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DNA PPT REVIEW QUESTIONS 1.What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
2. Why is DNA replication important?
It carries all of our genetic information
3. Describe what a DNA molecule looks like.
Twisted ladder - double helix
4. What are the sides of a DNA molecule made of?
Sugar and Phosphate
5. What are the “rungs” of a DNA molecule made of?
Bases and a hydrogen bond
6. What are the names of the 4 rungs on a DNA molecule?
7. What does Adenine pair with?
8. What does Guanine pair with?
9. What 3 things is a nucleotide made of?
Sugar, Phosphate, base
10. Draw a picture of a DNA molecule and label the parts.
11. List the steps of DNA replication.
1. DNA molecule separates & unwinds between nitrogen pairs
2. Nitrogen bases pair up with bases on each ½ of the original DNA
3. TWO IDENTICAL strands of DNA!
12. What is the name of the organelle in a eukaryotic cell that contains DNA?
Write the corresponding base pairs for the following nitrogen bases:
13. . A T T G A C A C C G T A G G
14. T G G G C A T T A C G A A T
15. C G A A A T G C A A T G C A
16. A A T G C C A T G C A T T C
17. Describe what “semiconservative replication” means.
After replication, there are TWO DNA molecules:
Each new DNA molecule has one original strand and one brand new strand (semiconservative
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