, Prioritization and Implementation Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820100) Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Promote the creation and maintenance of beaver dams. Restore natural channel form. CBFWA recommendation Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement 59 Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Draft-11/05/2008 Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Stabilize and protect stream banks. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Construct rock and log weirs to create pool habitats or elevate incised channels. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Develop riparian buffers and setbacks Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Install riparian exclosure fencing. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Close, remove, and restore riparian road prisms. Investigate feasibility of water storage or exchange to improve instream flows. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199604601) Restore Walla Walla River Flow Umatilla Tribe MOA (200203600) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200739600) Obtain additional instream water rights. Restore Walla Walla River Flow Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Instream Flow Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Instream Flow Improve irrigation conveyance and Restore Walla Walla River Flow 60 Umatilla Tribe MOA (200203600) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200739600) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200203600) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions efficiency. . Draft-11/05/2008 Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Instream Flow Touchet Eastside and Westside Irrigation District Piping Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs. Restore Walla Walla River Flow Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Instream Flow Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation Address point sources of water pollution in the Walla Walla River and Pine Creek. Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Umatilla Tribe MOA (200203600) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200739600) CBFWA recommendation Walla Walla Steelhead Supplementation Hatchery O&M Transition the Touchet River steelhead supplementation program to local broodstock (hatchery reform) NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery - Three Step Master Planning Process (capital) NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery - Three Step Master Planning Process (expense) NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery - Three Step Master Planning Process (O&M beginning in 2011) NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery - Three Step Master Planning Process (M&E beginning in 2011) Walla Walla Steelhead Supplementation Hatchery O&M Transition the Touchet River steelhead supplementation program to local broodstock (hatchery reform) Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Umatilla Tribe MOA (200739600) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200728800) Walla Walla Subbasin Collaborative Salmonid Monitoring & Evaluation Project Anadromous Adult and Juvenile Abundance Monitoring Region 61 Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820900) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200871600) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003800) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003801) Umatilla Tribe MOA (20000380) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003803) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820900) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200871600) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (200003900) New WDFW Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 1 (WDFW expansion) Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. (200205300*) Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Walla Walla Subbasin Collaborative Salmonid Monitoring & Evaluation Project Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Walla Walla Subbasin Collaborative Salmonid Monitoring & Evaluation Project Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery - Three Step Master Planning Process (expense) NEOH Walla Walla Hatchery - Three Step Master Planning Process (M&E beginning in 2011) Walla Walla Subbasin Collaborative Salmonid Monitoring & Evaluation Project Anadromous Adult and Juvenile Abundance Monitoring Region 1 (WDFW expansion) Anadromous Adult and Juvenile Abundance Monitoring Region 1 (WDFW expansion) Anadromous Adult and Juvenile Abundance Monitoring Region 1 (WDFW expansion) 62 Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (200003900) New WDFW Recommendation (200205300*) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (200003900) New WDFW Recommendation (200205300*) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003801) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200003803) Umatilla Tribe MOA/ODFW Recommendation (200003900) New WDFW Recommendation (200205300*) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Yakima River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Teanaway Watershed - Protect critical habitat from development, reduce water temperatures and increase instream flows, restore habitat forming processes in the floodplain. Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program Cowiche Restoration and Protection Project (Easement/Fee Simple Acquisition) Yakama Nation - Riparian/Wetlands Restoration Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Yakima Basin Side Channels Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Yakima River Basinwide Tributary/Passage & Flow Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Improve juvenile passage and survival through mainstem Yakima River diversion dams. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Source of Measure FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200711200) FCRPS BiOP RPA (200202501*) WDFW Comment (200711300*) Yakama Nation MOA (199206200) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) Yakama Nation MOA (199705100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200739800) FCRPS BiOP RPA (200202501*) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) O&M Yakima Basin Fish Screens FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199503300) O&M Yakima Basin Fish Screens FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199503300) FCRPS BiOP RPA (200202501*) FCRPS RPA/New Recommendation (200300100*) Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program Manastash Creek Passage & Screening 63 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Yakima Phase II/Huntsville Screen Operation & Maintenance Provide upstream and downstream passage at USBR irrigation storage dams (Cle Elum & Bumping). O&M Yakima Basin Fish Screens Yakama Nation - Riparian/Wetlands Restoration Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Teanaway Watershed - Protect critical habitat from development, reduce water temperatures and increase instream flows, restore habitat forming processes in the floodplain. Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Remove dikes and levies. Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program Promote the creation and maintenance of beaver dams. Restore natural channel form. FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Comment (199200900) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199503300) Yakama Nation MOA (199206200) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200711200) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) FCRPS BiOP RPA (200202501*) CBFWA recommendation Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. Teanaway Watershed - Protect critical habitat from development, reduce water temperatures and increase instream flows, restore habitat forming processes in the floodplain. Stabilize and protect stream banks. Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Teanaway Watershed - Protect critical habitat from development, reduce water temperatures and increase instream flows, restore habitat forming processes in the floodplain. Manastash Creek Passage & Screening 64 Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200711200) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200711200) FCRPS RPA/New Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Develop riparian buffers and setbacks. Install riparian exclosure fencing. Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) CBFWA recommendation Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Recommendation (200300100*) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) FCRPS BiOP RPA (200202501*) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) Close, remove, and restore riparian road prisms. Adjust flow regulation and reservoir operations. Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) Manastash Instream Flow Enhancement Yakima River Basinwide Tributary/Passage & Flow New Recommendation (200702000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200739800) Obtain additional instream water rights. Teanaway Watershed - Protect critical habitat from development, reduce water temperatures and increase instream flows, restore habitat forming processes in the floodplain. FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200711200) Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Manastash Instream Flow Enhancement Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program Manastash Creek Passage & Screening 65 New Recommendation (200702000) FCRPS BiOP RPA (200202501*) FCRPS RPA/New Recommendation (200300100*) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Draft-11/05/2008 Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs. Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Increase riparian shading. Teanaway Watershed - Protect critical habitat from development, reduce water temperatures and increase instream flows, restore habitat forming processes in the floodplain. Manastash Creek Passage & Screening Yakama Reservation Watersheds Project Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Reduce chemical pollution and nutrient inputs. Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity. Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Operations and Maintenance Yakima coho production facility and marking Yakima fall Chinook - JDM move 1.7M URBs from PR to Prosser Yakima steelhead - acclimation facilities Yakima/Naches coho - nutrient supplementation Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200711200) FCRPS RPA/New Recommendation (200300100*) Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) CBFWA recommendation Yakima/Naches coho - mobile acclimation units Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Yakama Nation MOA (199603501) YKFP Policy/Plan/Technical YKFP Management, Data, Habitat Yakama Nation MOA (199701325) Yakama Nation MOA (200846500) Yakama Nation MOA (200846600) Yakama Nation MOA (200846700) Yakama Nation MOA (200846800) Yakama Nation MOA (200845900) FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Comment (199506425) Yakama Nation MOA (198812025) CBFWA recommendation Growth modulation in salmon supplementation YKFP Policy/Plan/Technical 66 FCRPS BiOp (200203100) FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions production Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 YKFP - Design & Construction (Nelson Springs replacement facility) YKFP Management, Data, Habitat Yakama Nation - Riparian/Wetlands Restoration Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project - Monitoring And Evaluation YKFP - Design & Construction / M&E Replacement Facility Program coordination and adminstration 67 Comment (199506425) Yakama Nation MOA (198811525) Yakama Nation MOA (198812025) Yakama Nation MOA (199206200) Yakama Nation MOA (199506325) Yakama Nation MOA (198811525) Yakama Nation MOA (200845400) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Tucannon River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the draft recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration Protect and Restore Tucannon Watershed Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Source of Measure FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820200) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Protect and Restore Tucannon River Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712500*) Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Promote the creation and maintenance of beaver dams. Protect and Restore Tucannon River Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712500*) Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) Restore natural channel form. Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) 68 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Draft-11/05/2008 Stabilize and protect stream banks. Protect and Restore Tucannon Watershed FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) Protect and Restore Tucannon River Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Develop riparian buffers and setbacks. Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Install riparian exclosure fencing. Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical Obtain additional instream water rights. Improve irrigation FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) CBFWA recommendation Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower 69 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 periods. conveyance and efficiency. Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Improve degraded water quality Increase riparian shading. Tucannon Stream and Riparian Protection, Enhancement, and Restoration Protect and Restore Tucannon River Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Implement artificial propagation Recommendations to mitigate for lost habitat access and habitat productivity Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Transition the Tucannon River steelhead supplementation program to local broodstock (hatchery reform) Tucannon River Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Program HSRG Recommendation Implementation - Region 1 Recommendation (199401807) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401806) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200871700) FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Comment (200001900) FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Comment (200871700) CBFWA recommendation Improve Habitat For Fall Chinook, Steelhead in the Lower Snake and Tucannon Sub basins. Enhancing Summer Instream Flow and Reducing Temperature in Agricultural Watersheds 70 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401807) 200751600 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Columbia Lower Middle Subbasin Recommended Measure Source of Measure Selective Harvest Evaluation and Sampling (recreational)/ Fishery Conservation Effectiveness Program Monitoring, Region 3 Rock Creek Fish and Habitat Assessment for the Prioritization of Restoration and Protection Crab Creek Subbasin Recommended Measure WDFW Comment Yakama Nation MOA (200715600) Source of Measure Stock Assessment for salmon, steelhead, and other fish species in Lower Crab Creek, Washington Crab Creek Subbasin Plan Snake Lower Subbasin Recommended Measure WDFW Comment (200710800*) WDFW Comment (200724300*) Source of Measure Protect and Restore Alpowa Creek Investigate Snake River Sockeye Salmon smolt mortality between the Stanley Basin and Lower Granite Dam by tracking radio-tagged smolts in Salmon and Snake rivers Watershed Projects - Region 1 HSRG Recommendation Implementation - Region 1 Selective Harvest Evaluation and Sampling (recreational)/ Fishery Conservation Effectiveness Program Monitoring, Region 1 71 Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712600*) FCRPS BiOp (200872100) WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Columbia Cascade Province Wenatchee River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the recovery plan. Recommended Measure Programmatic Riparian Floodplain Habitat Protection Program for Wenatchee Subbasin. UPA Wenatchee Passage Program UPA Wenatchee Subbasin Access Proposal UPA Wenatchee Basinwide Passage Install stream structures to increase thalwag depth on lower Peshastin Creek. Culvert Replacement (11-13 structures) at private landowner access in Chumstick watershed. Culvert replacement Clear Creek (1) Culvert replacement Clear Creek (2) Culvert replacement Alder Creek and Misc. for Chiwawa Watershed. North Road culvert passage: provide year-around passage through North Road culvert on Chumstick Creek. Replace culverts at Beaver Creek in Upper Wenatchee Watershed. Provide adequate Source of Measure Yakama Nation MOA (200842300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200704200) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200728300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200740000) Yakama Nation MOA (200840700) Yakama Nation MOA (200841000) Yakama Nation MOA (200843700) Yakama Nation MOA (200841900) Yakama Nation MOA (200842200) Yakama Nation MOA (200843200) Yakama Nation MOA (200844400) CBFWA recommendation 72 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore floodplain connectivity and function. screening at all irrigation diversions. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Draft-11/05/2008 Programmatic Side/Off channel reconnections and restoration in the Nason Creek Watershed. UPA Nason Creek Oxbow Reconnection Project Reconnect main stem Wenatchee River side channel at Monitor in Lower Wenatchee Watershed Reconnect main stem Wenatchee River side channel at Sleepy Hollow in Lower Wenatchee Watershed. Reconnect main stem Wenatchee River side channel Cashmere in Lower Wenatchee Watershed Programmatic Side/Off channel reconnections and restoration in the Nason Creek Watershed. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Remove dikes and levies. Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Yakama Nation MOA (200844600) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200708500) Yakama Nation MOA (200840300) Yakama Nation MOA (200842400) Yakama Nation MOA (200843100) Yakama Nation MOA (200844600) CBFWA recommendation Assess, design and build large wood structures for habitat diversity in Upper Wenatchee Watershed. Increase pool quality and quantity in Nason Creek Watershed by installing in-channel structures. Develop lower Nason Creek Restoration Plan UPA Wenatchee Subbasin Riparian Enhancement Proposal UPA Wenatchee Subbasin Complexity Proposal Programmatic Riparian Floodplain Habitat Protection Program for Wenatchee Subbasin. Restoration (on National Forests and Private lands) of riparian and channel conditions to relieve sediment inputs in Chiwawa River Watershed. Programmatic Stream Bank Restoration in the Icicle Creek Watershed. 73 Yakama Nation MOA (200843000) Yakama Nation MOA (200844500) Yakama Nation MOA (200842500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200708600) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200732500) Yakama Nation MOA (200842300) Yakama Nation MOA (200842600) Yakama Nation MOA (200843900) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve hatchery practices Draft-11/05/2008 Develop lower Nason Creek Restoration Plan Yakama Nation MOA (200842500) Reduce sediment recruitment by improving road maintenance. Restoration (on National Forests and Private lands) of riparian and channel conditions to relieve sediment inputs in Chiwawa River Watershed. Evaluate NF (National Forest) riparian roads and develop restoration plan in upper Peshastin Watershed Yakama Nation MOA (200842600) Reduce high water temperatures by restoring natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Increase stream/lake productivity to near historic levels to increase growth and survival of juvenile salmonids. Obtain additional instream water rights. Programmatic Riparian Floodplain Habitat Protection Program for Wenatchee Subbasin. UPA Wenatchee Subbasin Riparian Enhancement Proposal Yakama Nation MOA (200842300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200708600) Add nutrients using hatchery carcasses and/or carcass analogs 9-watersheds identified Yakama Nation MOA (200841200) Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Improve Irrigation delivery and use efficiency at Dryden Ditch, Pioneer and Jones/Shotwell (Efficiency) Increase irrigation delivery and on-site efficiencies in Peshastin Creek watershed. Mid-Columbia Coho Restoration Project Reduce or eliminate presence of out of subbasin stock on spawning grounds Yakama Nation MOA (200843600) CBFWA recommendation Wenatchee spring Chinook - Chiwawa River & Nason Ck acclimation Wenatchee spring Chinook - Little Wenatchee 150K smolts Wenatchee spring Chinook - Peshastin 100K smolts 74 Yakama Nation MOA (200842000) Yakama Nation MOA (200844500) Yakama Nation MOA (199604000) Yakama Nation MOA (199646100) Yakama Nation MOA (199646200) Yakama Nation MOA (199646300) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Wenatchee steelhead - Wenatchee, Peshastin, Chumstick, Mission acclimation Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. UPA Wenatchee Passage Program Monitor Reproduction In Wenat/Tuc/Kal Yakama Nation MOA (199646400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200704200) FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Comment (200303900) CBFWA recommendation UPA Wenatchee Passage Program Sockeye Studies Monitor Reproduction In Wenat/Tuc/Kal Mid-Columbia Coho Restoration Project 75 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200704200) CRITFC MOA (200850300) FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Comment (200303900) Yakama Nation MOA (199604000) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Entiat River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Restore channel structure and complexity. Remove dikes and levies. Place stable wood and other large material in streambeds. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Work with willing landowners to protect larger, undisturbed riparian areas by first pursuing conservation easement, lease, and options other than outright property acquisition Entiat River - UPA - Lower Entiat River Off-Channel Restoration Project Source of Measure Yakama Nation MOA (200842100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200705500) CBFWA recommendation Entiat River - UPA - Lower Entiat River Off-Channel Restoration Project Entiat River - UPA - Lower Entiat River Off-Channel Restoration Project Implement Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment (EDT) Alternative 5 related to side-channel options Design and build in-channel pool forming structures in main stem Entiat for juvenile rearing and spawning habitat. Design and build in-channel pool forming structures in main stem Entiat for juvenile rearing and spawning habitat. UPA Entiat Subbasin Riparian Enhancement Program 76 Yakama Nation MOA (200843500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200705500) Yakama Nation MOA (200841800) Yakama Nation MOA (200840200) Yakama Nation MOA (200840400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200723100) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve hatchery practices Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Increase stream/lake productivity to near historic levels to increase growth and survival of juvenile salmonids. Obtain additional instream water rights. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Draft-11/05/2008 UPA Entiat Subbasin Riparian Enhancement Program Yakama Nation MOA (200844200) Continue hatchery carcass out planting and/or use of nutrient analogs in mid- and lower Entiat main stem Yakama Nation MOA (200840500) CBFWA recommendation Entiat River - UPA - Knapp-Wham Hanan Detwiler Irrigation System Consolidation Project. Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs. Reduce or eliminate presence of out of subbasin stock on spawning grounds Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200731800) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 77 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Methow River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Assess potential temperature refugia, (using FLIR and temperature profiles) to identify important summer/winter juvenile rearing areas for future protection and restoration actions. Protect cottonwood forests, and replant unused riparian agricultural areas where feasible in lower Methow River reaches Protect Riparian and Floodplain in Middle Methow River with general emphasis from Carlton to Weeman Bridge. Riparian Floodplain Habitat Protection Program with an emphasis in lower reaches of Methow River. Identify, Protect and Restore areas providing thermal refugia in the lower Methow reaches. Riparian Floodplain Habitat Protection Program with an emphasis in upper reaches/tributaries of Methow River. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the recovery plan. UPA Project - MVID West Canal Diversion and Headworks UPA Project - Fender Mill Floodplain Restoration - Phase 1 UPA Project - Methow Valley Irrigation District East Diversion Dam Replacement Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Source of Measure Yakama Nation MOA (200841500) Yakama Nation MOA (200841600) Yakama Nation MOA (200841700) Yakama Nation MOA (200842700) Yakama Nation MOA (200843800) Yakama Nation MOA (200844100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200717200) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200721400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200725100) CBFWA recommendation UPA Project - Fender Mill Floodplain Restoration - Phase 1 UPA Project - Methow Valley Irrigation District East Diversion Dam Replacement UPA Project - Programmatic Habitat Complexity Projects in the Methow River Subbasin 78 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200721400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200726400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 BOR Reach Complex riparian reconnection / floodplain function - side channel improvements for the Methow River with an emphasis on reaches between Carlton to Weeman Bridge. Assess and inventory mill ponds in Middle Methow River reaches (and others) in relationship to providing additional main stem spawning and rearing habitat (acclimation, off-channel habitat, etc) Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. EXP UPA Mcpherson Side Channel UPA Project - Fender Mill Floodplain Restoration - Phase 1 UPA Project - Elbow Coulee Floodplain Restoration UPA Project - Methow Valley Irrigation District East Diversion Dam Replacement UPA Project - Methow Valley Irrigation District East Diversion Dam Replacement BOR Reach Complex Side channel reconnection, LWD recruitment, levee removal, riparian restoration with an emphasis in the lower Twisp River BOR Reach Complex riparian reconnection / floodplain function - side channel improvements for the Methow River with an emphasis on reaches between Carlton to Weeman Bridge. BOR Reach complexity and side channel development, Early Winters fan to Gate Creek BOR Reach Complex - Restore Primarily side channel and increase habitat complexity in the Chewuch River. BOR Reach Complex - Modify levees, riparian restoration, LWD recruitment and side channel reconnection with an emphasis in the upper Twisp River Watershed. UPA Project - Programmatic Implementation of Habitat 79 (200725100) Yakama Nation MOA (200840800) Yakama Nation MOA (200841300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200501000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200721400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200723700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200725100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200726400) Yakama Nation MOA (200840100) Yakama Nation MOA (200840800) Yakama Nation MOA (200840900) Yakama Nation MOA (200841100) Yakama Nation MOA (200841400) Yakama Nation MOA Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Complexity Projects in the Methow River Subbasin in areas not already identified. Remove dikes and levies. UPA Project - Fender Mill Floodplain Restoration - Phase 1 UPA Project - Elbow Coulee Floodplain Restoration UPA Project - Methow Valley Irrigation District East Diversion Dam Replacement UPA Project - Methow Valley Irrigation District East Diversion Dam Replacement BOR Reach Complex Side channel reconnection, LWD recruitment, levee removal, riparian restoration with an emphasis in the lower Twisp River BOR Reach Complex - Modify levees, riparian restoration, LWD recruitment and side channel reconnection with an emphasis in the upper Twisp River Watershed. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Place stable wood and other large material in streambeds. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Add log and rock complexes to identified small tributary channels at key stream locations to reactivate floodplain where appropriate UPA Project - Programmatic Implementation of Habitat Complexity Projects in the Methow River Subbasin in areas not already identified. Design and implement Engineered Log Jams in the Upper Methow, Early Winters Creek and Lost River; identify areas, to increase and diversify key spawning and rearing habitat. Assess, design and implement Instream structures in various smaller tributary streams UPA Project - Methow Basin Riparian Enhancement UPA Project - Fender Mill Floodplain Restoration - Phase 1 80 (200842900) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200721400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200723700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200725100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200726400) Yakama Nation MOA (200840100) Yakama Nation MOA (200841400) Yakama Nation MOA (200840600) Yakama Nation MOA (200842900) Yakama Nation MOA (200843300) Yakama Nation MOA (200843400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200703500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 UPA Project - Elbow Coulee Floodplain Restoration UPA Project - Methow Valley Irrigation District East Diversion Dam Replacement BOR Reach Complex Side channel reconnection, LWD recruitment, levee removal, riparian restoration with an emphasis in the lower Twisp River BOR Reach Complex riparian reconnection / floodplain function - side channel improvements for the Methow River with an emphasis on reaches between Carlton to Weeman Bridge. BOR Reach Complex - Modify levees, riparian restoration, LWD recruitment and side channel reconnection with an emphasis in the upper Twisp River Watershed. Protect cottonwood forests, and replant unused riparian agricultural areas where feasible in lower Methow River reaches UPA Project - Programmatic Methow Basin Riparian Enhancement and re-establishment with an emphasis in key tributary streams. Restoration 30%+ of lineal stream area - Upper Methow tributaries with emphasis on Wolf Creek and Hancock Springs. Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Obtain additional instream water rights. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs. Reduce sediment recruitment by improving road maintenance. Reduce high water temperatures by restoring natural functions and processes (200721400) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200723700) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200725100) Yakama Nation MOA (200840100) Yakama Nation MOA (200840800) Yakama Nation MOA (200841400) Yakama Nation MOA (200841600) Yakama Nation MOA (200842800) Yakama Nation MOA (200844400) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation BOR Reach Complex riparian reconnection / floodplain function - side channel improvements for the Methow River with an emphasis on reaches between Carlton to Weeman Bridge. 81 Yakama Nation MOA (200840800) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve hatchery practices through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Reduce or eliminate presence of out of subbasin stock on spawning grounds Draft-11/05/2008 Protect cottonwood forests, and replant unused riparian agricultural areas where feasible in lower Methow River reaches UPA Project - Programmatic Methow Basin Riparian Enhancement and re-establishment with an emphasis in key tributary streams. Yakama Nation MOA (200841600) Yakama Nation MOA (200842800) Methow steelhead - reprogram Winthrop for release of 100k smolts in upper watershed Methow steelhead - Methow, Twisp, Chewuch acclimation Yakama Nation MOA (200845300) Yakama Nation MOA (200846000) Yakama Nation MOA (200846000) Methow steelhead - Methow, Twisp, Chewuch acclimation operate facilities Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Assess potential temperature refugia, (using FLIR and temperature profiles) to identify important summer/winter juvenile rearing areas for future protection and restoration actions. Yakama Nation MOA (200841500) CBFWA recommendation UPA Project - MVID West Canal Diversion and Headworks FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200717200) Methow River Steelhead Relative Reproductive Success Study FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200872200) 82 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Okanogan River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Implementation of the Okanogan Subbasin Plan. Initiate a Programmatic and Sequenced set of Key Habitat Restoration and Protection Actions Land and Water Acquisition Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the recovery plan. Provide adequate screening at all irrigation diversions. Reconnect floodplains to channels. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fish Populations and Habitat in Salmon Creek Anadromous Fish Habitat & Pass ESA F&W Law Enforcement Okanogan-Similkameen Habitat Protection Project - Fish and wildlife habitat protection through fee simple and conservation easement purchases. Source of Measure Colville Tribe MOA (200722400) Colville Tribe MOA (200810400) Colville Tribe MOA (200810600) WDFW Comment (200723200*) Colville Tribe MOA (199604200) Colville Tribe MOA (200000100) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Okanogan Habitat Colville Tribe MOA (200810200) CBFWA recommendation Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fish Populations and Habitat in Salmon Creek Anadromous Fish Habitat & Pass Okanogan Habitat Okanogan Livestock and Water 83 Colville Tribe MOA (199604200) Colville Tribe MOA (200000100) Colville Tribe MOA (200810200) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200714500) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Obtain additional instream water rights. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs. Improve degraded water quality Improve hatchery practices Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate Reduce sediment recruitment by improving road maintenance. Reduce high water temperatures by restoring natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Reduce or eliminate presence of out of subbasin stock on spawning grounds Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological Draft-11/05/2008 Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fish Populations and Habitat in Salmon Creek Okanogan River Water Acquisition (Commitment to allocate some water transactions project funding to Okanogan) Land and Water Acquisition Colville Tribe MOA (199604200) Colville Tribe MOA (200201301) Colville Tribe MOA (200810400) CBFWA recommendation Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fish Populations and Habitat in Salmon Creek Colville Tribe MOA (199604200) CBFWA recommendation Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fish Populations and Habitat in Salmon Creek Anadromous Fish Habitat & Pass Okanogan Habitat Chief Joseph Hatchery Program Develop a locally-adapted summer steelhead program to supplement natural production throughout the Okanogan River basin Restore and Enhance Anadromous Fish Populations and Habitat in Salmon Creek Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Project (OBMEP) Colville Tribe MOA (199604200) Colville Tribe MOA (200000100) Colville Tribe MOA (200810200) Colville Tribe MOA (200302300) Colville Tribe MOA (200721200) Colville Tribe MOA (199604200) Colville Tribe MOA (200302200) CBFWA recommendation 84 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Anadromous Fish Habitat & Pass Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Project (OBMEP) 85 Colville Tribe MOA (200000100) Colville Tribe MOA (200302200) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Columbia Upper Middle Subbasin Recommended Measure Source of Measure Recondition Upper Columbia kelt steelhead Columbia Cascade Pump Screen Correction Steelhead Spawning Ground Surveys, Flow, and Temperature Monitoring of Small Tributaries of the Upper Middle Mainstem Columbia River. Riparian Acquisitions and Subsequent O&M -- ESA Salmon habitat Selective Harvest Evaluation and Sampling (recreational)/ Fishery Conservation Effectiveness Program Monitoring, Region 2. Habitat Permitting and Compliance Adult and Juvenile Abundance Monitoring-Region 2 (PRD steelhead) Adult and Juvenile Abundance Monitoring-Region 2 (UCR steelhead) Watershed Projects - Region 2 Status and Trend Project Development / Mgt RME Existing (Regional RM&E Coordination - Monitoring) Upper Columbia Spring Chinook - Nutrient Supplementation Upper Columbia Steelhead - Nutrient Supplementation Upper Columbia Steelhead Kelt Reconditioning 86 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200871400) FCRPS BiOp (200703400 WDFW Comment (200704600*) WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment WDFW Comment Yakama Nation MOA (200844700) Yakama Nation MOA (200844800) Yakama Nation MOA (200844900) Yakama Nation MOA (200845600) Yakama Nation MOA (200845700) Yakama Nation MOA (200845800) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Blue Mountain Province Asotin Creek Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Recommended Measure Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Reconnect floodplains to channels. CBFWA recommendation Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Continued Implementation of Prioritized Asotin Creek Watershed Habitat Projects Continued Riparian Buffer Projects on Couse/Tenmile and other Salmonid Bearing Streams in Asotin County. Protect and Restore the Asotin Creek Watershed Install and maintain riparian fencing. Continued Implementation of Prioritized Asotin Creek Watershed Habitat Projects Continued Riparian Buffer Projects on Couse/Tenmile and other Salmonid Bearing Streams in Asotin County. 87 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401805) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200205000) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200205400*) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401805) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 (200205000) Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Reconnect floodplains to channels. Protect and Restore the Asotin Creek Watershed Reconnect side channels and offchannel habitats to stream channels. Remove dikes and levies. Install water control structures in fields, draws, ditches, etc. Protect and Restore the Asotin Creek Watershed Reduce sediment recruitment by improving road and ditch maintenance. Continued Implementation of Prioritized Asotin Creek Watershed Habitat Projects CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Continued Riparian Buffer Projects on Couse/Tenmile and other Salmonid Bearing Streams in Asotin County. Protect and Restore the Asotin Creek Watershed Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200205400*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200205400*) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401805) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (200205000) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200205400*) Relocate roads where feasible. Protect and Restore the Asotin Creek Watershed Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200205400*) Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to improve anadromous fish returns to the Asotin Subbasin Asotin Spring Chinook reintroduction Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation 88 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. and to achieve objectives. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Asotin Spring Chinook reintroduction Assess Salmonids in Asotin Creek Watershed Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/WDFW Comment (200205300) CBFWA recommendation Continued Implementation of Prioritized Asotin Creek Watershed Habitat Projects Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199401805) CBFWA recommendation 89 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Grande Ronde River Subbasin Strategy Recommended Measure Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project CTUIR Ceded Area Priority Stream Corridor Convservation and Protection (capital acquisition) (Formerly: Expanded CTUIR Ceded Area Priority Stream Corridor Protection- Conservation Easements and Acquisition (upper Grande Ronde a priority area)). Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed NPT Protect and Restore NE OR Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore natural channel form. Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820700) ODFW Recommendation (199202601) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739300) Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) ODFW Recommendation (199202601) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation ODFW Recommendation (199202601) Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement Stabilize and protect stream banks. Source of Measure CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration - 90 Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) ODFW Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Planning, Coordination and Implementation Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. Develop riparian buffers and setbacks. ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement Install riparian exclosure fencing. CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Obtain additional instream water rights. Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. (199202601) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) ODFW Recommendation (199202601) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) CBFWA recommendation Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) ODFW Recommendation (199202601) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) CBFWA recommendation Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed 91 Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Draft-11/05/2008 ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement ODFW Recommendation (199202601) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) Increase riparian shading. CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Reduce sediment recruitment by restoring natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to improve anadromous fish returns to the Grande Ronde subbasin and to achieve Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed Grand Ronde Model Watershed Program Habitat Restoration Planning, Coordination and Implementation Protecting & Restoring the Wallowa River Watershed ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement Grande Ronde Coho Reintroduction 92 Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) ODFW Recommendation (199202601) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) ODFW Recommendation (199202601) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (198402500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200710500*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation. objectives. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Draft-11/05/2008 Grande Ronde Supplementation Operations and Maintenance Snake River Safety Net Program - UGR and CC Snake River fall Chinook - modify ponds at Lyons Ferry to improve adult holding Grande Ronde/Imnaha Endemic Spring Chinook Supplementation – Northeast Oregon Hatchery Grande Ronde Supp Lostine O&M/M&E Grande Ronde Coho Reintroduction Fall Chinook Cottonwood Pond Wallowa Lake Sockeye Northeast Oregon (NEOH) Outplanting Facilities Master Plan Grande Ronde Basin Endemic Spring Chinook Supplementation Project: Northeast Oregon hatcheries implementation-ODFW Grande Ronde Captive Brood O&M OR Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. CTUIR Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project Grande Ronde Cooperative Salmonid Monitoring and Evaluation Project Joseph Creek Steelhead Abundance ODFW Blue Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement 93 Umatilla Tribe MOA (19980070) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820800) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200821000) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (198805301) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199800702) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation ODFW Recommendation (198805305) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199800704) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199801001) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (200740400) Umatilla Tribe MOA (199608300) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200708300) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Oregon Plan Monitoring of Steelhead Status, Trend, and Habitat in the Grande Ronde River Subbasin. (198402500) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199202604) ODFW Recommendation (200733700*) Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Grande Ronde Cooperative Salmonid Monitoring and Evaluation Project Oregon Plan Monitoring of Steelhead Status, Trend, and Habitat in the Grande Ronde River Subbasin. Umatilla Tribe MOA (200708300) ODFW Recommendation (200733700*) Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Grande Ronde Cooperative Salmonid Monitoring and Evaluation Project Grande Ronde Supp Lostine O&M/M&E Investigate Life History Of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde River Subbasin Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Captive Broodstock Artificial Propagation NEOH Monitoring & Evaluation Implementation Investigate Life History Of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde River Subbasin Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Grande Ronde Cooperative Salmonid Monitoring and Evaluation Project 94 Umatilla Tribe MOA (200708300) 199800702 FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199800702) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199801006) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200713200*) FCRPS BiOp Action/ODFW Recommendation (199202604) Umatilla Tribe MOA (200708300) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Imnaha River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Restore natural channel form. CBFWA recommendation Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect stream banks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. CBFWA recommendation Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. CBFWA recommendation Develop riparian buffers and setbacks. CBFWA recommendation Install riparian exclosure fencing. Obtain additional instream water rights. CBFWA recommendation Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 95 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation. Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs. Increase riparian shading. Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to improve anadromous fish returns to the Imnaha Subbasin and to achieve objectives. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Draft-11/05/2008 CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Imnaha River Smolt to Adult Return Rate and Smolt Monitoring Project Adult Steelhead Escapement Monitoring - Imnaha River Subbasin Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation/ODFW Recommendation (199701501) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200205600*) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 96 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Recommendations. Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. Imnaha River Smolt to Adult Return Rate and Smolt Monitoring Project Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation/ODFW Recommendation (199701501) CBFWA recommendation 97 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Snake Hells Canyon Subbasin Strategy Recommended Measure Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore normative hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Source of Measure Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Restore natural channel form. CBFWA recommendation Place stable wood and other large organic debris in streambeds. CBFWA recommendation Stabilize and protect stream banks. Restore natural riparian vegetative communities. CBFWA recommendation Implement grazing strategies that promote riparian recovery. CBFWA recommendation Develop riparian buffers and setbacks. CBFWA recommendation Install riparian exclosure fencing. Obtain additional instream water rights. CBFWA recommendation Improve irrigation conveyance and efficiency. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 98 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Enhance hyporheic flows and spring inputs. Increase riparian shading. Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to improve anadromous fish returns to the Snake Hells Canyon Subbasin and to achieve objectives. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Draft-11/05/2008 CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Kelt Recondition/Repro Success Spawning distribution of Snake River Fall Chinook salmon CRITFC MOA (200740100) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (198801003) CBFWA recommendation Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness CBFWA recommendation 99 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. CBFWA recommendation Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. CBFWA recommendation Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. CBFWA recommendation 100 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Mountain Snake Province Clearwater River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Recommended Measure Protect and Restore Waw'aalamnime to 'Imnamatnoon Creek Analysis Area Protect & Restore the Big Canyon Creek Watershed Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed Rehabilitate Newsome Creek Protect And Restore Mill Creek Protect & Restore Red River Watershed Protect and Restore Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area Restore and Protect Crooked River Watershed Restore and Protect American River Watershed Protect and Restore the Middle Lochsa Protect and Restore the Upper Lochsa Watershed 101 Source of Measure FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607703) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901600) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901700) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003600) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207200) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207400) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200713400*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200714200*) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200725500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739500) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Potlatch River Basin Protect and Restore the Lower Lochsa Restore Selway River Watershed Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers in the Lochsa River watershed per priorities described in the recovery plan. Protect and Restore Waw'aalamnime to 'Imnamatnoon Creek Analysis Area Protect and Restore the Middle Lochsa Protect and Restore the Upper Lochsa Watershed Protect and Restore the Lower Lochsa Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Reduce road-related impacts through relocation, reconstruction, or decommissioning, and return road surfaces, cuts, and fills to productivity. Protect and Restore Lolo Creek Watershed Restore McComas Meadows/ Meadow Creek Watershed Protect & Restore the Big Canyon Creek Watershed Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed Rehabilitate Newsome Creek Protect & Restore Red River Watershed Protect and Restore Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area Restore and Protect Crooked River Watershed 102 Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607703) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200725500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607702) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607705) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901600) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901700) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207200) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207400) Nez Perce Tribe Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Restore and Protect American River Watershed Protect and Restore the Middle Lochsa Protect and Restore the Upper Lochsa Watershed Potlatch River Basin Protect and Restore the Lower Lochsa Restore Selway River Watershed Restore channel integrity. Protect and Restore Lolo Creek Watershed Protect & Restore the Big Canyon Creek Watershed Big Canyon Fish Habitat Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed Lapwai Cr Anadromous Habitat Rehabilitate Newsome Creek Protect & Restore Red River Watershed Protect and Restore Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area 103 Recommendation (200713400*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200714200*) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200725500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607702) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901600) IDFG Recommendation (199901500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901700) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200207000) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207200) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Restore Access to Upper Musselshell Creek (200711900) Restore and Protect Crooked River Watershed (200713400) Restore and Protect American River Watershed (200714200) Protect and Restore the Middle Lochsa (200725500) Protect and Restore the Upper Lochsa Watershed (200739500) Potlatch River Basin Protect and Restore the Lower Lochsa Restore Selway River Watershed Restore Potlatch R Watershed Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Establish riparian vegetation to provide cover, stabilize streambanks, reduce stream temperatures, and provide LWD. Protect and Restore Lolo Creek Watershed Protect and Restore Waw'aalamnime to 'Imnamatnoon Creek Analysis Area Protect & Restore the Big Canyon Creek Watershed Big Canyon Fish Habitat Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed 104 (200207400) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200711900*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200713400*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200714200*) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200725500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200206100) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607702) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607703) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901600) IDFG Recommendation (199901500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Lapwai Cr Anadromous Habitat Rehabilitate Newsome Creek Protect And Restore Mill Creek Protect & Restore Red River Watershed Protect and Restore Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area Restore Access to Upper Musselshell Creek Restore and Protect Crooked River Watershed Restore and Protect American River Watershed Protect and Restore the Middle Lochsa Protect and Restore the Upper Lochsa Watershed Potlatch River Basin Protect and Restore the Lower Lochsa Restore Selway River Watershed Restore Potlatch R Watershed 105 (199901700) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200207000) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003600) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207200) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207400) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200711900*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200713400*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200714200*) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200725500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 (200206100) Improve degraded water quality Reduce sediment recruitment by modifying roads and trails. Protect and Restore Lolo Creek Watershed Protect and Restore Waw'aalamnime to 'Imnamatnoon Creek Analysis Area Restore McComas Meadows/ Meadow Creek Watershed Protect & Restore the Big Canyon Creek Watershed Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed Rehabilitate Newsome Creek Protect & Restore Red River Watershed Protect and Restore Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area Restore and Protect Crooked River Watershed Restore and Protect American River Watershed Protect and Restore the Middle Lochsa Protect and Restore the Upper Lochsa Watershed Potlatch River Basin 106 FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607702) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607703) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607705) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901600) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901700) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207200) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207400) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200713400*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200714200*) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200725500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Protect and Restore the Lower Lochsa Restore Selway River Watershed Establish riparian vegetation to provide cover, stabilize streambanks, and reduce stream temperatures. Big Canyon Fish Habitat Lapwai Cr Anadromous Habitat Restore Potlatch R Watershed Reduce high water temperatures by restoring natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Protect and Restore Lolo Creek Watershed Protect and Restore Waw'aalamnime to 'Imnamatnoon Creek Analysis Area Restore McComas Meadows/ Meadow Creek Watershed Protect & Restore the Big Canyon Creek Watershed Big Canyon Fish Habitat Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed Lapwai Cr Anadromous Habitat Rehabilitate Newsome Creek Protect And Restore Mill Creek 107 Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation IDFG Recommendation (199901500) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200207000) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200206100) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607702) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607703) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199607705) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901600) IDFG Recommendation (199901500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199901700) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200207000) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200003600) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Protect & Restore Red River Watershed Protect and Restore Crooked Fork to Colt Killed Analysis Area Restore and Protect Crooked River Watershed Restore and Protect American River Watershed Protect and Restore the Middle Lochsa Protect and Restore the Upper Lochsa Watershed Potlatch River Basin Protect and Restore the Lower Lochsa Restore Selway River Watershed Restore Potlatch R Watershed Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to improve anadromous fish returns to the Clearwater River and to achieve objectives. Nutrient Enhancement Project Lower Clearwater River/Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan Implementation Clearwater Focus Program, Idaho SCC Coho Restoration O&M 108 FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207200) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200207400) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200713400*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200714200*) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200725500) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200206100) IDFG MOA (200860700) IDFG MOA (200860400) IDFG Recommendation (199608600) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Increase hatchery effectiveness for restoration and mitigation. Continue implementation of existing Resident Fish Substitution actions to partially mitigate for the blocked area behind Dworshak Dam. Explore and implement additional Resident Fish Substitution actions towards mitigation for the Dworshak blocked area. Explore and implement innovative hatchery actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Draft-11/05/2008 CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Operations & Maintenance Clearwater River Spring Chinook smolt production at NPTH Kooskia Fish Hatchery improvements - Clear Creek Spring Chinook South Fork Clearwater steelhead supplementation Snake River fall chinook supplementation-Fall Chinook Acclimation Project (FCAP) Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Idaho Steelhead Monitoring and Evaluation Studies Idaho Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation Distribution and Abundance Monitoring of Oncorhynchus mykiss within the Lower Clearwater Subbasin Natural-origin Snake River Steelhead MPG Abundance via radio tagging and Genetic Stock Indexing (GSI) at Lower Granite Dam, with special attention to B-run Idaho Supplementation Studies 109 Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (198335003) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199801005) IDFG MOA (199005500) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107300) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200723300) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (198909800) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Draft-11/05/2008 Idaho Steelhead Monitoring and Evaluation Studies Snake River steelhead annual run-reconstruction of hatchery returns, harvest, and escapement to known and unknown population areas Idaho Supplementation Studies Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (198909800) Idaho Steelhead Monitoring and Evaluation Studies IDFG MOA (199005500) Idaho Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107300) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200723300) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Distribution and Abundance Monitoring of Oncorhynchus mykiss within the Lower Clearwater Subbasin Natural-origin Snake River Steelhead MPG Abundance via radio tagging and Genetic Stock Indexing (GSI) at Lower Granite Dam, with special attention to B-run Evaluating Stream Habitat Using the Nez Perce Tribe - DFRM Watershed Monitoring Plan Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Recommendations. IDFG MOA (199005500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Idaho Steelhead Monitoring and Evaluation Studies IDFG MOA (199005500) Idaho Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107300) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (198335003) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery M&E B-run steelhead supplementation effectiveness research in Lolo Creek and South Fork Clearwater Snake River steelhead annual run-reconstruction of hatchery returns, harvest, and escapement to known and unknown population areas Idaho Supplementation Studies 110 FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (198909800) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. Draft-11/05/2008 Idaho Steelhead Monitoring and Evaluation Studies Snake River steelhead annual run-reconstruction of hatchery returns, harvest, and escapement to known and unknown population areas 111 IDFG MOA (199005500) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Salmon River Subbasin Strategy Protect and conserve natural ecological processes Continue existing protections, and increase protection of high quality habitats through acquisition, conservation easements, and cooperative agreements. Draft-11/05/2008 Recommended Measure Upper Lemhi River Acquisition and Habitat Restoration: Acquisition Lower Lemhi River Habitat Restoration Project: Easements Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Monitoring Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Remove or replace culverts and other passage barriers per priorities described in the recovery plan. Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Project via Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Idaho Fish Screening and Passage Improvements Upper Salmon Screen Tributary Passage Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Coordinate and implement tributary habitat restoration in the Little Salmon River and lower Salmon River Idaho Big Creek Habitat and Passage 112 Source of Measure IDFG MOA (200860100) IDFG MOA (200860500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200740200) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200726800) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199401500) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200739900) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Recommendation ( 200706500*) FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Recommendation Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA ESA Habitat Restoration Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Reintroduce native salmon species in areas where they have been extirpated by human activities. Reduce road-related impacts through relocation, reconstruction, or decommissioning, and return road surfaces, cuts, and fills to productivity. CBFWA recommendation Restore Salmon River (Challis, Idaho) Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Project via Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Upper Lemhi River Acquisition and Habitat Restoration: Restoration Activities Pahsimeroi River Habitat Project Protect and Restore Slate Creek Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels Restore Salmon River (Challis, Idaho) Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Project via Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Idaho Fish Screening and Passage Improvements Upper Salmon Screen Tributary Passage Upper Lemhi River Acquisition and Habitat Restoration: Restoration Activities Pahsimeroi River Habitat Project Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides 113 FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199901900) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200726800) IDFG MOA (200860200) IDFG MOA (200860300) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199901900) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200726800) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199401500) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200739900) IDFG MOA (200860200) IDFG MOA (200860300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Protect and Restore Slate Creek FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) Protect and Restore the Little Salmon Watershed Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712800*) Protect and restore Big Creek Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Big Creek Habitat and Passage FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Recommendation Yankee Fork Salmon River Dredge Tailings Restoration Project ESA Habitat Restoration Reconnect tributaries and ponds to river. Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp /New Recommendation (200205900) Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA Restore Salmon River (Challis, Idaho) Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Project via Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Idaho Fish Screening and Passage Improvements Upper Salmon Screen Tributary Passage Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides 114 FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199901900) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200726800) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199401500) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200739900) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Protect and Restore Slate Creek Reestablish Connectivity and Restore Fish Habitat in the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River Watershed Protect and Restore the Little Salmon Watershed FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712700) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712800*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Big Creek Habitat and Passage FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Recommendation ESA Habitat Restoration Establish riparian vegetation to provide cover, stabilize streambanks, reduce stream temperatures, and provide LWD. FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) Protect and restore Big Creek Yankee Fork Salmon River Dredge Tailings Restoration Project Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp /New Recommendation (200205900) Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA Restore Salmon River (Challis, Idaho) Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Project via Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Upper Lemhi River Acquisition and Habitat Restoration: Restoration Activities Pahsimeroi River Habitat Project 115 FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199901900) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200726800) IDFG MOA (200860200) IDFG MOA (200860300) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Protect and Restore Slate Creek Reestablish Connectivity and Restore Fish Habitat in the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River Watershed Protect and Restore the Little Salmon Watershed Protect and restore Big Creek Coordinate and implement tributary habitat restoration in the Little Salmon River and lower Salmon River Idaho Big Creek Habitat and Passage Salmon River Habitat Enhancement ESA Habitat Restoration Reduce road densities. Protect and Restore Slate Creek 116 FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712700) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712800*) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Recommendation ( 200706500*) FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Recommendation FCRPS BiOp /New Recommendation (199405000) Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Improve degraded water quality Draft-11/05/2008 Reduce road densities. Protect and Restore Slate Creek FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) Reduce sediment recruitment by modifying roads and trails. Upper Lemhi River Acquisition and Habitat Restoration: Restoration Activities Pahsimeroi River Habitat Project IDFG MOA (200860200) Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Project via Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Protect and Restore Slate Creek Reestablish Connectivity and Restore Fish Habitat in the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River Watershed Rehabilitate abandoned mine sites. Reestablish Connectivity and Restore Fish Habitat in the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River Watershed Reduce sediment and metals recruitment by rehabilitating abandoned mine sites in the Big Creek, Bear Valley Creek, and Yankee Fork watersheds. Reduce high water temperatures by restoring natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat Salmon River Habitat Enhancement Yankee Fork Salmon River Dredge Tailings Restoration Project Restore Salmon River (Challis, Idaho) Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Project via Custer Soil and Water Conservation District Upper Lemhi River Acquisition and Habitat Restoration: 117 IDFG MOA (200860300) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200726800) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712700) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712700) FCRPS BiOp /New Recommendation (199405000) FCRPS BiOp /New Recommendation (200205900) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199901900) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200726800) IDFG MOA (200860200) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions quality/quantity limitations. Draft-11/05/2008 Restoration Activities Pahsimeroi River Habitat Project Lower Lemhi River Habitat Restoration Project: Habitat restoration Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Protect and Restore Slate Creek Reestablish Connectivity and Restore Fish Habitat in the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River Watershed Protect and Restore the Little Salmon Watershed IDFG MOA (200860600) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200706400) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712700) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200712800*) Protect and restore Big Creek Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Big Creek Habitat and Passage FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Recommendation Salmon River Habitat Enhancement FCRPS BiOp /New Recommendation (199405000) Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA ESA Habitat Restoration Increase stream/lake IDFG MOA (200860300) Nutrient Enhancement Project 118 IDFG MOA (200860700) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Restore natural hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. productivity to near historic levels to increase growth and survival of juvenile salmonids. Identify opportunities to restore streamflows in the Camas Creek and Yankee Fork watersheds. Improve irrigation efficiencies. Draft-11/05/2008 Nutrient Supplementation for ESA CBFWA recommendation Idaho Fish Screening and Passage Improvements Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Coordinate and implement tributary habitat restoration in the Little Salmon River and lower Salmon River Idaho Sequence diversion operations. Idaho Fish Screening and Passage Improvements Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project (USBWP) provides technical and administrative support with project implementation guidance to landowners to implement fish habitat projects on private lands Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration Lemhi County Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Reconnect mainstem tributaries. Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199401500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) FCRPS BiOp RPA/New Recommendation ( 200706500*) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199401500) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199202603) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (200739400) CBFWA recommendation Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Rearing and Research 119 FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199204000) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to improve anadromous fish returns to the Salmon River subbasin and to achieve objectives. Draft-11/05/2008 Idaho Supplementation Studies Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Program Idaho Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (Construction) Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (Planning) IDFG MOA (200740200) Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (O&M) IDFG MOA (200740200) Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (Purchase) ID Snake River Spr/Summer Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation Increased Snake River Sockeye Production – Planning and Design Idaho Supplementation Studies Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement Project Lemhi Spring Chinook supplementation Broodstock Management Plan for Sawtooth, Pahsimeroi, McCall Hatcheries-Snake R spring/summer chinook (post ISS) Idaho Supplementation Studies Supplementation Projects Increase hatchery effectiveness for Explore and implement innovative hatchery FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (198909800) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107200) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199700100) IDFG MOA (200740200) Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Rearing and Research 120 IDFG MOA (200740200) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200740300) IDFG MOA (200799000) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (198909802) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199604300) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (198909800) Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions restoration and mitigation actions to achieve both restoration and mitigation objectives. Draft-11/05/2008 Idaho Supplementation Studies Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Program Idaho Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (Construction) Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (Planning) Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (O&M) Snake River Salmon Sockeye Captive Propagation (Purchase) ID Snake River Spr/Summer Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation Increased Snake River Sockeye Production – Planning and Design OR Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation; Manchester Spring Chinook Captive Broodstock Project Idaho Supplementation Studies Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement Project Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring [Formerly Listed Stock Adult Escapement] Lemhi Spring Chinook supplementation Broodstock Management Plan for Sawtooth, Pahsimeroi, McCall Hatcheries-Snake R spring/summer Chinook (post ISS) 121 (199204000) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (198909800) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107200) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199700100) IDFG MOA (200740200) IDFG MOA (200740200) IDFG MOA (200740200) IDFG MOA (200740200) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200740300) IDFG MOA (200799000) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199606700) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (198909802) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199604300) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199703000) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Idaho Supplementation Studies Supplementation Projects Monitor status and trends of focal species and populations Establish or use preexisting index sites to gather baseline, trend, and comparative data. Idaho Natural Production Monitoring Pit Tagging Wild Chinook Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP) Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Monitoring Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. Develop methods to monitor biological response to habitat improvement. Idaho Natural Production Monitoring Pit Tagging Wild Chinook Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP) Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring [Formerly Listed Stock Adult Escapement] Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Monitoring Monitor effectiveness of hatchery and natural production Idaho Natural Production Monitoring 122 FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (198909800) Shoshone Bannock Tribe MOA FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199102800) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (2000301700) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200740200) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107300) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (199102800) FCRPS BiOp Action/New Recommendation (2000301700) FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199703000) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200740200) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (199107300) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Recommendations. Draft-11/05/2008 Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring [Formerly Listed Stock Adult Escapement] Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Monitoring Little Salmon River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Genetic Characterization Gather and analyze harvest data to aid in run reconstruction to evaluate status and action effectiveness. FCRPS BiOp Action/Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation (199703000) FCRPS BiOp Action/IDFG Recommendation (200740200) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation CBFWA recommendation 123 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Middle Snake Province Malheur River Subbasin Strategy Restore passage and connectivity to habitats blocked or impaired by artificial barriers. Restore floodplain connectivity and function. Restore channel structure and complexity. Restore riparian condition and LWD recruitment Restore natural Reintroduce native salmon species in areas where they have been extirpated by human activities. Reduce road-related impacts through relocation, reconstruction, or decommissioning, and return road surfaces, cuts, and fills to productivity. Reconnect side channels and off-channel habitats to stream channels. Reconnect tributaries and ponds to river. Restore natural channel form. Increase role and abundance of wood and large organic debris in streambeds. Stabilize and protect streambanks. Establish riparian vegetation to provide cover, stabilize streambanks, reduce stream temperatures, and provide LWD. Reduce road densities. Improve irrigation Recommended Measure Inventory and assess habitat status and needs for anadromous reintroductions in Eastern Oregon tributaries above Hells Canyon Dam 124 Source of Measure Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820400) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions hydrograph to provide sufficient flow during critical periods. Improve degraded water quality Mitigate for impeded and blocked passage Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to implement Recommendations. conveyance and efficiency. Sequence diversion operations. Reconnect mainstem tributaries. Reduce high water temperatures by restoring natural functions and processes through Recommendations identified to address physical habitat quality/quantity limitations. Implement a mix of artificial propagation Recommendations, habitat restoration actions, improved mainstem passage and survival in an integrated approach to restore anadromous fish returns to the Malheur River subbasin and to achieve objectives. Conduct feasibility studies to asses and plan the reintroduction of anadromous fish to the Malheur River subbasin. Draft-11/05/2008 Inventory and assess habitat status and needs for anadromous reintroductions in Eastern Oregon tributaries above Hells Canyon Dam 125 Umatilla Tribe MOA (200820400) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Draft-11/05/2008 Pacific Lamprey Strategy Improve adult and juvenile Pacific lamprey passage survival and reduce delays in migration. Continue restoring freshwater spawning and rearing habitat for anadromous lampreys Reintroduce and restore lamprey Recommended Measure Develop and implement aids to passage at known and suspected lamprey passage obstacles. Identify additional specific structures or operations that delay, obstruct, or kill migrating lamprey. Monitor lamprey passage to evaluate passage improvement actions and to identify additional passage problem areas. Assess passage efficiency, direct mortality, and/or other metrics that relate to migratory success. Develop, implement, and evaluate lampreyspecific restoration projects (restoring natural processes in the absence of information on limiting factors). Identify ongoing habitat restoration and safetynet activities and evaluate their effects on lamprey. Develop, implement, and monitor restoration Source of Measure Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project (Umatilla Subbasin) Lamprey Mainstem passage design assistance Umatilla Tribe MOA (199402600) CRITFC MOA (200852400) Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project (Umatilla Subbasin) Lamprey Mainstem passage design assistance Umatilla Tribe MOA (199402600) CRITFC MOA (200852400) Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project (Umatilla Subbasin) Lamprey Mainstem passage design assistance Umatilla Tribe MOA (199402600) CRITFC MOA (200852400) Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project (Umatilla Subbasin) Willamette Falls lamprey escapement and population status study Lamprey Mainstem passage design assistance Umatilla Tribe MOA (199402600) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830800) CRITFC MOA (200852400) CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project (Umatilla Subbasin) 126 Umatilla Tribe MOA (199402600) Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions production to suitable habitats where they no longer occur, and monitor results. Develop a collaborative lamprey conservation, restoration, and management plan. actions. Draft-11/05/2008 Adult Lamprey Translocation and other data compilation and database Improve our understanding and documentation of critical uncertainties by updating the Columbia River Basin Lamprey Technical Workgroup Critical Uncertainties document as part of a Columbia Basin lamprey conservation plan. Support development of a Columbia Basin lamprey management plan. The plan should include: (1) abundance targets Recommendationd at mainstem dams and tributaries, and (2) adult and juvenile passage efficiency targets and performance standards for mainstem dams. Identify research and analyses that address critical uncertainties regarding lamprey habitat, status, distribution, and genetic structure. Develop and maintain a regional Pacific lamprey data base for housing Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation 127 Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions Better understand lamprey status and accessing historic, current and new literature on distribution, life history, ecology, status, restoration, and cultural values. Compile and evaluate current and historical information on Pacific lamprey distribution, abundance and status within the Columbia Basin. Draft-11/05/2008 Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteenmile Subbasin, Oregon Evaluate the Status of Pacific Lamprey in the Lower Deschutes River Subbasin, Oregon Pacific Lamprey status assessment (Tucannon Subbasin) Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project (Umatilla Subbasin) Ammocoete densities (Yakima Subbasin) Lamprey presence /absence and other baseline in Upper Columbia and Yakima Willamette Falls lamprey escapement and population status study Snake River Lamprey data collection Ammocoete data collection Relative abundance, distribution, and population structure of lampreys in the Columbia River Basin Pacific Lamprey Status Assessment in Washington Adult Lamprey Translocation and other data compilation and database Develop methods to differentiate among species at all life stages (field-based). Develop standardized sampling protocols and conduct systematic basin-wide surveys to assess adult and Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200700700) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200201600) WDFW Comment Umatilla Tribe MOA (199402600) Yakama Nation MOA (200845000) Yakama Nation MOA (200846000) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830800) Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation New Recommendation (200716500*) WDFW Comment Nez Perce Tribe Recommendation CBFWA recommendation Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteenmile Subbasin, Oregon Evaluate the Status of Pacific Lamprey in the Lower Deschutes River Subbasin, Oregon Pacific Lamprey status assessment (Tucannon Subbasin) 128 Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200700700) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200201600) WDFW Comment Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions juvenile abundance and distribution. Draft-11/05/2008 Ammocoete densities (Yakima Subbasin) Lamprey presence /absence and other baseline in Upper Columbia and Yakima Define, improve, and continue historic distribution and abundance indices (e.g., dam counts, tribal harvest records, smolt trap collections, etc). Determine anadromous lamprey population structure Determine anadromous lamprey limiting factors Coordinate information exchange with existing and future projects not targeting lamprey specifically. Supplement existing libraries of genetic markers for lamprey (e.g., microsatellites, single nucleotide polymorphisms). Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteenmile Subbasin, Oregon Evaluate the Status of Pacific Lamprey in the Lower Deschutes River Subbasin, Oregon Pacific Lamprey status assessment (Tucannon Subbasin) Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project (Umatilla Subbasin) Willamette Falls lamprey escapement and population status study Yakama Nation MOA (200845000) Yakama Nation MOA (200846000) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200700700) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200201600) WDFW Comment Umatilla Tribe MOA (199402600) Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200830800) CBFWA recommendation Relative abundance, distribution, and population structure of lampreys in the Columbia River Basin New Recommendation (200716500) Collect and maintain lamprey tissue samples from the Columbia River Basin and neighboring basins. Relative abundance, distribution, and population structure of lampreys in the Columbia River Basin New Recommendation (200716500*) Investigate and determine population characteristics. Document habitat preferences and habitat availability for all life stages of anadromous Relative abundance, distribution, and population structure of lampreys in the Columbia River Basin New Recommendation (200716500*) Evaluate the Status of Pacific Lamprey in the Lower Deschutes River Subbasin, Oregon Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in 129 Warm Springs Tribe MOA (200201600) Warm Springs Tribe MOA Attachment 2b: Anadromous Fish Provisions lamprey. Evaluate the physiological and behavioral responses of lamprey to a variety of environmental stressors. Describe anadromous lamprey biology and ecology Describe anadromous lamprey population dynamics Draft-11/05/2008 Fifteenmile Subbasin, Oregon (200700700) CBFWA recommendation Assess trophic relationships. Assess the potential magnitude and effect of predation on lamprey productivity. Describe the ecological function of anadromous lamprey. Describe the biology of anadromous lamprey. CBFWA recommendation Develop methodology for gender identification in the field and laboratory. Develop aging techniques. Assess life history characteristics of freshwater and oceanphase anadromous lamprey. Estimate demographic rate parameters capable of changing the size of populations such as birth, death, immigration, and emigration rates. CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation CBFWA recommendation H:\WORK\MAG\2008_1113\Attachment2b_AnadromousFishProvisions(110508).docc H:\WORK\MBRS\2008_1117\Attachment2b_AnadromousFishProvisions(110508).doc 130