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Rand Water invites students/undergraduates who are interested in joining the Water Industry to apply for our External Bursary Scheme in the study
fields mentioned below:
BSc Electrical Engineering (heavy/light current)
BSc Chemical Engineering
BSc Civil Engineering
BSc Mechanical Engineering
BSc Information Technology
BSc Architecture
BSc Quantity Survey
Degree Bachelor of Commerce
Degree Bachelor of Law
Degree Financial Accounting
ND Environmental Science
ND Water Care
ND Human Resources Management
Chartered Secretariat
In making the final selection, first preference will be given to:
Previously disadvantaged individuals
People with disabilities and females
South African Citizens
Bursaries are available to South African citizens who have achieved an average of 70%+, are matriculating at the end of 2012 or already studying
with a 65 %+ average at the tertiary institution.
Application forms are obtainable at
Completed forms with attachments should be e-mailed to: [email protected].
Should you not receive correspondence from Rand Water within 30 days from the closing date, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE: 31st August 2012