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Page 3: CPD Cycle Explained – Stage 2: Plan
Stage 2: Plan
The planning stage of the CPD cycle gives registrants the
opportunity to identify particular learning activities that
address the learning needs and outcomes identified in stage
1 of the process. The planning stage allows registrants to
prioritise their learning needs and outcomes and to select a
suitable timeframe for achieving these goals. This stage
encourages registrants to ensure that a wide range of
learning activities is included in the plan. This planning stage
acts as a roadmap for the 24 month cycle ahead and although
provides guidance for CPD, is not set in stone. Unplanned
learning activities will arise and these can be included at a
later stage in the portfolio. Additional learning needs can be
added to the plan throughout the 24 month cycle as they
• Planned activities
• Unplanned
The planning stage can be carried by the registrant alone or
in conjunction with an employer, manager, supervisor or colleagues. On completion of the planning stage, a
Personal Learning Plan will have been developed.
Personal Learning Plan: This sets out the professional learning and development needs of the registrant and
details how the registrant plans to address those needs by undertaking a number of appropriate CPD activities
This approach is flexible to accommodate each registrant’s personal situation. This allows for planning CPD
activities that are reflective of different learning approaches, possible geographical constraints and isolated
practice. A wide range of diverse CPD activities are recognised for the purpose of CPD and it is useful to review
this list during the planning stage. Profession specific sample activity lists are available in the CPD Standards
and Requirements.
Learning needs and outcomes need to be prioritised during the planning stage and an appropriate time frame
for achieving this goal needs to be set.
It is important that registrants complete a range of CPD activities within their 60 CPD credits, as submitting just
one type of CPD activity would not be considered to satisfy the requirement. The CPD standard states that
registrants must complete CPD on an on-going basis. This does not mean that registrants need to be
continually doing CPD, but they need to be regularly engaging with CPD activities and keeping an accurate, up
to date record.
Page 3: CPD Cycle Explained – Stage 2: Plan
The planning stage of the CPD cycle is extremely useful for registrants as it creates a plan for the foreseeable
future. The approach is flexible enough to be tailored to personal situations taking into account isolated or
supported practice, geographical location and financial and time implications. This plan helps registrants to
prioritise the learning activities to be completed, but is not all encompassing. The cycle still allows for valuable
unplanned learning which may occur during the course of work.